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The terms of solitaire

Number of decks: 1

Number of cards in the deck: 36

Number of players: 1

The aim of solitaire: It is necessary to collect all the cards on the base piles in ascending sequences in the suit.

Rules of Solitaire. The deck is carefully packed and laid out 6 vertical game rows of 6 open cards in each row. The cards are arranged in such a way that they overlap each other and only the bottom card is opened. Above these rows are 4 base piles, where the starting cards are aces that move there during the game. The remaining deck is placed to the left of the base row. It is allowed to move the cards from the remaining deck to the game line or from one game row to another game row in the ascending sequence into the suit. It is necessary to try to collect the ascending sequences in the suit on the base piles.

Solitaire converged if all the cards are collected on the base piles in ascending sequences in the suit.