What to do if the pressure rises

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Arterial hypertension (hypertension, hypertension, hypertension, etc.-Greek "above, above" + other-Greek "tension, tone") - persistent increase in blood pressure from 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Essential hypertension (hypertension) is 90-95% of cases of hypertension. In other cases, diagnosed secondary, symptomatic arterial hypertension: renal (nephrogenic) - 3-4%, endocrine - 0.1-0.3%, hemodynamic, neurological, stressful, due to the intake of certain substances (iatrogenic) and AH of pregnant women, under which Increasing blood pressure is one of the symptoms of the underlying disease. Among the iatrogenic hypertensions, those caused by the intake of biologically active additives and medicines are particularly prominent. Women taking hormonal contraceptives are more likely to develop AH (especially in women with obesity, women who smoke and older women). With the development of hypertension on the background of taking these drugs and dietary supplements, they should be canceled. The decision to cancel other medications is taken by the doctor. AH, not caused by oral contraceptives, is not a contraindication to hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. However, at the beginning of hormonal replacement therapy, blood pressure (arterial pressure) should be monitored more often, since it is possible to increase it.

Recommendations of doctors at pressure surges

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Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is established that 20-30% of the adult population suffer from arterial hypertension. With age, the incidence of the disease increases and reaches 50-65% in persons older than 65 years. The emergence of hypertension is facilitated by more than 20 combinations in the human genetic code.

Problems with pressure are typical for the off-season period - unstable weather can have a very negative effect on the state of the vessels. To maintain a healthy vascular tone, listen to the recommendations of doctors.

The ascorbic will help

Vitamin C is one of the main elements of vascular support. Researchers from Tufts University found that people who consumed less ascorbic acid per day than in one orange (70 mg), the pressure for half a year was higher by about 20 units compared to those who received more vitamin C.

The only problem is that vitamin C in the body quickly breaks down when smoking, taking certain medications (for example, acetylsalicylic acid, certain antibiotics and antidepressants), as well as with stress and cold infections. Doctors recommend eating at least 250 mg of vitamin C per day. This dose is contained in three oranges, or in two Bulgarian peppers, or in a glass of currant or cranberry juice.

Products with iron

Iron is necessary for normal cerebral circulation.

Replenish it in the body will help: beef liver, buckwheat porridge, ripe pomegranate, green apples or a couple of pieces of black bread. Especially a lot of iron in Borodino bread.


If every day to eat a small portion of yogurt, the probability of developing hypertension will decrease by a third, experts say.

The calcium contained in it increases the flexibility of the vessels, and, therefore, it is easier for them to adapt to pressure drops and expand.

Deep Breathing

Usually we breathe superficially - with this breath, the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood is quite high. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide narrows the blood vessels and provokes pain.

To saturate cells with oxygen, you need to breathe deeply. Breathe in with a nose up to five, then exhale with your mouth (also up to five). Repeat 10 times. Respiratory gymnastics should be performed outdoors.

Stretch your muscles

Stress in the shoulders, neck and back muscles can cause pain, which is given in the head. This often happens from a sedentary job, a long sitting in one pose.

Your task is to stretch your muscles. Let someone make a massage, or mash the problem areas yourself. Then take a deep breath, hold the breath to score to 8 and exhale.

Glass of water

It's good to start the day with a glass of mineral water (or just warm water), and before dinner drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice - it tones up blood vessels and metabolism.


To quickly remove the vascular spasm, you can take spasmolytic (no-shp, spazgan, baralgin - to choose from) and an aspirin tablet.

If you do not have any tools at hand, lean your forehead against the windowpane for a few minutes. The glass will remove static electricity from the scalp and the tension will go away.

Reaction to weather ...

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In hypotension, blood pressure may drop. In this case, a means of activating action is needed that increase the pressure: ginseng, green tea in tablets, Chinese magnolia vine, rhodiola rosea, eleutherococcus, papaya extract. In the morning it is good to drink a cup of strong and sweet (glucose raises the pressure) coffee. But in general to take a great interest in coffee it is not necessary: ​​this drink can provoke spasms of vessels.

In hypertensive patients, the pressure may drop, or, conversely, jump. They need to always keep a tonometer on hand and act according to its indicators. You can take medications that correct cerebral circulation, but only after consulting a cardiologist. With an increase in heart pressure (the lower indicator of the tonometer), you can take a soothing cardiac remedy.

