
The terms of solitaire

Number of decks: 1

Number of cards in the deck: 52

Number of players: 1

The aim of solitaire: It is necessary to collect all the cards in rows in ascending sequences in the suit.

Rules of Solitaire. The deck is carefully packed and laid out 2 rows of 8 cards, then laid out 4 rows of 9 cards. All cards are laid out in clear. From the decomposed cards 4 kings are removed, thus, 6 empty places are formed from the kings and from two cards, which were not enough for the layout. It is necessary in the ranks to collect increasing sequences in the suit. For example, the first row consists of a peak suit, the second of a club, and so on. A free space is allowed to put a card one value older than the map on the left or one value lower than the map on the right.

Solitaire came together if all the cards are assembled in rows in ascending sequences in suit.