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Common terms

In natrusku - method of shuffling cards is shifting several cards with one-half of the deck to the other.

In his hand be - the right of the player to make the first move.

Va-Bank - the expression used in gambling means that the partner is all the money or the amount of money in the bank.

The variation in the tempo - the degree of speed in the speed of the card game.

Jack - the fourth-highest cards in any suit. With patterned images indicated by the letter B. The jack covers all the cards that are below it by value, and this is 10, 9, 8, etc. Ace, king and queen, jack does not overlap.

Widow - talon, which remained after the distribution of the three cards that are placed on the table in plain text.

Introduction (in the game Kings ) - the so-called first phase of the game, which is used to determine the rank of the players.

Vienna blow (in Bridge , Vinte , Vista , Preference) - technical element receiving the lottery, the basic meaning of which is to unlock the game at an early stage in the pre-selection or highest card in the suit threat.

True to bribe - the card or combination of cards, which in any case and any order of moves giving a bribe.

True to the game - a game that leads players to win under any circumstances.

Helicopter (in preference ) - drawing views, which Vist their small trumps manage to kill large playing cards, especially when it occurs several times.

The top card - a card that is at the top of the deck.

Keep the game:

regularly to play cards;

to keep the initiative in the game.


bet that the players did before distribution or community cards;

Adding a certain amount of money or other valuables that are made by each player at the beginning of the game and belong equally to all players.


Card Player, which killed more than high cards or ace;

unit determine the outcome of the contract;

several cards that laid out the players at the table, the highest card on the value or is a senior ace takes all the cards and forms a bribe.

Bribe fast - a bribe, which can be taken without giving the course an opponent.

Bribe faithful - a bribe, which is impossible to kill the other cards.

Bribe random - a bribe, which in the game do not take into account and believed to impact, but nevertheless a bribe may be made.

Bribe questionable - a bribe, which depends on the arrangement of cards in the players and moves with the drawing.

Bribes do not take:

in the King - the next game or customized;

preference - a game in which declared raspasovka with which all players agree.

Take a bunch of - to take all the cards that have accumulated on the table during the game.

Take Totus - obsolete term, it means to take all of bribes.

Vis (preference) - the player who sits in front of another player in order to play in a pair against another pair of players.

Fork (preference) - a combination of cards of the same suit in the hands of the player, the number of tricks in which depends on a player who goes.

Guilt - formerly known as spades.


It means the name of the game;

expression that is used in many games, a player announces the desire to play. For example, the "Vista" - means "play".

Whist in light (preference) - to play with open cards.

Vist the dark (of preference) - play with the hole cards.

Whist without times (preference) - when VISTA does not get a bribe.

Vist guaranteed (preference) - card or several cards that offer a bribe in this game.

Vist gentleman (preference) - in the case of harness playing, whist distributed equally among the actively and passively whist players in this game.

Vist zhlobskie (preference) - is characterized by a different distribution of whist, more rigid, unlike vista gentlemen.

Vist lying (preference) - vistovat openly.

Vist binding (preference) - means that are required to play at whist playing their whist, an amount that was stated in the game. Responsible for the selection of mandatory whist is actively VISTA.

Vist single (preference) - no other ace card, the second card is a king, a third card of Spades, Jack of the fourth card.

Vist responsible (preference) - the situation when for gleaning bribes uphill written the total price of ordered whist at the game.

Vist poluotvetstvenny (preference) - the same as that responsible whist only penalty points are written in 2 times smaller.

Whist your (preference) - the situation in the game, when whist vistovat actively refused, and one of them agrees to their whist, provided if he is allowed to play (their whist is possible only on the 6th and 7th game).

Vist standing (preference) - vistovat face down.

Vist triple (preference):

Ace, King, Queen,

Ace, King, Jack (with a strange course);

Ace, King, 9, 8;

King, Queen, Jack, 8 (indoor trellis);

marriage, closed two small without sevens;

King, Jack, two small without sevens.

VISTA - when drawing the enemy player giving their consent.

Contribution - money that are made to the bank in a number of commercial games.

Vovk - Diamonds.

Rise of the game (preference) - means to conduct trade as long as 2 players are not saved and will not give the player a third talon.

Will - formerly known as the party of the game, in which players can participate or not participate in the drawing if desired.

Funnel - a few cards that come straight from the two; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. Less than three cards in the hopper can be composed.

Eight and eighteen (in pickets ) - 8 cards of the same suit that are consecutive, and are counted as 18 points. A total of 28 points form a (18 + 8).

Octagon (as Tertia ) - 8 consecutive cards of the same suit.

Octagon or eightfold game (preference) - a game in which the guard ordered 8 bribes.

Rising line - the order of the cards from deuce to Ace (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace). Solitaire uplink considered order of the cards, which begins with an ace (ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King).

Fits - go back to the card game.

Let - make vpustku.

Vpustka or vpuskalochka - technical drawing technique in many games in which you need to take bribes. The point of reception is that one of the players gets a stroke and had to go to plug the opponent by playing it extra bribe.

Box - a way to shuffle cards in which the cards are shuffled, crashing, one half of the deck to the other from the end.

Jumping - technical drawing technique in many games, which means playing the highest card on the second hand.

Jump up - to play for the senior card value.

Open the autopsy:

open the card to determine its suit and dignity;

open their cards;

open their cards after the end of the trade;

open your card tricks;

Overburden - cards of the suit, which is opened.

Vskryshka (in Vista) - card that opens the dealer, in order to determine the trump card.

Blind - declare, in spite of their cards.

Opening round raspasovok (preference) - the first 2 laps raspasovok.

Site Selection - means choosing a place to play. From laid out on the table a deck of cards, each player takes one card. The player who drew the lowest (highest) on the value of the card, chooses a place. When two equal cards, seniority is determined by a suit of cards or players take another card. The other players take their seats following clockwise in order of decreasing (increasing) rank of the cards taken out by them.

Knocking trump whist (preference) - Reception games.


The situation, when a player has a 10 poenov 8 Loewe and one of the players have on hand ONERA 2, while the player can declare it and call the game that has too often in the hands of honors, to express and show their game;

to speak out and show my game.

Exit - complete participation in the draw, dropping their cards. Refuse to participate in future trade or draw, leaving the card.

Vykozyrivanie - means the collection of trumps, and the exact sequence of moves senior trump cards that deny rivals trump cards.

Vykozyryat - go to the high card trump to knock the opponent trump younger.

Release - allow the player to play the game or order them to miss the chance to plant it.

High Card - the card more value.

Exhibition (preference) - who donate each recorded upward (in chicken).

Vyfortovat - develop Fosco, which will suit the highest card after the game will be released only honors and older Fosco this suit.

Major suit - seniority of colors is defined as follows: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. That suit, which is above the previous one and is considered to be the highest suit.

Phishing - the long-playing suit, in order to obtain high cards the opponent to win the following for their bribes.


the failure of one of the players to participate in the drawing of the delivery or the bank;

canasta player means getting rid of the last card by resetting it or display combination.

Out with the form - set a single card suit.

The effluent (in Vista, in the screw) - the fifth player who does not take part in one of the rubbers.

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