The Irc. And its services!

IRC commands. And its services!

This article was written not for professionals, it was written for those who got acquainted with the basics of IRC, but wants more, wants to continue their knowledge in the world of IRC!

In this article we will consider not only IRC commands, but also consider commands for such useful services as NickServ, ChanServ and MemoServ, which in my opinion, too, need to know, or at least be familiar with them! We will not consider the commands of the mIRC client, if you are still interested in them, then look in the mIRC's help, if it is bad with English, then we download the help translated into Russian!

First, a little look at what IRC, ChanServ, NickServ and MemoServ are!

IRC is a multi-user communication system where people meet on channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a general conversation topic) to communicate with the group or privately. There is no limit to the number of people who can participate in the conversation or the limitations of the channels that can be formed in the IRC. (If you want to learn more about the birth of the IRC, read

NickServ .
NickServ is a service that allows users to register and identify their Nick, and perform other operations on them!

ChanServ .
ChanServ is a service that allows you to register a channel and conduct its settings!

MemoServ .
MemoServ is a short message delivery service for registered users (which may not be currently on the network), and on channels.

Let's start with the IRC commands themselves

Basic IRC commands :

/ Helpsys chanmodes - channel modes
/ Helpsys umodes - user modes

User Modes

Syntax: // mode $ me + flags / flags


**************** USER HELP SYSTEM ***************

B - bot
H - Helper
I - "invisible mode" (hides you from the command / names from those who are not on your channel)
P - hides channels you are joining from / whois (hides the channels on which you are sitting)
R - registered and identified
V - infected with virus (DCC-Send blocking)
W - receive wallops (we do not use it)
X - hides the host (protection against nukes)

**************** OPER HELP SYSTEM ***************

A - Service Admin
A - Server Admin
O - Global IRKOP
O - Local IRCOP
C - receive notices from the server, when somebody connects to it (pale!
F - receive flood reports
G - receive global notices
K - receive notices for "murders"
N - Network Administrator
S - receive notices from the server
T - get notifications for queries / stat, / info ...
T - Technical Administrator
Y - receive notices when they look at your information (/ whois, / uwho, ...)
Z - Zombie (can not send messages / kick / change topics) =)
Channel modes
Syntax: // mode # channel + flags / flags


A - Admin of the channel (no one except the same Admin can kick him or remove the OP)
O - Channel Operator (can kick, ban ...)
V is the voice. The right to talk in + m mode, flood with + d and write with color
E - "Sparkling" (bans on this mask are ignored)
C - can not be written in color
D - you can not repeat messages
I - by invitation only
K - to protect the channel (/ mode # channel + k password)
K - If the channel + i / + k experiences will receive messages if someone fails to enter the channel
L - Limit (limit) of users
M - Moderated. Talking can only @ (Operators) and + (Voys)
N - No messages from outside
P - Private channel (hiding in / list)
Q - Quit messages are not sent to the channel
S - Secret (hides in / whois)
S - Anti-Advertising
T - The topic can only change @ (Operators)

**************** OPER HELP SYSTEM ***************

O - Only for IRCs
A - Only for Server-admins
/ Query nickname - log in to private user
/ Names #channel - see who sits on the channel without going to it
/ Who #channel is the same as / names (another variation)
/ Whois nickname - view info about nickel
/ Whowas nickname - view info about nick, which has gone
/ Quote ircops - All the network irkopes
/ Away the reason is to enable the "evey" mode
/ Away - return from the mode "evey"
/ Help / command - will give a help on command
/ Server - connect to the server
/ Who * part_address * - find the nickname by its host
// mode $ me + x - hide your host
// cs op $ chan $ me - get op from ChanServ (if you are auto-op)
/ Notify nickname note - add a user to the notify (list of notifications)
/ Ban #channel nickname [1-9] - ban nick on the channel [type_bana]
/ Part #channel - leave the channel
/ Partall - leave from all channels
/ Quit message - leave the server with a message
/ List - the list of channels
/ Run application / folder - launch application / folder
/ Dde mPlug control [on | off] - enable / disable AMIP
/ Who - displays a full list of users on the network
/ Amsg - send text to the channels you are sitting on
/ Ame - send action to the channels you are sitting on
/ Dns Nickname | IP | Hostname - define IP | Hostname (depending on what you type)
/ Links - displays a list of servers linked to IrcNet.
/ Admin (where server is the name of the server) - Find out who the channel administrator is

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl + k [0-15] - write with color
Ctrl + k color1, color2 - write color1 on the background color2
Ctrl + b - write in bold
Ctrl + u - write underlined
Ctrl + r - write in contrast
Alt + r - call the remote editor
Alt + a - call alias editor
Alt + p - call the popup editor
Alt + o - World options
Alt + u - the list of links saved by the world
Alt + z - leave the channel
Ctrl + f4 - alt + z
Ctrl + c - copy to clipboard
Ctrl + v - paste from the clipboard
Ctrl + w - search channel windows
Ctrl + q - sort through the private windows
Ctrl + enter - equal to the command / say text
Alt + 1-9 - choose the channel on which you are sitting
Alt + j - Channel folder (favorite channels)
Alt + l - the menu for viewing the list of channels
Alt + b - address book
Alt + n - the menu of reminders (notify)
Alt + s - the menu for sending files

NickServ Team:

