Silly Simon

The terms of solitaire

Number of decks: 1

Number of cards in the deck: 52

Number of players: 1

The goal of solitaire : you need to collect in the stacks of 4 descending sequences of cards in the suit.

Rules of Solitaire. The deck is carefully stacked and laid out 10 vertical stacks: in the first 3 stacks put 8 cards in each pile, in the fourth put 7 cards, in the fifth put 6 cards and so on to the tenth stack, which put one card. It is allowed to use the bottom cards of game stacks, which move from one game stack to another game stack, making downward sequences. If one of the stacks is emptied, then any card or series of cards can be moved to an empty space. The deck does not retake.

Solitaire has come together if all the cards are collected in game piles in 4 descending sequences in the suit.