You should know it! Culinary use of parts of mascara

Кулинарное использование частей туши

Beef - meat of cattle (cows, oxen, sarlyk, buffalo). The word came from Old Russian "beef", which means "cattle". (Compare tadzhov gov, English cow - cow, Armenian cow, Sanskrit cow).

Peeled meat is sorted by culinary use. Culinary use of parts of the carcass depends on the amount, structure, composition of the connective tissue.


  1. Zarez. Refueling soups, fillings and stuffing.
  2. Shoulder part. Refueling soups, chopped cutlets, goulash.
  3. Dorsal part. Costal - soups; Flesh - roast.
  4. Filet. Roast whole chunk (roast beef) or thin pieces (steak, azu); Shredders - soups, goulash, cutlets.
  5. The fetlock. Roast; With a bone - soups, broths.
  6. Rumpy. Stewed and boiled meat, chopped cutlets, little bits, soups; The inside is beef Stroganoff.
  7. Rump. Stewed and boiled meat, chopped cutlets, soups, broths.
  8. Shoulder part. Transparent broths and filling soups; Without bone - chopped chops and roast.
  9. Breast - it can be boiled, salt and smoke.
  10. Pashin is for her stuffing.
  11. A shank is best to put out.
  12. Shank - best to put out.


  1. Shoulder part. Roast, stew, minced meat, soups, borsch.
  2. Dorsal part (loin). Schnitzels, chops with a bone, shish kebabs, azu, roast.
  3. The lumbar part. Roast, escalope, goulash, shish kebab, soups.
  4. Ham. Roast, chopped cutlets, broths.
  5. Breast. Roast, soups, borsch.
  6. Tanks with cervical incision. Refueling soups.
  7. Shank. Broths, fillings from flesh.
  8. Shank. Broths, fillings from flesh.


  1. Spinno-scapular part. Chops with a bone, roast, shish kebab, pilaf, boiled lamb.
  2. Rear part. Roast, stewed mutton, shish kebab.
  3. Breast. Stew, pilaf, filling soups.
  4. Pashin. Stew, pilaf, filling soups.
  5. Zarez. Refueling soups.
  6. Neck. Refueling soups.
  7. Shank. Refueling soups, jellies.
  8. Shank. Refueling soups, jellies.

The tenderloin is the most delicate part of the carcass, it is used for frying whole, natural portions and small chunks.

Thick and thin edges are fried entirely, portioned natural, breaded and small chunks.

The inner and upper chunks of the hip part are used for quenching in large and portioned pieces, for frying with breaded and small chunks.

The outer and lateral pieces of the hip part are extinguished with large, portioned and small pieces.

Shoulder, scapula, brisket, lobster (category I meat) are used for cooking in large pieces and quenching in small pieces.

Cutlet meat is used for the preparation of chopped products, since it contains up to 80% of connective tissue.

Cutting the carcass

Russia and the countries of the former USSR

Culinary use of parts of mascara

  1. Neck
  2. Ribs
  3. Chest, brisket
  4. Thick edge, riba, chicken on bone
  5. Thin edge, short fillet
  6. Around
  7. Tenderloin
  8. Lining
  9. Peritoneum, flank
  10. Scapula
  11. Rump, thigh
  12. Flank
  13. Kostrets
  14. Shank

United Kingdom

Culinary use of parts of mascara

  • Necks & clod
  • Chuck & blades
  • Sirloin
  • Rump
  • Silverside
  • Topside
  • Thick rib
  • Thin rib
  • Brisket
  • Shin
  • Flank
  • Thick flank
  • Leg


Culinary use of parts of mascara

  • Neck
  • Rib
  • Sirloin
  • Tenderloin
  • Top sirloin
  • Round
  • Flank
  • Chuck
  • Brisket
  • Shankle


Culinary use of parts of mascara

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