
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 36
Number of Players: 2 - 7
The seniority of cards: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, C, E, K, T.
Goal of the game: to get rid of all their cards.
Rules of the game. The first deliverer is determined by lot, then distributes the cards, who lost in the last game. The deck is shuffled thoroughly, can not be removed if any of the players remove the deck, he becomes a fool and he begins to shuffle and deal cards. Each player deliverer draws 5 cards and puts the rest of the deck on the table in the center of the closed form a reserve. The top card of the remaining deck is opened and placed at the bottom, this card is trump. The first player who sits left of the deliverer. If the player has a pair of cards, he walks with a pair of cards, adding to them any one (these cards are called a triple), if there are two pairs of cards, he walks with them, adding to them one any card (these cards are called the heel) . If there is no paired cards a player plays with one card. If a player, which resembled not be able to fight off these cards, he takes them himself. Batters need a card older suit or trump. Each player who is less than five cards, adds them up to five of the reserve. If a player in reserve no cards, the player leaves the game. He is the only player who will map is called a fool, he loses the game. In the next game in the fool becomes a deliverer lost the last game.

English fools

This game is played according to the rules of traditional fools, except for one difference. The English are not fools decided to go in threes and heels, and go in pairs, if a pair are absent, the player passes and the turn passes to the next player.