> Attention! High figures of blood pressure at a young age (up to 30 years) can be a sign of symptomatic hypertension, which is not caused by vascular disorders, but by kidney or endocrine system. It is necessary to be surveyed for a reason - to take urine and blood tests, check the hormones of the adrenal glands, etc.

If high figures of pressure persist, it is necessary to take drugs that reduce it. And constantly, every day - to prevent the rise of pressure, and not when the pressure has already jumped.

How to Cure Hypertension Forever

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Hypertension, high blood pressure, is very common. Therefore, there are many recipes, how to treat hypertension with folk remedies. Many tools will help reduce pressure only for a while. Here you can read how to cure hypertension forever .

The personal experience of the readers of the newspaper "Vestnik ZDZH" proves this.

Syrup from hawthorn and viburnum

Collect 1 bucket of viburnum, 1 bucket of hawthorn, 2-3 kg of dog-rose, wash it all, fall asleep in a barrel and soak for about an hour, not letting it boil. Then add 5 kg of sugar, cook for 15 minutes and roll over the jars. During the whole winter, drink 50 g of syrup, topping up with water until the condition of the mors. A woman of 74 years used this recipe. Before that, she had a lot of pressure, there was a terrible arrhythmia, pressure jumps, hypertensive crises, the ambulance came almost every day. After treatment of hypertension with this folk remedy, tachycardia attacks completely passed, the pressure became 130/80 - 110/70. (HLS 2000, No. 20, page 4)

Composition for improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Composition number 1 Take honey - 500 g, vodka - 500 g. Mix. Heat, stirring constantly, until a solid milk foam appears on the surface. Remove from heat, allow to stand. (HLS 2000, No. 20, page 4)

Ingredients # 2 Boil 1 liter of water, take the following herbs on a pinch: motherwort, swine swine, valerian root, sporich and chamomile. Throw the herbs in boiling water. Insist half an hour. Strain.

Mix compounds # 1 and # 2. Insist in a dark place for 3 days. Take 1 tbsp. L. 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening.

At first it seems that nothing happens. But over time, the effect manifests itself: pain in the heart, angina, pressure jumps. The main thing is to take the medicine regularly and on time to the last spoon. When the mixture is over, make a new portion, and after a 7-10 day rest, take another course. The full course of treatment with this folk remedy is 1 year. (Healthy Holidays 2000, No. 20, page 12)

A woman who has had hypertensive crises several times a week has prepared this remedy. Saw it for 1 year, for a year prepared the composition 5 times. As a result of the treatment, the pressure gradually decreased, hypertensive crises no longer arose, the cardiogram stabilized, the number of drugs was much reduced. (HLS 2012, № 3, page 8,).

Another woman used this folk remedy for hypertension. I drank the composition the whole year, although it helped immediately. As a result, the pressure from 180 dropped to normal. Only occasionally reaches 140. (HLS 2004, No. 14, page 8,)

Beets in folk remedies for hypertension.

A woman has suffered from hypertension since she was 33 years old. In 50 years she was offered a folk remedy, simple and cheap, which helped to get rid of pressure spikes and cure hypertension completely.

Peel the raw beet, cut into pieces, put in a three-liter jar for 2/3 of the volume, pour cold boiled water, cover with gauze, leave at room temperature for 7 days. Drain the infusion, store in the refrigerator. Drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. During the infusion, prepare the next jar. If the disease is not started, then you can cure hypertension for 3 months. In advanced cases, it will take longer. (HOOO 2002, No. 12, page 6)

Hypertensive cocktail, if the pressure rises

In 0,5 liters of water pour 1 tbsp. L. With the top of dry hawthorn flowers, simmer for 5-7 minutes on a slow fire. Decoction to filter. One glass in a warm form to drink on an empty stomach, the second, chilled, in the evening before supper. Together with the broth of hawthorn, take 1 tablet of valerian before breakfast, 1 tablet before lunch, 2 tablets at bedtime. Such treatment of hypertension lasts at least two years with a regular daily intake of the healing "cocktail", the pressure jumps cease, it always remains normal. Hawthorn flowers can be bought at the pharmacy (HOOO 2002, No. 13, page 2).

Golden mustache from hypertension

Make a tincture of the plant "golden mustache" - 15-17 lobes of a mustache for 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 12 days. Drink in the morning on a dessert spoon for 30-40 minutes before eating.

The woman takes the second portion of tincture and insists the third. Having started drinking the tincture, gradually abandoned the pills, the well-being improved much, hypertensive crises no longer arise (HOR 2003, No. 17, p. 25).

