Child development by months to year

Развитие ребенка по месяцам до года

The crisis of newborn is an intermediate stage between the intrauterine and extrauterine way of life of the child. The newborn is so helpless that if he does not appear to be an adult, he would have died within hours of being born. So it turns out that at the time of delivery and right after it a person needs society.

According to psychoanalysts, birth is the first trauma the child is experiencing, and she is so strong that it has an impact on the whole subsequent life.

Is my child developing normally? What do you expect from your newly born baby? What to look for and what to tell your doctor? What problems can young parents face and how to solve them?

What can a child in 1 month:

  • Performs micromovements and makes sounds to the speech of the speaker;
  • Distinguishes colors (red, yellow, black and white), lines and cage;
  • Fixes a glance at the human face, which is bent over him;
  • Distinguishes features of sounds;
  • Mother's voice recognizes, smells, touches hands;
  • Focuses on the fixed object and its smooth movement;
  • Lying on his tummy, trying to lift and hold his head.

What can a child in 2 months:

  • Bestows and fascinates everyone with a radiant smile that appears in response to a voice or a declined face;
  • Visually concentrates and keeps in view the moving and stalled object;
  • Turns the head to the source of sound, looks for it with his eyes;
  • Demonstrates in response to communication a "revitalization complex";
  • Lying on his stomach, trying to hold his head;
  • Pronounces sounds, vocalizing vowels;
  • Turns from the barrel to the back.

What can a child in 3 months:

  • Recognizes the faces of mom and dad, laughs at communication;
  • He is capricious and whimpering, he protests with protest;
  • Gulit, cooing, talking with an adult;
  • Falls into the hands of toys hanging over the crib;
  • Captures the toy and pulls it into the mouth;
  • Raises his head, lying on his stomach and leaning on his forearms;
  • Flips from back to back;
  • Rests feet on a solid surface with support under the arms;
  • Keeps his head and controls it;
  • Finds the source of sound and light.

What can a child in 4 months:

  • Learns Mom (or a person who constantly cares) and prefers it to everyone else;
  • Learns the voices of familiar people and distinguishes them from strangers;
  • Leads out rulads, pronounces the first syllables;
  • Captures the hanging toy of one silt simultaneously with both hands;
  • Catches his name and responds to it;
  • He lifts his shoulders and head, lying on his back;
  • Reacts differently to familiar and unfamiliar things;
  • Singles out "favorite" and "unloved" toys;
  • At feeding plays with a breast or a bottle, supports it.

What can a child in 5 months:

  • With pleasure he looks at the faces in the pictures;
  • Melodically gulit, turning to babbling;
  • Suffices, restrains, probes, draws to itself, throws objects;
  • Distinguishes familiar and unfamiliar people;
  • Demonstrates a wary attitude towards strangers;
  • 5-10 minutes independently is engaged in toys;
  • Turns from back to belly, pulls himself up on his hands, trying to sit down;
  • Lying on his stomach, leans on the palms of his straightened hands;
  • Plays in "ku-ku", babbles to the rhythm of playing.

What can a child in 6 months:

  • Babbles and imitates audible sounds;
  • He listens attentively to the speech;
  • Finds the objects with which you speak;
  • Observes a certain distance with outsiders;
  • Moves toys from one hand to another;
  • Throws what is grasped, can quickly pull the toy by the string;
  • Moves objects from one container to another;
  • Crawls to the toy, lying at a distance of 10-20 cm from the outstretched arm;
  • Learns to get up, holding on to the support.

What can a child in 7 months:

  • Understands the meaning of many words;
  • Emotionally very strongly attached to the mother, clinging to her;
  • Begins to feel fear at parting with his mother;
  • He can put small objects in big ones;
  • Firmly stands by the pedestal, crosses at the support;
  • Learns to sit alone;
  • Learns to crawl;
  • Turns from belly to back and back;
  • Can eat from a spoon and drink from a cup;
  • Remembers actions to maintain neatness and "reminds" mom about them;
  • Plays in "Ladushki" and similar gestures.

What can a child in 8 months:

  • Babbles as if he speaks;
  • Understands and fulfills requests such as "give your hand," "tilt your head";
  • Plays games with the performance of simple actions ("Ladushki"), dances;
  • Has a strong fear of parting with his mother;
  • Clearly divides people into "their" and "strangers";
  • Frightened by sudden, unexpected sounds (vacuum cleaner, bell, dog barking);
  • Independently gets up and walks by the pedestal;
  • Independently sits;
  • Begins to actively creep;
  • Can bite off soft food and chew;
  • Goes from mashed potatoes to chopped food;
  • Calmly perceives planting on a pot.

What can a child in 9 months:

  • Turns lisp into sound serenades;
  • Shows the spout, mouth and other parts of the body of the mother, dolls, in my mirror, sometimes correctly "getting" the finger in the right place;
  • He thrusts his fingers in all the holes;
  • He knows how to tear and knead the paper, clay is clinking in the palm;
  • Can flip through the thick pages of a cardboard book;
  • Independently sits down, sits, walks by the pedestal, creeps;
  • Stands up without support;
  • Rhythmically jumping and squatting at the pedestal or holding on to Mom's hands.

What can a child in 10 months:

  • Listens to the speech of an adult and imitates her sounds;
  • Perceives jokes in his address;
  • Singles out funny sounds and laughs at them;
  • Rejoices in fun games;
  • Inserts one object into another;
  • Prefers small objects to large ones;
  • With the help of one object gets another;
  • Deliberately throws away objects or toys;
  • Rolls cars, pushes the ball, tumbler;
  • Sits, crawls, walks by the pedestal;
  • Calmly part with the chest;
  • Chewing chalk cut food;
  • He shows an active interest in other children.

What can a child in 11 months:

  • Understands the talk of parents about themselves and what is happening around them;
  • Pronounces words that mimic the voices of animals and birds;
  • Fulfills requests and instructions: bring, give, take, put, take;
  • Waiting for praise and approval of their actions;
  • Affirmatively nods his head and shakes his head negatively;
  • Waving his hand in greeting or farewell, thanks for a nod;
  • Endlessly repeats the same action, improving in it;
  • Tries to eat himself with a spoon, drinks well from a cup;
  • Climbs on the steps and descends from them, actively creeps;
  • Tries to walk alone;
  • Can hang on the rings or the tournament until the 1st minute;
  • Knows how to climb the first few steps of the Swedish wall.

What can a child in 12 months:

  • Pronounces 10-15 lightweight and imitative words;
  • Independently walks;
  • Behaves differently with different people;
  • Shows self-reliance;
  • Actively expresses negative emotions;
  • Collects a pyramid, builds 2-3 figures of cubes;
  • Makes cakes, rolls sausages from dough or clay;
  • Has clearly expressed interests, favorite and unloved pursuits;
  • Accompanies painting with comments;
  • Bites, chews solid food;
  • Uses a spoon and a cup.