Just and forever cure your teeth without the intervention of the dentist

To treat teeth usually use two vodka tinctures on aire and propolis.
To do this, in 0.5 liters of vodka, add 0.5 cups of roots of ara.
All this is insisted for at least 1 week.
Similarly, prepare the tincture on propolis: in 0.5 liters of vodka put 10-20 grams of finely grated or scraped propolis and insist about 1 week.
Ready tinctures are used simultaneously.
Take 1 tablespoon of tincture of calamus and 1 teaspoon of tincture of propolis, mix and rinse the sick teeth for about 1-3 minutes.
Continue this procedure for about a month, although the pain disappears on the first or third day.
Propolis and alkaloids of the ayr penetrate into the deep points of the sick teeth.
Air burns roots, and propolis seals all microcracks of teeth.
Teeth cease to hurt at all and their growth is observed.
It is noticed that even the remaining, hardly kept roots are fixed on the gum and allow them to press down during eating without painful sensations, as well as the broken roots cease to collapse and within a few years grow noticeably, becoming efficient teeth. To accelerate their growth, apply inward powder, prepared from ground pork teeth, with meals once a day.

I can recommend "calcium liqueur":
Take 5 fresh houses. Eggs, thoroughly wash with soap.
Without smashing, place them in a sterilized 1 liter jar.
Pour them with lemon juice (you need * 1 kg of lemons).
Put the jar in the refrigerator. During the time that is necessary to dissolve the shell, do not forget to shake the contents. When the shell is completely dissolved (with the formation of Na citrate), strain the mixture through a sieve, add 2 cups buckwheat honey, 2 cups cognac, stir.
Before use, the sediment should be shaken.
Drink 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon before eating.