Soap production

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236. An easy way to prepare a simple solid and liquid soap. 237. Preparation of toilet soaps.
238. Coloring of toilet soaps. 239. Marbling of toilet soaps. 240. Perfumery of toilet soap.
241. Soap for stain removal.
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236. An easy way to prepare a simple solid and liquid soap.

To make a solid soap, take 2 kg of caustic soda, dissolve in 8 liters of water, bring the solution to 25 | C and pour it into molten and cooled to 50 | C fat (the fat should be unsalted and take it 12 kg 800 g for the specified amount of water And soda). The resulting liquid mixture is thoroughly stirred until the whole mass becomes completely homogeneous, after which it is poured over wooden boxes well enveloped in felt and placed in a warm dry place. After 4-5 days, the mass hardens and the soap is ready. If you want to have a more foamy soap, then add 400 g of refined potash to the indicated amount of water or take 2 kg less fat and add the same amount of coconut oil.
For the preparation of liquid soap, the same amount of crude caustic potassium is dissolved in 2 kg of water, the solution is brought to 25 ° C and thoroughly mixed with 8 kg of unsalted fat pre-melted and cooled to 50 ° C. Further arrive, as indicated above.

237. Preparation of toilet soaps.

I. Hot way. As a basis for toilet soaps, you can take a sebaceous soap cooked with soda liquor, or cook separately, using for this pork fat in conjunction with coconut oil.
Coconut oil should be of the highest quality, and the pork fat is exceptionally fresh and well-purified. The fat is cleaned as follows: the fresh fat is washed several times in cold water, cut into pieces and put in a bag, which is suspended in a pot with water and boiled. When the water boils and the fat breaks, it is slightly squeezed, with most of the fiber remaining in the bag along with the garbage, the bag is taken out. For each kilogram of a mixture of fat and water, 4-5 g of table salt and 1-2 grams of alum in powder are placed, with strong boiling of the liquid and constant stirring. After a while, boiling is stopped and the fat is allowed to float to the surface. The resulting scale is carefully removed, filtered through a cloth into a clean vat and allowed to harden. Thus, the cooked fat can be stored unchanged in a cool place for a long time.
To get a good toilet soap for every 10 grams of fat take 5-20 g of coconut oil. The latter is added not only for the purpose of cheaper, but also to "pour" it with more water. The cooking of soap is done in the usual way, only it is necessary to make sure that the soap obtained is neutral, i.e. So that there is no excess of alkali in it. To this end, it is repeatedly salted and then boiled again. After the last salting, the boiling is continued until the sample taken by the glass rod on the plate is completely satisfactory, i. E. When squeezing the mass between the fingers, solid plates should be obtained, which should not break.
In order to have a perfectly clean soap, it is stirred with a pole, removed with foam and poured into the molds while it is transparent. Soap mass, left at the bottom of the boiler, will be less transparent and clean, and therefore it must be allowed to harden separately.

II. Cold way. The preparation of toilet soaps in a cold manner by stirring is distinguished by many advantages, which are mainly reduced to the fact that color and perfumery are produced simultaneously, constituting one operation, after which only the hardened soap mass is left to be cut and molded.
To prepare soap coldly, take coconut oil, previously cleaned from accidental dirt, and sap it with a strong sodium hydroxide at low temperature and constant stirring. In order for the resulting soap to be neutral, it is necessary to make several preliminary samples and accurately determine the quantitative ratio of fat and alkali. When the process of saponification reaches the state that the contents of the boiler will turn into a homogeneous and difficult to mix material, then coloring and perfuming substances are added to it, which after a long stirring are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

III. Remelting. Preparation of toilet soaps by remelting is performed as follows: ordinary soap is cut into pieces and thrown into a cauldron, inserted in another boiler with boiling water (water bath). To soap it is necessary to pour in so much water that the taken sample had a good consistency, after which the soap is poured into molds and mixed with coloring and perfuming substances. The amount of water added for remelting depends on the property of the soap: for a solid strong soap, you need to take more water than when other varieties containing already plenty of water come into play. Water in general is poured so much that when cooling it turns out a solid soap, strongly foaming in the water. If the soap taken for remelting is heavily soiled, then it needs to be melted with a large amount of water (50-60%), and then otsalit and boil.

