How to convert text to image when a web browser is used

It's no secret that modern search robots, like dog-snoopers, sooner or later "grope" every text trace left on the Internet, whether it's a random phrase thrown in passing in a seedy forum or an email address lost in the web. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg: the improvement of search mechanisms, as well as "licking" up to the brilliance of algorithms, led to the fact that if there is a pore in the bowels of that blah blah "Yandex" or "Google" it is allowed to find much more interesting information, Confidential.

There are several means of combating this digital outrage, we list some of them:
• Set the prohibitions on indexing web pages by search robots the route of the appropriate editing of the robots.txt file located in the root of the server. The method is undoubtedly benign, but it is unlikely that it will save spam robots that "steal" email addresses.
• Encryption of HTML content. A paranoid tool that requires a suitable toolkit also complicates the editing of the act in the future. In general, the fan.
• Use alternative representation of text documents, for example, as pictures. Since the search engines have not yet learned how to recognize graphic images, this method has the privilege of living in the harsh realities of the Internet, at least for the time being. Let us dwell little on the final method.

To translate text into the image, it's quite convenient to use the tools available in the Windows operating system. If you want, you can also use heavier artillery in the face of Photoshop, or arm yourself with any suitable editor for that purpose. But here begins another problem - saving time. Imagine that in order to "score" a single e-mail in the form of a tiny picture, you will need to wait for the download of that blah blah "Photoshop", then enter the text, bring it up to the desired color, and save. Without proper skill, the entire procedure may take a lot of free time.

Significantly more effective is also the use of the free online tool, currently in beta testing.

The scheme of work is simple. We go to the website of the project with a web browser, enter text (maximum - 100 thousand characters), select a font (Arial or Verdana), size also click "Hide it!" Button.

As a result, the service converts the entered text into a graphic file with a meaningless name, designed to muddle the smart "brains" of Internet search robots. You can delete the generated GIF file later, either manually or leave it on the server. According to the developers, the picture will be stored indefinitely under the condition of at least a one-time access to it within a year.

In addition, the service capabilities are not exhausted. Take a look at the following screenshot. We believe, comments are superfluous. In this way it is allowed to "zagiphit" the postal addresses of various services, among which are popular Gmail, Lycos, MSN, Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo, etc. Also, we mention one more purpose of - the transfer of passwords and other classified information, Sometimes just dangerous. Everything is simpler than the simple: we use the service, get the link with the picture and send it to the recipient, but after reading the receiving data at once we delete them from the server and we sleep peacefully. By the way, the creators of this useful service guarantee that the files are truly destroyed and are not stored anywhere else. We hope they are allowed to trust.


1. For example, the Fineprint utility , which connects as a virtual printer to the system, also translates documents sent to "print" into any of the available graphic formats, including JPEG or BMP.