How to make your site attractive to google, msn and other search engines

Many interesting Internet projects are inaccessible to most potential visitors, because they can not submit themselves correctly. Although there are ways to do this even a dime a dozen: our services also have a vulgar banner advertising, which usually does not have money; Also participation in banner exchange networks; Also the exchange of references; Also winding up the number of visits, allowing to rise in the ratings; In the end, spam is also other, legal is also not completely, methods. And all blah blah new users come, like the situation, from the search engines. Accordingly, when developing or optimizing the site, it makes sense to concentrate efforts on increasing the weight of your resource in search engines when querying for certain keywords. So what good is it to make your site more fun for search engines?

Of course, first of all you need to attend to the entry. A site with quality content is more interesting to visitors, attracting of which also to eat the target of any Internet project. If your site is one of the entry points to another, or in many respects copies a resource, modern search engines will hastenetail its spammer essence, and it will not bring dividends to you in any way.

Similar think over, on what keywords you would search for the information represented by your site. This is one of the most important moments - wrong selection of keywords will significantly reduce your search rating. Selecting words, use them on the pages of the site as allowed more often. Very well, if they are allocated in any way: so, it's useful to include them in the tag, but it's even better to highlight the "temptation" with tags (of course, where it's acceptable).

If possible, use the selected keywords in the links as well, also ask associates who are also familiar to use these words to refer to you. For example, you sell watermelons in Moscow through the Internet, as well as "Moscow watermelons" - keywords. Then the link to your site might look like this: <a href="adkey"> Moscow watermelons. If you publish a banner on your site or a friend, or another image, write in an alternative text (tag ) Selected keywords. Just do not try to multiply them by the thousands and also write the background color of the page - the search engines do not like at what time they are tricked, also smart enough to recognize such tricks. Several years ago it worked, but now it can lead to a deterioration in the rating, only that it's also quite to the exclusion from the index.

Try to remove the tags, which may not be able to search robots. Imagine that your site is viewed using an ancient browser, which pictures also can not show in any way - this will help you evaluate the capabilities of the search robot. Accordingly, the links in image maps (which have long been a mauveton), frames, sometimes some dynamic search engines can not track at all. However, most of the leading search engines understand frames as dynamic pages, so this recommendation can not be taken into consideration in any way.

Among the meta tags, from the point of view of optimizing for search engines, the most deserving of the description is the most deserving. Favorite by many tags Also allowed to use, but only if you do not want the page to be indexed. The rest are mostly ignored by search engines. If you are interested in the details, you also have English, read the article on this topic at.

And, in the end, the most important thing: try to get more high-quality links to your resource. I will explain what is meant. In many respects, Google owes its success to the PageRank technology (hereinafter PR). In general terms, PR is a rating system for sites [More precisely - page rankings. Different pages of one site can own different PR, so it's proud that the back link was placed on the page with the maximum PR], also the higher it is, the higher the site appears in the search results. A rating is calculated based on many parameters, but the first is the number of links to your site from others (as if another site "voted" for you). At the same time Google looks at the quality of the "voter", then the PR also regards its quality. Then eat if your website links to a portal with PR 7, it's better than if you refer to the sea of ​​sites with PR 0 or 1. Thus, Google cuts off the countless login pages that webmasters produce to promote their sites. More precisely, does not completely cut off permanently, but the site on which links from sites with high PR, will be in the search results much higher artificially wound. It is known that the majority of visitors to search engines do not go beyond the first page of search results. Therefore, the probability that they will find a site indexed by Google, but having a few backlinks, tends to zero.

So, we need to promote the Internet project for the sale of watermelons, in order to establish a relationship with moustached retailers who will visit our site from smartphones and communicators to order a new batch. And naturally, we want them, typing in the search for the word "watermelon" in addition, to the sample, "Moscow", among the first watched our online store. Let's check, only in what place is blah blah we are now? We type, look ... Hmm ... "Found 56300 references" ... It is unlikely that we will sell anything at all. The task is to raise the site in the search results according to the words "watermelon" or "Moscow watermelons". As we already know, you need backlinks. Best of all, if we have to eat familiar webmasters in several large Internet projects with high PR. We need only to find motivation for our friends, so that they can host a link to us (but this is beyond the scope of the article). Sites with high PR are reindexed often, sometimes every day. The search robot will follow the link also index our site, immediately remembering that we were referred to a fairly serious resource with an impressive search weight will also give us a non-zero PR.

