Thousand (1000)
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 24
Number of players: 3
The seniority of the cards: 9, B, D, K, 10, T.
Purpose of the game: first score 1000 points or more.
Rules of the game
Thousand very popular card game in Russia, especially among youth and students. The game is considered intellectual, because to win it is necessary to think, analyze and be able to take risks in the right situation. The goal of the game is to set the player to 1000 or more points. The game consists of several parts, which can be 10, and maybe 20, 30 or more. A separate party consists of four important stages: the delivery of cards, trade, rally and scoring.
Delivery of cards. The first deliverer in the game is determined by a lot, in the next games players pass cards in turn clockwise. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed by the player to the left of the handler (the withdrawal means splitting the deck into 2 parts and exchanging them in the deck), then the handler looks at the bottom card in the deck, if this card is nine, this card is shown to all players and the deck is being removed. If the player to the left of the handler has removed the deck 3 times and the last card was 3 times nine, then this player is penalized in the amount of -120 points. If the last card is jack, then the sender himself removes the deck, but only once, regardless of which card is the bottom of the deck. After this, each player is dealt 7 cards one at a time, and the remaining 3 cards are placed in the center of the table in a closed form, this is a draw.
Trade. The next stage of the game is trading, where players are bargaining for the right to bet in the game and win the points of this bet in the draw. Often the rate is called an order. The first bet is the deliverer, and this does not depend on his desire, the bet of the deliverer immediately equals 100 points. The following players clockwise depending on their desire can bargain, raising the rate, and they can say "Paz" and skip trade if the player folds, then he does not participate in further trade in this game. If a player is traded, then he must raise the last player's bet by at least 5 points. A player can not bet more than 120 points if his cards do not have a king and a lady of the same suit, a pair of these cards is called "marjage". That is, you can not bargain above the value of 120 points plus points for marjage or marjages, if there are several.
Points for cards

Points for the marjazh

Players continue to trade until two players say "Paz". After this card, 3 cards of the buy-in are opened and given to the player who won the trade. Then this player chooses any of his two unnecessary cards and gives one to each opponent one by one. Further, the player who wins the trade announces his final bet, which he can raise (you can not lower the bet), and the next stage of the game begins - a draw of cards. If this player, after taking the cards, sees that he will not be able to take with the cards the amount of points he announced at his bet, he can "draw a deck", this means that the player will be deducted the points that He announced in the bet, and each of his rivals will receive 60 points each, after which the sender again shuffles and gives out the cards and the trade begins anew.
Drawing. In the draw of cards, players play all their cards and get points for them. One card from the player, and only three of them, is called a bribe. In total there are 8 bribes in the draw. The first move in the draw belongs to the deliverer. He can go with any of his cards, and every next player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no such card, then he must put a trump card, if there is no trump card, he must put his own card. That player who puts the highest card takes a bribe to himself and gets the first move right in the next trick. The seniority of the cards is determined according to their points. For example, 10 is older than the king, since 10 is 10 points, and the king is 4 points. The lottery process has several features. If the player has a marjage (the lady and the king of the same suit, and sometimes the marjage also counts 4 aces, which will be described below), then the player, provided that he took the previous bribe, can go with one of the maryazh cards from the lady or the king and declare Trump suit. The trump suit will be the suit of the maryazh cards. At the first run of the draw, it is impossible to declare a trump suit, since the player must take a bribe, and only then announce. When announcing a brandy, players often use card slang, putting a map of the marjage, respectively, say "praise", "marjage" and add the following:
- "He," "father," "father" is the king;
- "She", "mother", "mother" - this is a lady;
- "It" is an ace if played with an ace marjazh.
After drawing all the cards, players begin to count points in the taken cards. A player who does not take any bribes gets one "bolt" or "stick". If the player dials 3 bolts, then he is penalized for -120 points. A player who scores 1000 or more points first becomes the winner. On the way to 1000 points there is the next barrier, which is called "barrel". If a player scores between 880 and 1000, it is considered that the player "sat on the barrel," which means that his points become equal to 880 points and to score 1000 or more points, the player needs to do the following. The player sitting on the barrel has only 3 games to do this, since if for 3 games he does not score 1000 or more points, then this player's points are reset to zero. The player for these three games must bet 120 or more points, win the trade and collect these points in the draw.
The game of the Thousand has many agreements, and these are rules changes in the game, so the game becomes so diverse and has as many game options as there is not one card game.
Arrangements in the game
Delivery of cards. If during the distribution of cards one player has 4 nines, then before the commencement of the trade, he may demand a new change of cards.
If, after the cards are distributed, the player's score is less than 14, then before the commencement of the trade, the player may request a new change of cards.
Trade. If the player at the starting moment in the trade minus 120 points, then he has no right to participate in the trade and always folds.
If the amount of cards in the purchase is less than 5 points, then the player who received the stake, at his own discretion, can cancel the results of the trade and demand a new deposit of cards. This rule is valid only if the player received a buy-in on the order of 100 points. If the player raises the stake on their own, then there will be no retake.
If the amount of cards in the purchase is less than 5 points, then the player who received the stake, at his own discretion, can cancel the results of the trade and demand a new deposit of cards. This rule is valid only if the player received a stake at a rate of 100 points. If the player raises the stake on their own, then there will be no retake.
Signals are not 120 points, and the amount of the bet, that is, each of the non-winning players will receive half the stakes.