IV. Planing. Preparation of toilet soap is planed as follows: the sound soap is turned into chips with a special machine, collected in a wooden trough, mixed with coloring and odoriferous substances and then on the kneading machine is converted into a homogeneous mass. The machine consists of a horizontal cylindrical drum, on the circumference of which there are 4-8 knives. Above the drum, driven by the rotational movement, there is an inclined plane on which soap strata are laid for planing. The soap presses its own weight on the drum, the knives of which continuously cut the shavings from the soap layer. Knives are installed under a significant slope and therefore can cut chips with a thickness of writing paper.
Here are a few recipes for toilet soaps, prepared in different ways.
Almond soap. To prepare it take 4 kg of white soap, finely scrape it and pour a little milk. The mass is poured into a cauldron, put on moderate fire and stir until it thickens and begins to stretch. After cooling, add bitter-almond oil and pour the soap into a flat wooden box, on the bottom of which is laid linen. The soap is allowed to cool, harden and then cut into pieces of the desired shape. The factories prepare almond soap from good strong liquor with twice the weight of fat, coconut or palm oil, which must be boiled until the sample taken on a cold smooth plate quickly hardens.
Pink soap. To prepare this soap, take 64 parts of coconut oil, 40 parts of greasy soap, 30 parts of water and heat this mixture for 2-3 hours, knead and add a little eosin for tinting. Then remove from the heat and mix with artificial rose oil. Soap is molded in molds.
Violet soap. To prepare this soap, giving extraordinary softness to the skin, take 100 parts of white sound soap, 10 parts of the violet root, 10 parts of dew incense. The soap is mixed with water, dyed in purple and added to the violet essence. Then add as much starch as necessary to give the soap hardness, after which the soap is put into molds.
Lemon soap. When lightly heated, 1 part of white greasy soap, 1 part of starch is mixed, stained yellow and lemon essence is added. From the resulting mass, soap is molded in special forms in the form of a lemon and colored over from top to yellow-lemon color, dipping it into paint, like Easter eggs.
English round soap. To make this soap it is necessary to cut into small pieces of 200 parts of a good white soap and then grind it in a heated china mortar, adding to the mass I the part of camphor. 100 parts of starch are added to the resulting batter, colored in different gentle tones and perfumed. From this mass, flat-round pieces are formed.
English soap for shaving. This soap is prepared as follows: 100 parts of white soap is finely ground and dissolved in water to the consistency of liquid jelly. Then 10 parts of talc and 10 parts of alum in powder are added, stained in cream color and perfumed with musk and orange oil. The soap is cast in a cylindrical shape.

238. Coloring of toilet soaps.

The coloring agents used to tint toilet soaps may be different. The main conditions that they must satisfy: be strong enough, mix well with soap and do not have harmful effects on the skin. Such paints can be divided into two groups: soluble and insoluble. The former deserve a preference over the latter because they do not leave behind an insoluble powdery precipitate; In addition, soluble paints are distributed in the soap more easily and evenly than insoluble.
Red color. For clear soaps - alkane, fuchsin, eosin. For opaque - cinnabar, suriar.
Yellow. For clear soaps - extract of turmeric and picric acid. For opaque - chrome yellow paint.
Orange color is made up of a mixture of red and yellow colorants.
Green color. For a transparent soap - green aniline or a mixture of indigo-carmine and picric acid. For opaque - chrome green paint.
Purple is made up of a methyl-violet or a mixture of red paint and indigo-carmine.
Brown - from light or dark brown aniline paint or burnt sugar.
As for the very color of soap, it is made as follows: solutions of paints in water or in alcohol poured into soap shavings, which then enter the kneading machine and there turn into a uniformly colored mass.
Insoluble paints are used in the form of a fine powder, which is sprinkled with shavings entering the drawer of the planer. Then a new layer of shavings is applied to the chips, which are sprinkled with paint again, etc. When the soap is thus prepared, the chips are mixed and passed through a kneader to obtain a uniformly colored mass.

