
The terms of solitaire

Number of decks: 1

Number of cards in the deck: 52

Number of players: 1

The aim of solitaire: It is necessary to collect all the cards on the base piles in ascending sequences in the suit.

Rules of Solitaire. The deck is carefully stacked and laid out 7 vertical game rows in the following order: in the first row - one card, in the second row - two cards, in the third row - 3 cards, in the fourth row - 4 cards, in the fifth row - 5 cards, in the sixth row Row - 6 cards, in the seventh row - 7 cards. Above these rows are places for four basic piles, where the starting cards are the aces that are put there during the game. The remaining deck is placed to the left and an auxiliary cell is placed near the deck for viewing cards from the deck. It is allowed to move cards from the auxiliary cell to the game rows in a descending order in the suit of one color. It is allowed to move cards from one game row to another game row, making downward sequences in the suit of one color. If during the unfolding of cards any row is left without cards, then on an empty space you can put any card. If the unfolding of the solitaire enters a dead end, then it is allowed to leaf through the remaining deck for the availability of suitable cards.

Solitaire converged if all the cards are collected on the base piles in ascending sequences in the suit.

Note. There are 2 variants of this solitaire: simplified and complicated.

Simplified version: it is allowed to compose and move blocks of cards, which are composed in a descending sequence regardless of suit.

Complicated version: it is allowed to move only a king or descending sequence of cards of a similar color of color, which begins with the king, to the free space in the game row.