/ Msg NickServ help
/ Ns register password e-mail - Register nickname
/ Ns identify password - identify
/ Ns ajoin add #channel - add a channel to the autorun on identification
/ Ns ajoin del #channel - remove the channel from the autorun on identification
/ Ns ajoin list - view the list of auto-enrollment channels for identification
/ Ns link nickname password - link to nick (make nicknames equal)
/ Ns unlink nickname password - undo the nickname (see / ns help unlink)
/ Ns set password newpassword - change the password to newpassword
/ Ns set language number_of_language - set the language of the services
/ Ns set URL web-address - specify the Internet page associated with the nickname
/ Ns set e-mail your_e-mail - specify your mailing address
/ Ns set icqnumber #IcqNumber - specify the UIN of your ICQ
/ Ns set location your_real_address - specify your address
/ Ns set private on - hide info about your nickname (/ ns info nickname)
/ Ns set private off - make info about your nickname available to everyone (/ ns info nickname)
/ Ns set hide e-mail on - hide your e-mail
/ Ns set hide e-mail off - make your e-mail accessible
/ Ns set hide quit on - hide info about your quit
/ Ns set hide quit off - make info about your quit available
/ Ns drop - unregister your nickname
/ Ns recover nickname password - Kill another user who has used your nickname
/ Ns release nickname password - Free nick from service retention after RECOVER
/ Ns listlinks - see the list of nicknames associated with you
/ Ns notes add text - add a note
/ Ns notes del note - number - delete a note
/ Ns notes list - get a list of all saved notes
/ Ns ghost nickname password - kill the user using your nickname
/ Ns info nickname - view info by nickname
/ Ns status nickname - no comment

ChanServ commands:

/ Msg ChanServ help
/ Cs register #channel password description - register channel
/ Cs identify #channel password - identifies as a file manager
/ Cs set #channel founder nickname - change the builder to nickname
/ Cs set #channel successor nickname - set the name of the channel recipient in the case of a dropper of the builder
/ Cs set #channel password newpassword - change password to newpassword
/ Cs set #channel desc Description - set / change channel description
/ Cs set #channel url web-address - specify channel url
/ Cs set #channel email soap - specify the e-mail of the channel (usually its owner)
/ Cs set #channel entrymsg text - specify a welcome message from the incoming ChanServ
/ Cs set #channel topic newtopic - install newtopic
/ Cs set #channel keeptopic on - enable save of the topic when the channel is empty
/ Cs set #channel keeptopic off - turn off the topic save when the channel is empty
/ Cs set #channel mlock + flags-flags - set protection for channel modes (+ nt by default)
/ Cs set #channel mlock off - turn off channel mode protection
/ Cs set #channel private on - hide channel info
/ Cs set #channel private off - make info about the channel available
/ Cs set #channel restricted - restrict access to the channel (only those who are in the access-list can access it)
/ Cs set #channel secureops on - operators (@) can only be those who are registered in the access-list'e
/ Cs set #channel secureops off - operators (@) can be all
/ Cs set #channel leaveops on - Never remove channel operators except for using the deop command
/ Cs set #channel leaveops off - disable leaveops
/ Cs set #channel opnotice on - enable sending a warning when using the op / deop command
/ Cs set #channel opnotice off - turn off the warning when using the op / deop command
/ Cs set #channel nolinks on - turn on ignore the recognition of the permissions for nicknames
/ Cs set #channel nolinks off - turn off the ignoring of the access rights recognition for the linked nicknames
/ Cs access #channel add nickname level - add nickname to the channel access list by level level (Default: 3 == autos; 5 == autoin; 10 == access to akiku, kiku)
/ Cs access #channel del nickname - remove nickname from channel access list
/ Cs access #channel list - see the list of nicknames with access to the channel
/ Cs drop #channel - unregister the channel
/ Cs akick add [email protected] - add mask to autocake
/ Cs akick del number - remove the mask from the autokick
/ Cs akick list - see the list of auto-kicks
/ Cs info #channel - view channel info
/ Cs invite #channel - ChanServ will invite you to #channel
/ Cs op #channel nickname - give op nickname to #channel
/ Cs deop #channel nickname - select op nickname for #channel
/ Cs unban #channel - ChanServ drown you on #channel
/ Cs kick #channel nickname the reason is to kick the nickname with #channel
/ Cs clear #channel users - kick everyone with #channel
/ Cs clear #channel modes - remove all modes from the channel
/ Cs clear #channel ops - remove operator status from all
/ Cs clear #channel voices - uncheck all voices
/ Cs clear #channel bans - amnesty on the channel (remove all bans)
/ Cs levels #channel list - view channel settings
/ Cs levels #channel set option (see / cs levels #channel list) level - change channel settings
/ Cs levels #channel disable option - make the option available only to the builder

Commands MemoServ!

/ Msg MemoServ help
/ Ms send nickname text - send a nickname to the message
/ Ms list - list of messages left to you
/ Ms read (#channel) number / list / last / new
/ Ms del number - delete message by number
/ Ms set notify on - you will be informed about the notes when you log in when you return to the original state (/ away) and when they are sent to you
/ Ms set notify logon - You will only be informed about the notes when you log in or when you return to the original state (/ away)
/ Ms set notify new - You will only be informed about the notes when they are sent to you!
/ Ms set notify off - You will not receive any scraps message
/ Ms set limit (#channel) limit - Set the maximum number of notes (not more than 20ty)!

All these commands will allow you to fully use this wonderful world of communication! And expand your knowledge in the world of IRC!