Find out if there is damage on you, at home! And do not go to the fortuneteller ...

Диагностика порчи

Corruption (from Russian spoilage) is a superstition based on the belief of some people in the harmful (illness, death, mental disorder, ugliness, frustration of affairs and good relations, termination of contracts) magical influence on the part of detractors, through an evil eye (evil eye), or With the help of a magical ritual (ritual, slander) through food, things, water, wind, wood.

There are many unfortunate people in the world, whose life is not very good. They do not work on themselves and their happiness, but only envy more successful people and often curse them. Sometimes they even resort to various conspiracies, they send spoil and the evil eye. This story is about one long-standing method by which you can determine whether there is corruption on you or not. So did our grandmothers and grandmothers.

wiki What is corruption?

Диагностика порчи
The witch who sends disease to the foot with a hazel arrow (German engraving, 1489)

Superstitions and myths about the existence of spoilage, as well as the possibility of destroying such influence (the removal of spoilage) are to varying degrees common among all peoples.

Phenomena attributed to spoilage can be explained by a completely natural course of events and are not controversial.

Quite often damage attempts to explain events that at first sight do not have any reasonable explanation or clearly visible reasons.

In Christianity, the belief in the evil eye and spoilage is the sin of superstition, and the appeal to grandmothers, any magicians, psychics, etc., is the sin of turning to witchcraft, to the devil.


Диагностика порчи
The doll used to direct spoilage

The most common myths in modern society are:

  • The myth of corruption with the help of a pawn (naza) - specially made to inflict damage on a magic object (most often Nauz is described in the form of a ring of bird feathers sewn into a pillow or feather bed, or a bundle of hair wrapped in a special thread with bones of animals or birds );
  • The myth of corruption through the so-called dead water - the water used to wash the recently deceased;
  • The myth of the possibility of witchcraft use to spoil the body parts of the object (hair, nails, blood), his personal things (clothes, etc.), images (for example, photographs), traces ("tracing");
  • In the practice of religion, voodoo damage is induced with the help of a doll depicting the object of spoilage (most often sticking a needle in a doll); The use of ritual dolls for similar purposes existed among other peoples.

Removal of spoilage

It is believed that spoilage can be removed if a person can unravel the mystery of the ritual, as well as with the help of prayers, faith in God, turning to the priest.

Also, those who believe in spoiling often turn to healers, psychics, to the same witches and the like.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, in order to avoid damage to the cows, cows were placed in the cribs or put a quarter-light candle (burning on Passion). There were many other amulets; For example, a crotch nest was attached to the horns of cows.

You will need

Диагностика порчи

To diagnose whether you have spoilage you will need:

  • glass
  • water
  • 2 matches

Checking spoilage

Диагностика порчи

Before starting the test, relax, bring yourself to a calm state and ask the question: "Are there any signs of alien energy influence on me?"

Диагностика порчи

While holding the match for the end free from sulfur, place it vertically in 4-5 centimeters from the water surface right in the middle of the glass.


Close your eyes and ask the same question. Release the match and let it calmly fall into the water.


After the thrown match stops its movement, do the same with the second.

Of course, matches will take a certain mutual position, according to which you can judge whether there is damage. There are three basic options for placing matches: the absence of contact between them, contact and intersection . Each of these combinations carries special information.


Диагностика порчи

The absence of any contact between matches is considered to be the best . This statement says that your energy is free from extraneous influences, and cares and illnesses are purely physical in nature. In this situation, in order to improve health, it is necessary to take medicines, drink herbal infusions and exercise.

Диагностика порчи

The contact of matches indicates that you are under unprofessional energy influence or have been exposed to the evil eye. You could earn this mischief in public transport, during a quarrel with family and friends, in a squabble in line and in other similar situations.

Диагностика порчи

Crossing matches indicate deliberately induced damage. The place of contact and intersection of matches will point you to the energy center, which was subjected to the most intense attack from the detective. To determine such a center, it is necessary to visually divide one match into six parts and see which of them is touched by the end of the other match.

External force in this case reflects the top match, and to judge the level of damage it is necessary for a match located below.

Levels of exposure

First level

Диагностика порчи

Indicates the defeat of the energy center of life force . Someone is trying to take away from you the very desire to live. From the physical organs, reproductive organs and kidneys can be affected.

Second level

Диагностика порчи

He talks about the defeat of the center of sexual intercourse. The most probable place of defeat at privorotah and lapels . In the body, the damage to this center is reflected in poor work of the colon, genital organs, bladder, vessels of the lower limbs.

Third level

Диагностика порчи

Influence on your position in society . The person who sent the negative tries to destroy your authority, take away the ability to contact other people, and tries to leave you alone. With the defeat of this center, often there are diseases of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, small intestine, pancreas.

Fourth level

Диагностика порчи

He talks about the defeat of the heart center or about the effect on the feeling of love . This influence is aimed at depriving you of balance and understanding of the world. When you hit this center, a person does not get pleasure from life, can not properly select partners and friends, is deprived of support from others. There are diseases of the heart and vascular system, there is a sharp decline in immune responses.

Fifth level

Диагностика порчи

The person who did this, deprives you of information, makes him immune to external irritants, indifferent . In the body, the pulmonary system, bronchi, pharynx and larynx suffer, the thyroid gland.

Sixth level

Диагностика порчи

An outsider tried to put in your mind your way of thinking, a program of life that is alien to you, and the attainment of goals. All your forces go to empty, unnecessary actions , which as a result do not bring you success. The brain and spinal cord, the nervous system as a whole, the functions of regulating hormonal metabolism and metabolism can suffer.

With the help of this method, you will be able to find out if there is any damage on you caused by ill-wishers. After all, very often in our lives come hard times, which sometimes do not depend on our actions or inaction.

We wish you never to be negatively influenced by other people!
