Pokemon GO: How to throw a pisco ball (the process of catching)
Pokemon Go officially released on iOS and Android. The toy is very different from the old Nintendo-BOS game for Gameboy. Now the Pokémon should be searched and caught in the real world with the help of his smartphone and the technology of augmented reality. In this post - about how to throw pokeball so that the pokemon got caught without unnecessary red tape.
As you already probably understand, the effectiveness of the process of catching the Pokemon in the game is determined by several factors: the level of the Pokémon (CP), the type of pokeball and the technique of throwing. It may also happen that while you were gathering and aiming, the Pokemon simply escaped. Therefore, throwing balls into the animals must be dexterously and competently. And for this, one must necessarily master the technique of fast and accurate throwing of pokeballs
According to the rules, to throw pokeyball in the Pokemon Go, we simply svaypayem on the ball on the screen and he flies to the Pokemon. The skill comes with experience. Nevertheless, one of the most important components of success in this case is the right combination of angle and strength of the throw. Well, accuracy, of course. If AR mode is activated on your smartphone (augmented reality), keep it so that the Pokémon figure is located exactly in the center of the screen.
At low levels, the expenditure of pokeballs is very high, since you have not learned how to throw correctly. It may happen that at some point you will remain without them. Therefore, balls need to be saved. But not at the expense of the game, of course. So here's a present for you: in Pokemon Go, the pokeball you missed on the Pokémon can actually be returned. To do this, you must quickly tannut fly away ball, until he did not have time to roll for the screen. Does not work every time. But still, in such a simple way, the expenditure of pokeballs can be reduced radically.
Several ways to properly throw a pokeball
The simplest and most reliable way is to throw at the moment of maximum focusing of the inner circle.
To do this, put your finger on the pokeyball and catch the moment when the inner circle on the Pokémon begins to narrow and throw. If the pokéball hits the Pokémon, when the circle contracts, then you are entitled to a bonus in the form of additional experience points. Than already "sight" and more accurate throw, the more bonus points.
More difficult - Twisted pokeyball .
As you gain experience, you can learn how to tighten up pokeball. To do this, you must first unroll the ball in place before the throw. And then, after guessing the moment with the sight and calculating the trajectory, throw the pokeball so that it flew into the pokemon along the arc, slightly bending it to the left or to the right. For an accurate throw with a twisted pokeball of experience give even more. But without proper skill such abuses are not recommended.
A throw from the top and a "headshot".
As you already knew, the super-throw from just a good throw is different in terms of how strong and how accurately pokébol collides with the Pokémon by flying through the inner ring. As a rule, players aim at the middle of the body of the Pokemon and start the throw, pocketing on the pokeball from the bottom of the smartphone screen. Real snipers try to throw the ball so that it gets into the circle and into the pokemon at the most steep angle. And for this you need to capture the pokeball not from the bottom, but from above, so it turns out, first, it is better to calculate the trajectory of the throw, and secondly, it takes less energy to throw the ball hard and accurately.
Throw in the shade.
Under each Pokemon, its virtual shadow is displayed, which allows you to accurately calculate the distance to the target and correctly calculate the strength and trajectory of the throw, regardless of how actively the Pokémon is maneuvering in the sight.
And a couple of nuances as a bonus
Pokemon really likes Razz Berry - and they are very distracting, because a special difficult and smart Pokemon can first calm the berry, and only then throw a pokeball;
With the disabled mode of the augmented reality, throwing pokeball is often more accurate , because the balls for each Pokémon are consumed less.
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