239. Marbling of toilet soaps.

It is produced in order to give them the appearance of spotted or wiry marble. To do this, pour liquid soap into a form to a certain height, sprinkle the surface with its coloring powder or pour a solution of paint, then pour a new layer of soap, this operation is performed until the form is filled. In the soap mass, a wooden spatula is lowered, which is stirred and moved parallel to the walls of the mold. If you want to get undulating marbles, then move the spatula along curves or spiral lines. For variegated marble used a variety of colors.

240. Perfumery of toilet soap.

Along with the first-class completely neutral soap base (sound soap), when making toilet soaps, larfy is especially important. The fact is that the fragrance should not only be very pleasant, but it should also retain its odor for a long time and even, if possible, it should improve when lying and drying soap. Getting perfumed, you need to distinguish which types of soap you want to perfume, and, according to this, choose the necessary odoriferous substances. Toilet soaps are usually divided into those that are made by hot method, cold method, remelting, planing. Therefore, when perfuming, it is necessary to solve three questions: first, at what temperature should soap be perfumed. Secondly, what is the effect of alkalis on the used odorous substances. And, finally, thirdly, whether these odoriferous substances remain well in alkalis. On the solution of these three cardinal questions, the whole art of skilful perfuming toilet soaps is based. Toilet soaps, manufactured hot or by melting, are generally classified as cheap varieties. Spending a lot on their perfumery is impossible, so that these soaps are not too expensive. Therefore, for perfuming such varieties of soaps, only cheap odoriferous substances can be chosen, but which nevertheless have a possibly stronger smell, since it is with these types of soaps that it is often necessary to kill some unwanted foreign smell. For this purpose, mainly use Mirban oil, safrole, citronella oil, artificial bitter-almond oil.
For the second category of toilet soaps, manufactured in a cold way, that is, for good varieties of coconut soaps, you can use odorous substances of higher quality and the choice among them is wider. Although coconut soaps, also referred to as almond soaps, have recently been pushed into the background by planed soaps, but good and clean coconut soaps are bought very well, especially in areas where the water is limy, as planed soaps do not wash well. Coconut soaps can be perfumed with numerous natural and artificial odorous substances. You can also significantly improve the quality of these soaps by adding to them lanolin or paraffin. Even soap with the addition of Japanese wax is a great success, as they look quite like planed soaps. They should not only be left in shape for a long time, otherwise they are made too hard and difficult to press.
From an odorous substance it is possible to recommend an anise aldechitis, which has a very tender smell; Bornly acetate, which is good in coconut soaps; Citronella oil, which is especially suitable for honey soaps. Then a good effect can be achieved with coumarin, eugenol and geranyl acetate. You can also recommend nerolin, and in particular terpineol. With great success, cinnamon aldehit is also used. The smell of violets can be achieved with ionone II with the addition of terpineol, and brilliant results are obtained from the use of artificial neroli oil.

241. Soap for stain removal.

The composition of such soaps is very diverse, depending on what kind of stains it is intended for.
Soap for fat spots is made from a good white soap, which is dissolved in a small amount of water with moderate heating, add there tartaric salt or potash (3%), boil until thick and roll into balls. Warm water - with strong friction helps to destroy stains.
Soap for all stains. For its preparation, take 4 parts of white soap, 1 part of the wine-salt salt, 1 part potash, 1 part ammonia (in powder), dissolved in vodka and boiled. The resulting sediment is used to remove stains from the cloth and cloth, and a light liquid for silk fabrics.
In another way, 20 parts of white soap, 10 parts of starch, 3 parts of bovine bile are taken. All this is rolled into balls and adds a little lemon juice. To remove stains, first wash the cloth with warm water, rub with a soapy ball and rinse again in warm water.