How best to collect people, where to collect them, and what to do next

. :( Next Generation Hackers Group) :.
Article written by: vizor'om
----------------- | Date of writing: 27/02/05 Year
----- | Contacts: rel4nium ([email protected])
From search to the base of the group:
I decided to write this article in order to tell you how competently
Gather a group of people (for example, if you are going to create a project,
Specializing in network security, or something else). All data,
Described in this article is a theory.
Purpose: to tell how best to collect people, where to collect them, and what to do
In order for you to have a problem with this, I will tell you how all this is needed
Organize how best to do.
1) First, I'll tell you about those people who are looking for people for the project:

________________ Founder:
Let's see what this man does and what he needs. The
Eng. Seek, ie 1) the founder is the person who seeks people and selects
They are in a group, asking them any questions, in order to make sure that
This person is suitable for the group. And 2 and perhaps the main purpose of this
Person 2) found a group.
The founder himself, he must know, about everything he wants
Ask people who choose to join them in the group. (Ie if it was
Questions, or took them from somewhere, he himself must know the correct answers to them.).
Founder, as is clear from the previous sentence should be a knowledgeable person,
But not those who ask for something, and the answers themselves do not know. About what should
Be a founder, you should have already understood. Go ahead..


________________to start:
1) you need a person suitable for the battle.
Selection criteria:
- knowing or very good in one area, or in all.
- not lazy (you will have to write and answer very often).
With the selection criteria, so far.
If you yourself choose people, (I will analyze + and - this).
- It will be necessary, to spend a lot of nerves, and time for answers to those who wish.
+ You yourself make those questions that you want, and take those you want.
I was looking for myself, and I think it's better to do this to someone who started the idea of ​​the group,
Because he better know what kind of people he needs.
*! The name of the group is better to think up before collecting it! *

________________ People Search Sites:
1) Your friends:
It is best to organize a group of people you know for a long time in
Internet, it can be those with whom you are in correspondence, you speak in ace, Irka.
Since you already know them for some time, and you know what they are capable of.
2) of the form:
On the forums, too, you can hang the obey, but the mass discussion of this
Question, and we do not need this, why listen to dumb words in your address. Although ,
It all depends on the forum and the people who sit on it, choose those forums where
Blowing out real conversations, on topics appropriate to the profile that you
Started for the future group. Conclusion: better all the same familiar people than, people
From the forums. Suppose that you already know where you will find people for the project,
The next item is the preparation of questions, to check the knowledge of those who wish
Get into the group.
________________ What should be the questions:
Make about 20 questions to see if this one is right for you.
Questions should cover the full spectrum of your occupation, (for example, if you decide
To collect a hacker group, then the questions should be: web hacking, Trojans,
On programming, on carding, on kryakernstvu, and about many other things), and
It is necessary to understand in what area the given person understands better,
And you can come up with any question that interests you, (for example, here is the question why
You want to be engaged in this must always be).
_________________ Points of the task:
1) it can be a simple letter, but how do you know that a person does not sit
On the Internet a couple of hours, and find the right answers.
2) ICQ and IRC is already better, because the questions you will ask him in
Time, so he will not have time to seek an answer on the Internet.
Conclusion: better of course the real time than the mail, but although the shortage problem
Internet from people can be affected by the fact that without the mail neoboitsy, about everything
Says my old friend Gotus: "If you know how to use information, then this is 70% success
in business".
__________________ population:
And the last point in the selection is, which is better to type the number of participants
Group, I think people should be no more than 8, not less than 5, so think like
You want to scatter responsibilities and already on the basis of this, think how many people
enough for you.
__________________ after selection _____________________________________________
Now let's figure out how to organize the group's activities in order for the work
Was more fruitful.

Creation of a group site:
Of course, it's better when you select people so that someone can write sites, and
A good designer, the site should reflect the scope of your team, or
Something to resemble the name of the group. The site should have a forum, and more
Any useful things, to attract people to your site, you can also visit
Channel on the IRC, put any online utilities, such as checking the proxies, and
Something to give away for free, because, for example, freeload six-seven-digit asya
Love everything. But this is so to attract strangers, mostly of course
The site should be dominated by what the group does. And most importantly the articles
It's better to write yourself, and then what kind of group is copying the articles of other teams.
_________________distribution of duties:
After gathering people, you have to break the responsibilities, people should know that
Do, when there is no basis for the head of the collective, so that all people are unresolved.
For example, write articles, or something like that. I told about the main
The most important points of team gathering, now we will deduce from this a small plan
1) compilation of questions, goals of the group (each group should have a goal),
Coming up with a name.
2) a search or a founder, or an independent search for group members.
3) checking the people found.
4) Creation of a site.
5) distribution of duties.
That's it, good luck with creating a group.