Oxygen cocktail from hypertension

The man left in 50 years to retire, by this age he had a huge number of diseases - hypertension II degree, suffered a stroke. From smoking and work to firefighters the lungs were ill - shortness of breath, cough at night.

Comrade sent him an oxygen cocktail from Moscow as a gift. I tried it, and he really liked it - it became easier to breathe. Takes these cocktails for 3 months. The result is excellent - the pressure is normalized, the heart does not hurt, dyspnea has gone away, the lungs have cleared. Now I started playing volleyball at UNICS (HLS 2004, No. 1, page 9).

How to cure hypertension with water

A woman 20 years ago read an article by a professor of medicine who was able to cure hypertension with a simple method, but could not explain the secret of his effectiveness. The procedure is as follows: we must put a glass of drinking water on the table in the evening. In the morning, massage your head with your fingers, pull yourself up, get up, take a glass, raise it high. In the other hand hold an empty glass, where to pour the water. Do this 30 times. All that is left in the glass to drink in small sips. The woman was treated this way for about a month, the pressure from 210/90 decreased to 130/70. Now everyone advises this simple remedy for hypertension, it helps. At first, almost all the water from her spilled, and now does not lose a drop (2004 No. 21, page 27)

A man, 83, also drinks in the morning water, poured from a mug into a mug 28 times. The figures on the tonometer decreased already on the third day. Water should remain at least 250 g, the height between the circles - 60 cm. The water should not be boiled. Water to drink small sips all immediately after the transfusion 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. Especially effective water helps to reduce pressure in the morning on an empty stomach. At the first stage of hypertensive disease, water lasts 12 hours or more. If the upper figure is above 150, then water needs to be medicated. But the dose of drugs, thanks to water, can be reduced by 2-4 times. So the man noticed that water works better if after its reception not to remain at rest, but to increase blood circulation with the help of respiratory or physical exercises, massage. He uses more often three-minute massage of the collar zone. During 4 months of experiments with water, he had a noise in his ears, his sleep improved, the dose of medicines was reduced 4 times, which effectively affected the family budget and the reduction of side effects (HLS 2007, No. 13, pp. 8-9).

Treatment of hypertension with hydrogen peroxide

The man suffered from hypertension for more than 30 years. For many years he took medicine strictly at the appointed time. The daily dose was adjusted depending on the parameters of the tonometer. Pressure tried to keep within 120-140 / 70-80. Means from hypertension constantly changed, so that there was no addiction and it was not necessary to increase the dose in connection with this. But, despite strict control, there were pressure spikes when the pressure exceeded 200.

I decided to treat hypertension with 3% hydrogen peroxide. He started with 2 drops and added 1 drop per day, reached 10 drops. I took them 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Arterial pressure controlled in the morning and evening, recorded the readings of the tonometer in the notebook. In the first month of peroxide treatment, no changes were noticed. In the following 3 months, the indicators even worsened. There was an idea to give up treatment, but the man managed to drive her away. Only 7 months later he managed to abandon the drugs, because without them the pressure was kept at the norm of 120 / 60-75. Moreover, the further, the more often the "coffee" mark appeared in the notebook - that means, the pressure dropped to 100/50 and I had to drink coffee to bring it back to normal. Now the patient does not have medicines for months, although she always keeps them ready-pressure jumps happen during magnetic storms. (HLS 2007, No. 21, page 11).

The woman suffered from increased pressure, after taking peroxide, the pressure returned to normal, and at the same time she underwent chronic bronchitis. (2004, №2 p.9)

Syrup from chubby will help cure hypertension

If the pressure rises, chokeberry will help - with regular application it can cure hypertension for good. Take 5 kg of black chokeberry, pour 4 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, wrap, leave for a day. Strain, but do not discard berries. Rejected infusion of berries to put on fire, add 4 kg of sugar, 4 tbsp. L. Citric acid. Bring to a boil, pour into cans, spin. You can pour cold syrup on cans and bottles, and do not tighten it tightly, but then you have to store it in the refrigerator. The remaining berries pour 3 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, again wrap it for a day, drain. Then add 3 kg of sugar and 3 tbsp. L. Citric acid. Bring to a boil, pour over the jars.

Take this syrup to treat pressure at any time, diluting it with water. It turns out a delicious drink. This tool can quickly reduce the pressure, so you need to find your own measure. Do not forget that the black cherry can thicken the blood, if you have high blood coagulability, it is better to look for another folk remedy for hypertension. (HLS 2007, No. 23, page 30).