The number of murals is limited to three for each player.
When painting, the bet is not deducted from the signer.
At the third list the player receives a penalty in the amount of -120 points.
If one of the players is sitting on a barrel and there is no penalty for painting, then paint or not, or you can.
If there is a gold horse and there is no penalty for painting, then paint or not, or you can.
The player can increase his bet during the golden stakes.
If, after demolishing the cards, the player receives 4 nines, then before the start of the game, the player may request a new change of cards.
The game "in the dark" - the meaning of the game is that the player who passes the cards, not looking at his cards, must make a bet of 120 points without fail, the buy-in does not show to anyone if the other two players fold and the bet does not raise, then points scored by this The player in this game is doubled. If any of the other players made a bet more, then the player can see the player in their cards and the game continues as usual, but the glasses no longer increase 2 times.
Darkening is allowed only to the player who sits to the left of the handler.
When playing, the demolition is not shown.
If, after demolition, the amount of cards for a player is less than 14, then the player may request re-cards.
If the player takes a draw at a bet of 100 points, then he does not show this draw to the other players.
Points of the player who ordered (won the trade) game, rounded before comparison with the bet made.
Temnit can only be done if the player has at least 240 points or more 0, or more than 120, etc.
During the "temnilovki" for the announcement of the trump card points do not double.
Once the buy-in is opened, it can be redeemed from the player who won the trade by appointing 120, 240, etc. for him. Points.
During the trade, another five points are added.
Drawing. A trump suit is allowed to be announced on the first move. If in the process of three consecutive games the player did not score any points (called "bolt"), then 120 points are written off from this player.
If the player does not score any points during any three games, then 120 points are written off from him.
"Golden Coe" - the points that the player scored or did not score, in the first three games multiplied by 2. In the first 3 games, each player on his cards must receive 120 points, all points scored are multiplied by 2. If none of the players Did not take 120 points, then the game starts anew.
Ace marjazh - if a player has on his hands 4 aces, then putting on the table the first ace, the player gets 200 points and the trump suit in the game becomes the suit of the first laid out ace.
When announcing an ace marjazh, all 4 aces must be placed in a row. That is, in a row, play 4 bribes with aces.
Only the player who did not announce them can enter from the trump cards. Bedding marjazh - a lady and a jack of the same suit, cost half the cost of the main one.
If the player has four nines on his hands, then putting the first nine, the player gets 360 points. There is an option when the player receives 200 points.
Points for the announced trump card are awarded only to the player who won the bet.
If the player 3 times descended from the barrel, then the account of this player becomes zero.
If one of the players is sitting on a barrel and another player climbed it, the first player rolls down from the barrel.
If 2 or 3 players simultaneously climb the barrel, they immediately roll off of it.
If, after some draw, the player scores 55 points, then the player's score becomes zero.
In order to win the game you need to score more than 1000 points.
You can take penalty points not -120, but, for example, -100.
If the player flies 3 times from the barrel, then his score is equal to five or zero, and then this player must reach a thousand already without a barrel.
Write-off "on aces" - half of his bet is subtracted from the player's points, and a certain number of aces are added to his opponents on his hands.
Dump truck - if the player at the end of the draw gains 555 points, then all his points are reset to zero.
A negative dump truck is a situation in the game when the player types -555 points, because of what his account becomes equal to 0.
It is possible to use other values in glasses for advertisements of a trump suit: peaks - 100 points, hearts - 80 points, clubs - 60 points, diamonds - 40 points. Or: peaks - 100 points, clubs - 80 points, hearts - 60 points, diamonds - 40 points.
Note. It is worth noting that players do not always follow the above agreements, but use their own. For example, if you have an ace, it's not necessary to go with the first card, you can go any other, take this bribe, and only after that go with an ace and announce a trump suit.
A thousand with trade for two
The game follows the rules of the traditional thousand with some changes. Each player is dealt 10 cards, the remaining 4 are on the table in two closed piles of 2 cards each. The game consists of two stages: announcements and draws. Players in turn begin to announce the number of points that they are obligated to take in the draw. The player who declares the highest number of points wins the bidding. This player opens one of the lying stacks on the table, shows the opponent and includes card stacks in his cards, and puts two of his cards on the table in a closed stack, and then walks first. If this player draws declared or more points in draws, then he is announced. If the player misses this amount, then he counts it himself with a minus sign. The rival writes down his glasses from his bribes and the declared marjages.
Thousand with trade for three
The game follows the rules of the traditional thousand with some changes. Each player is dealt 7 cards, 3 cards remain on the table in a closed pile. The bidding rules are the same as in a thousand with trade for two. The player who won the auction opens the cards of the draw, shows them to the players and connects them to their cards, and then hands one card to each other. Trade can be carried out in the dark. Each player can bargain without raising their cards. The player who won the auction in the dark, does not show the rivals the redemption, and when writing all his points and points of opponents are doubled.
Five hundred and one
The game follows the rules of the traditional thousand with some changes. The trump card is declared a player who took the buy-in after the bargaining. During the draw, the trump card does not change. Mariage is announced after taking a bribe. When they announce a marjage, they make a move from him as a king or a lady. For maryazhi the following points are awarded:
20 points - for the club's march;
40 points - for the diamonds;
60 points - for peak marjage;
80 points - for the chervovy marjazh.
The player who first gets 501 points or more, becomes the winner.
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