List of online decoders and decoders HTML and javascript

Список онлайн декодеров и расшифровщиков HTML и javascript

If you find encoded or encrypted code in search of scripts or design elements, then you should not put it on your site right away. First of all, you must decode it and check the content. Otherwise, you risk installing malicious code on your site.

Very often unscrupulous designers and coders pack malicious elements into the code, and then distribute scripts and design elements on the network, which is what inexperienced users suffer from.

Best of all, if you do not understand the script's work or can not independently analyze a particular script, do not take it or install it on your site.

Universal decoder from studio Artemy Lebedev

In a simple version, you can decode a simple URL encoding of the form:


In complex cases, one needs to be able to determine the type of encoding.

Base64 decoder and encoder

Decodes the code of the form:


The service works both as encoding and decoding of HTML and javascript and texts.

The decoder and encoder javascript is of the type eval (function (p, a, c, k, e, r)

Service works as an unpacker and decoder, and as an encoder, Decodes by type:


Deobfuscation unpacking and formatting javascript

Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript and HTML, make JSON / JSONP readable, etc.

Decoding and encoding HTML

The service will help you both in decryption, and in the encoding of HTML code. Powered by Unicode

HTML encoding and decoding of strings, Character encoder in HTML codes

How to encode HTML and JS using charCodeAt

This tool will help you to encode any text or HTML code in js Unicode using charCodeAt

Encode the best little bits of code or text, because the output will be quite large code.

For advanced users, Malzilla

The program has quite a wide range of tools for opening, decrypting, deobfuscating, unpacking and formatting JavaScript.

The program does not require installation.