20 most useful products of all time

20 самых полезных продуктов всех времен и народов

Healthy nutrition is a food that provides growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributing to the strengthening of his health and the prevention of diseases. Adherence to the rules of healthy eating combined with regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases and disorders, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

Modern science conducts numerous studies to optimize the diet to prevent major chronic diseases. The first full-scale study, which confirmed that a healthy diet can significantly reduce the problems with cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes, was the project "North Karelia", which started in Finland in 1973. For 35 years the mortality of cardiovascular diseases in the population of the North Karelia region has decreased by 7 times. This result formed the basis of the Pan-European Health Strategy 2020.

What is a healthy diet? Here is a list of two dozen of the most useful products that we will write about at all times. Print this page and take it with you to the store.

Recommendations for healthy eating

Healthy food. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

20 самых полезных продуктов всех времен и народов
The recommended
In food,
Eatwell plate

Of course, the composition of an ideal human diet depends on the type of activity, lifestyle and place of residence, but there are more or less universal tips developed by health organizations:

  • Closely monitor the calorie content of foods and body weight. Thus, the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine (GIZNPM) recommends a reduction in excess weight with an index of body mass index greater than 27 kg / m2.
  • Limit energy from fat. Saturated fats (animals, solid vegetable fats) - should be up to 1/3 of consumed fats, the remaining 2/3 fats should be unsaturated, liquid fats. When you consume milk and dairy products, you should give preference to products with reduced fat content. Try not to eat food that contains trans fatty acids.
  • Strive to increase the share of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts in the daily diet. It is from this food that you should receive 50-60% of all energy.
  • About a third of bread, cereals, flour in the diet should be products enriched with micronutrients.
  • Limit the use of simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, sweet carbonated drinks) - no more than 30-40 grams per day.
  • Limit the use of table salt and use only iodized salt.
  • Try to provide the body with vitamins in physiological quantities, including antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E), folic acid. In case your diet does not include enough vitamins from food, you can periodically take a multivitamin and additionally vitamin D.
  • Consult a doctor on the topic of diets, trust only the nutrition developed by reputable health institutions.

Support healthy eating by the state

Governments of many developed countries annually allocate funds for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and, in particular, healthy eating. Infographics have become very popular, for example, developed taking into account the national characteristics of the food pyramid, in which the recommended number of different types of products is visually displayed.

In Russia, it is possible to receive nutritional support in the framework of primary health care. Doctors-nutritionists carry out observation and treatment of the following groups of patients:

  • With excessive body weight and obesity of I-III degree;
  • With alimentary-dependent diseases;
  • Suffering from a syndrome of impaired digestion and absorption;
  • Having a violation of nutritional status.


For the brain and eyes


Brown rice

For cardiovascular, food-
And nervous systems

Коричневый рис


For muscles, ligaments and bones



For food-
And cardiovascular systems


Chicken breasts

For muscles and nervous system

Куриные грудки


For bones, cardiovascular system, kidneys, spermatogenesis



For muscles, bones, cardiovascular system



For nervous and food-



For the cardiovascular, hematopoietic and reproductive systems

Грецкие орехи


For the cardiovascular system, muscles and brain



For cardiovascular, food-
And nervous systems


Oat flakes

For food-
Tion system

Овсяные хлопья

Sea kale

For the thyroid and nervous system

Морская капуста


For bones, as well as food-
And nervous systems


Black chocolate

For the brain and hematopoietic system

Черный шоколад

Olive oil

For muscles and cardiovascular system

Оливковое масло


For the muscles and reproductive system


Cottage cheese

For muscles and bones


Whole wheat bread

For muscles and food-
Tion system

Цельнозерновой хлеб


For muscles, as well as nervous, food-
And sexual systems


Via www.mhealth.ru