Pokemon GO: How to develop Pokemon
As you know, in the traditional game "Pokemon", the level of Pokémon was increased in numerous battles. However, Pokemon Go developers initially made more peaceful. The value of the battles in the new toy is greatly understated and the Pokémon can be developed in other ways.
For starters - about sweets . In Pokemon Go, you just get them with every caught or hatched from the egg Pokémon. In addition, the sweets are also distributed by the Professor in exchange for Pokémon. Accordingly, the conclusion from this what? Correctly! The more Pokemon caught or "exited", the more candy they got. Even for the most unnecessary Pokemon you can still get candy. How many? Each time in different ways, depending on the type of Pokémon. Recall: for the pokemon you receive sweets of the same type.
Do not first spend candy on the increase in Pokémon, at least until reaching the 10th level. To improve the CP and other parameters will be spent not only candies, but also stardust ( 600 units ), which is extracted by capturing Pokémon .
The power of the Pokémon in the Pokemon Go game interface is indicated by a graph above the CP. Note also that, by developing the Pokémon, you increase its combat potential ( CP points ). The further to the right is the white point, the stronger the Pokemon. Also, knowledgeable gamers do not recommend spending on Pokémon sweets until it finally develops. For the simple reason that it is not always clear to whom the Pokemon will develop.
Try to evolve your strong Pokémon at a higher level. The ideal option would be to have at least one strong primary Pokémon with a good powerful attack and high CP parameters. Simply put, you should always develop a Pokémon more powerful by nature than investing in pumping a weak one. In this case, you can improve it to an even more powerful form, and also strengthen it with candy and star dust. For example, in this regard, Pigeon better than Pigeonto.
Now about the quantity. In exchange for Kakuna in the game give 4 candies of the type "Vidl". However, let's do a little differently. Here is a short list of Pokémon with the "exchange rate" for sweets, which currently operates in Pokémon Go. To make it clearer, how many Pokémon have to be caught and exchanged (1 transaction) in order to fully develop a Pokémon of a certain type due to the received sweets:
- 7 transactions -> Rattata, Ivy.
- 13 transactions -> Spirou, Ikans, Pikachu, Sandshra, Klefiri, Wulpix, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Paras, Venonat, Diglett, Mawat, Psikdak, Monki, Groulit, Tentakul, Ponita, Sloupok, Magnemaid, Dodo, Seal, Graimer, Shellder, Drouzi, Krabby, Voltorb, Exeggut, Kubon, Coffing, Rayhorn, Horsi, Goldin, Starju, Omanite and Kabuto.
- 16 transactions -> Caterpillas, Vidl, Pidgies.
- 25 transactions -> Ivizavr, Charmeleon, Vartortl, Metapod, Kakuna, Pigeototto, Nidorino, Nidorina, Glum, Vinpinbell, Polivirl, Kadabra, Machouk, Graveler, Honter and Dragonair.
- 32 transactions -> Bulbazavr, Charmander, Squirtle, Nidoran (oboe), Oddish, Bellspraut, Polivag, Abra, Machop, Geodud, Gastly and Dratini.
- 100 transactions -> Magiccorp.
If in Pokemon GO you are ripe to develop the Pokemon, then start better with the Sparrow Egg!
For example, Ivy evolves generally in a Random. That is, Ivi can turn into Jolteon, Vaporone or Flareon, but in this case the player can not choose the most suitable Pokemon for himself. There is an opinion that each of these three Pokémon will sooner or later be caught in the game, but only after reaching a certain level. Therefore, if with the necessary evolution Ivi in the first time did not work, then you can just wait.
Developed Pokemon - it's just 500 points of the exp, and Happy Egg this number doubles. those. You get 1000 XP at once.
Also in the game, the mechanics of the transfer are realized , thanks to which it is possible to give ( sell ) unnecessary pets, receiving one candy for it. This is a great way to get rid of weak creatures, taking a lot of them out of them. For the transfer you need to select the Pokemon you want to exchange, scroll down and press the corresponding "Transfer" button . It will be located after the map, where you caught the Pokemon.
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