But what to do if there are no such connections? There is a whole system of measures to increase the number of backlinks - leaving messages on your site, exchange of buttons or text links on thematic forums, but all this is almost unsuccessful. Gratuitous services work well, for example, various counters or buttons with exchange rates, weather, currency exchange rates for watermelons, etc. When giving visitors the opportunity to post them on their blog or website, you get a free link. Finally, you are allowed to pay for advertising. But not a banner, which once will lead us to anyone. Pay for it makes sense for then, so that a link to our site posted some famous Internet project. It is desirable - investigating the quality of watermelons also conducting their testing also tasting. Here it is necessary to make a small clarification: advanced search engines (such as Google) are trying to understand how the theme of your site corresponds to the topic of the referring site. This is necessary in order to properly distribute the "weight" of the reference to you. Almost 70% of the referring page's PR are transmitted to external links. And if the page about the properties of watermelons owns two external links - on the site about watermelons, also a site about rubber mats for the bathroom - then a larger share of the transferred PR will be found in our watermelon resource, as in the more relevant topic.

After carrying out all these measures, we will want to know whether we have influenced in any way the attitude of Google to our site. Then eat to see which room as a result of the query for the word "watermelon" we were. It is possible to make a manual request again, it's also good if we are on the first pages of the results or we have enough patience to find your site among the 56300 references ... In fact, it is allowed to optimize monitoring also to look not only one or a pair of words or expressions, only A lot of words and phrases, especially given that Google does not understand the morphology of the Russian language, the words "watermelon", "watermelons" and "watermelon" are different for him. If our site is in English (which in the general case is strange, one day we sell watermelons in Moscow, but none the less), while there will be no problems with different word forms. There are a lot of tools for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), then eat optimization for search engines. I'll tell you about the most famous, It so happened that I was once asked to make her Russian translation (the interface is translated into twenty languages), so it is also better familiar with it than with others. Many tips also ideas of this article are also borrowed from this site also forum on it.

This system is one of the few such additionally, perhaps the only gratuitous, but certainly the most popular (more than forty thousand users). Another system,, apparently, will quickly become free of charge under the pressure of the above. To use it you need to register. The system works through the Google API. Here you can eat a couple of basic sections of interest to us - tracking keywords also tracking back links. What is also why you need backlinks, I hope, it is clear from the above. Enter the name of the site in the corresponding field and also observe the number of back links to our site also its PR. With the passage of time, these figures will grow, to the extent that we apply efforts to promote. By clicking on the graph to the left of the name, you are allowed to see the dynamics of changing the number of links. Do not forget about the inertia of the search bot! The fact that you exchanged links with a hundred sites does not at all mean that Google immediately re-index these sites will also credit all links to you. It will take a while, before your PR starts to grow.

Keyword tracking results in a similar way: enter the expression of interest to us, or the phrase also the address of the site. In the column "place" we will see the room where the results of the request to Google for this keyword will be our site. If we are very far from the first page, then this column will say "N / A", since the numbering is only for a certain number of sites from the source list. So blah blah is allowed to track the movements in Yahoo! databases also MSN.

Now, at what time we have to eat a monitoring tool, we also know how to use it, let's talk about a more serious way to raise the search ranking. On that site works Co-op Advertising Network - a system for exchanging textual and graphic links. At the main eye, this is a common banner exchange network for attracting visitors. Yet in the class itself, everything is much deeper.

