Literals T

The terms of solitaire

Number of decks: 2

Number of cards in the deck: 52

Number of players: 1

The aim of solitaire: It is necessary to collect all the cards on the base piles in ascending sequences in suit on aces and in descending sequences in suit on kings.

Rules of Solitaire. Two decks are mixed into one. The resulting deck is carefully packed and laid out 4 rows of 5 open cards in a row. These are the base series, in which the cards should lie in the following way: the aces in the central row, the kings in the upper row to the right and left of the aces, forming the letter T. The remaining deck is placed side by side. If some of the base cards are in their places, then they remain there, and if not in their places, then these places are released by removing the cards from them and putting them aside. These cards become auxiliary. If the laying of cards on the base stacks comes to a standstill, then 12 open cards for auxiliary cards under the letter T or for free places in this letter are laid out from the remaining deck. Thus, we get 12 auxiliary piles, top cards, which can be moved to the basic stacks. If the remaining deck is finished, then all auxiliary cards are collected in the deck, then the deck is shuffled and once again decomposed.

Solitaire converged if all the cards are collected on the base piles in ascending sequences in a suit on aces and descending sequences in a suit on kings.