Winter business for truck farmers. Greenhouse in the suburban area.

The climatic conditions that have been built up in recent years are not best reflected in crop yields grown in the open ground. In addition to negative environmental factors, various chemicals for pest and weed control have a great impact on the quality of agricultural products, which are widely used for growing in open ground. It is very actual now to grow crops in greenhouse conditions . On this idea and build your own business.

This type of business can be conducted in two ways:
1. Manufacturing and installation of greenhouses, greenhouses and winter gardens.
2. Growing the crop on your own plot.

Growing seedlings or early vegetables in greenhouses are beginning to be engaged in November-December. Farmers engaged in greenhouses, as a rule, since February. So right now it's time to talk about this business - so that there is enough time for it to unfold.

Products grown in greenhouse conditions favorably differ in their ecological compatibility. Greenhouses allow you to grow more volume of production per square meter of useful area, as well as to harvest year-round in a stable climate. In addition, the steady rise in land prices and land taxes forces farmers to pay attention to the development of greenhouse farming. Greenhouses can be installed in garden and cottage areas, in children's and health institutions, on the territory of industrial enterprises and farms.

Before you start to engage in greenhouse business , you need to choose which culture will be grown, in what quantity. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a market research of the local market - what products, and what quality is in demand, what competitors are doing.

greenhouse The choice of the cultivated crop depends also on where and how the finished products will be sold. If you plan to sell vegetables in bulk, then the resellers are in demand "lean" goods - tomatoes. To work directly with retailers, it is possible to produce green cultures (salad, parsley, dill), strawberries, radishes, and in the early spring - seedlings of different crops. If you agree on direct deliveries of your products with managers of restaurants or cafes, you can take on the cultivation of more laborious and, accordingly, more expensive crops (for example, zikor salad). A lot depends on how far your greenhouse is from the main markets - the further, the more "lean" products will have to be grown.

Experts of the greenhouse business agree on the fact that it is most profitable to grow flowers. Then - the greens. And only then - vegetables.

Green greenhouse should serve a nearby village - this is the practice. Greenhouse cultivation of salads is more profitable than vegetables in 4 times!

The assortment, naturally, will have to be selected by itself, being guided by a specific demand. However, experienced greenhouses argue that narrow specialization increases the efficiency of production of high quality products. That is, with a narrow specialization, you will have more chances to reduce prices and improve the quality of their vegetables.

Therefore, it is not necessary to pursue an overly wide range. For example, the Dutch (world leaders in the greenhouse business) believe that the cultivation of even two types of vegetables is already a bust.

Read more about Greenhouses .

There are two types of greenhouses : film and glass . Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Glass greenhouses (also called winter ones) are more complex constructions and, accordingly, more expensive. Their main advantage is increased strength, long service life, high light transmission capacity. It is possible to operate "glass" even in winter.

The main advantage of polyethylene hothouses (spring) - low cost in manufacturing. This factor is the determining factor for beginner greenhouses. However, the polyethylene film has a lower light transmission capacity. In addition, this coating is less durable, so every season the film has almost completely changed. Operate such greenhouses begin later than glass, which, naturally, affects the timing of the ripening of vegetables.

Greenhouse made of honeycomb polycarbonate The newest solution is a hothouse made of cellular polycarbonate . It should be noted that the polycarbonate greenhouse does not need a foundation, and it is much more reliable and durable than polyethylene constructions. Greenhouses made of polycarbonate, as well as ordinary greenhouses, are used for garden and garden purposes both in private dacha and private gardens, and in large greenhouse farms.

Such characteristics as high transparency and light scattering made polycarbonate sheets an indispensable material for manufacturing industrial greenhouses and greenhouses. For this purpose, panels with a thickness of 4.6 mm are used. This allows to increase the level of illumination inside a greenhouse or a greenhouse made of polycarbonate.