The network works as follows. Later, you register a script on your site, which inserts into the page code a text or graphic link to the file of another participant in the exchange. For a customer requesting a page from your site, the link does not look like an external link, only as a real built-in also permanently present in the code. That's how to eat either <img src = ""> or some text in the <anchor> tag, without references to the counter of the banner exchange network displays, etc. This is because the script asks what it is necessary to display even before the page is sent to the customer, Also, the advertising link also includes text directly in the HTML code. Thus, for a crawler or an ordinary visitor requesting a page, everything will look the way you yourself put a direct link to the advertised site and also "vote" for it, adding to it the search weight. And the number of impressions of this banner on your site does not play any role. The main thing is that at what time the individual does not enter, only the robot, it will count your link to the exchange site. Accordingly, the most important parameter is the number of pages of your site, because the more pages with direct links to different sites are indexed, the more sites will receive an increase to PR. In this regard, the authority of your site in the Co-op Ad Network (and the number of links to you) does not depend on attendance, only on the number of pages in it. The number of pages in the site is taken from the Google database (in the Keyword ranking monitor on the page of back links you can see it). Thus, a site with tens of thousands of rarely visited pages will own a hundred times more credibility in the exchange system than a highly visited site with a hundred pages. And references to the main other exchange participants will illustrate a hundred times more often. Therefore, the probability that the search engine will include a link to the site with an impressive number of pages is proportionally higher.

As already mentioned, Ad Network distributes impressions according to the weight of the site in the system, also 100% of the impressions are distributed among all participants of the system, the margin is not taken. It is enough that if the participants of the system for any reason did not ask or disconnected their banners, then instead they are substituted for references to Digitalpoint Solutions. Still, the site very high authority within the exchange system - Google expresses about 28000 indexed pages. To the model, Yandex, according to Google's view, has a "total" of 12,300. Nevertheless, the benefit is great for all the participants in the exchange - the site ranking in search engines using a similar Google PR mechanism flies up in a very short time (if, Of course, you took care of the development so that the indexed number of pages was large enough). True, if your domain was created just now, then there are some limitations. Perhaps the most serious measure taken by Google against the instant promotion is the so-called sandbox. The essence of it is that about half a year since the main indexing of the site Google-bot PR this site does not grow. Thus, a sharp rise in the rating of the new resource becomes impossible. Information about the sandbox is obtained by the route of multiple experiments (performed by no means by me); Google nowhere officially on this does not scribble, but in the environment of SEO is well known.

Of course, Co-op Network also has serious shortcomings. For example, the distribution by types of sites is not realized in any way - entertaining, business, etc. However, moderation works, and also openly indecent advertisement in exchange will not appear. On the other hand, this contradicts the very ideology of the fragmentation of the total number of impressions in proportion to all. After all, if we separate some sites from others, but, to sample, business or news resources will be selected in a special category, then in general they will have a higher PR than any blog. And as you remember, the links are weightier, the higher the PR of the referring site. Therefore, business-themed sites will promote themselves more than little-known, but very interesting resources ...

In general, this is similar to search spam: remember the curious chronicle about the search for the expression "miserable failure" (can be translated as "miserable loser") on Google? Some time back bloggers conspired also put together links of the kind of miserable failure on the pages of their online diaries, which led to a sharp increase in the rating of the biography of George W. Bush. On the website of the White House at the specified request. Co-op Ad Network alienates still impressive opportunities for a similar kind of tricks, in no way meaning, but that it should be abused. The most interesting thing is that Google knows about the existence of this system, but does not consider it to be search spam for many reasons. For example, Co-op Ad Network is primarily an exchange of advertisements with a fairly impressive CTR (, which does not violate netiquette of other written and unwritten rules. The growth of the search rating is the "third-party" effect of the advertising network. Therefore, Google does not seem to be taking any steps at all: the sandbox is allowed to be calculated simply by the further development of this excellent search engine.

Promoting your site is a creative process that requires constant efforts, time and / or capital. I hope, the article will help you to save a share of these precious resources. And, of course, there's no point in focusing only on search engine optimization, although this is also important. Perhaps your site will be able to successfully advance through offline; Essence, so that you had something to tell the universe.