If you are too lazy to make syrup, then chokeberry can be dried and drunk tea, reducing pressure, grind in a coffee grinder 100 g of dry berries of mountain ash and 100 g of peppermint, mix. Brew, like tea on 1-2 st. L. For 1 glass of water. (2008, No. 5, p. 12).

How to treat hypertension with oats

The woman began to rise after 60 years of age. At the same time, there was pain in the neck, unpleasant sensations in the heart. She tried to lower the pressure in the home by various folk remedies: she went to bed, put on mustard plaster, put compresses with vinegar on the soles, took pills. But nothing helped, it was necessary to call an ambulance. Once she complained about her illness to a friend, she advised her to drink a decoction of oats. The patient jumped at this recipe, like a straw, drank two courses, but not until the end - too lazy. But, despite this, for 3 years the pressure kept in the norm.

Wash 2 tbsp. L. Oats, pour two glasses of hot water, boil 15 minutes, infuse 12 hours. Strain. It will be approximately 300 g of broth. Take 100 g 3 times daily before meals. Drink 1 month, break 15 days and another course. After two courses of treatment, monitor the pressure, if it has risen a little, and treat hypertension again. (HLS 2007, No. 24, page 34).

Shevchenko's mixture of hypertension

In 1973, a woman was diagnosed with "hypertension and ischemic heart disease." Since then, more than 30 years, she lived on injections and pills. When taking the medicine - the pressure is reduced by 1-2 hours, then rises again. If you lay down, the heart starts to break. She could only sleep on her right side. When she read about Shevchenko's method (vodka with butter 30:30), she decided to use it to treat high blood pressure. Start with a dose of 20 + 20, once a day in the morning. At once it became bad, the pressure dropped sharply, the heart was beating randomly. This condition continued (pressure jumps, arrhythmia) for 4 days, the woman decided to give up such treatment, but on the fifth day she became better, then even better. On the 7th day she began to drink 30 + 30 and drink so still. Increased pressure returned to normal, the heart does not hurt, passed depression.

The mixture is drunk once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. 10 days of drinking, 5 days of rest. And so 4 years. For 4 years I did not drink a single pill. In the first month in the five-day break, there were sometimes pressure jumps, then everything became stable. (HLS 2007, No. 1, page 23).

Another woman treated endometriosis with hormonal drugs. As a result, she developed hypertension, exacerbated varicose veins, the stomach got sick. Decided to apply a mixture of Shevchenko. First she drank it 3 times a day, and after improvement - once a day. As a result, all of these illnesses have passed (HSE 2003, No. 13, page 24).

Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies

The woman constantly overshooting pressure - the scale on the tonometer was not enough, "fast" came all the time. After one particularly severe hypertensive crisis, she summoned her daughter with a telegram, which appeared in her evening. An elderly woman was tormented by pains and interruptions in the heart, headache, lack of sleep. My daughter went through the prescription drugs and noticed that the therapist and neuropathologist had prescribed the same medicines with different names to her. The patient saw a double dose of pills, hoping for improvements. My daughter brewed dill seeds, gave me a drink to drink a sick man, and put a napkin soaked in mint drops near my face. The woman first slept well. After that, every day she drank a cucumber swamp and ate grated raw beets on an empty stomach, drank beet kvass, from tablets refused. Gradually everything was adjusted, the woman lived for another 15 years, the pressure was kept in the norm, the ambulance did not call (HGS 2007, No. 3, page 8).

How it was possible to cure hypertension with oak ash

Pour 4 tbsp. L. Oak ash 1 liter of boiling water, insist 1 day. Infusion take 3 tbsp. L. 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. Then take a break for 5 days and take another 1 course. The woman had treated hypertension with the help of this folk remedy, now she has 135/85 pressure (HGS 2007, No. 5, p. 30).

Treatment of hypertension with the fraction ASD-2

To lower the pressure, the fraction of ASD-2 is taken in accordance with the general scheme, but they start with 5 drops, adding 1 drop every day, bringing up to 20 drops. Drink to normalize the pressure.

The general scheme of admission FDA ASD: 15-30 drops diluted in 50-100 ml of water or strong tea. Drink on an empty stomach for 20-40 minutes before meals 2 times a day. 5 days to drink, 3 days break, 5 days to drink, 3 days break, 5 days to drink, month break. Then repeat the scheme until complete recovery (HLS 2007, No. 9, page 7).

The woman began to accept the fraction ASD-2 for the treatment of hypertension. Within a couple of weeks I felt much better, the pressure stabilized, there was shortness of breath and weakness. Now he drinks ASD for prevention of 10 drops a day. In addition, she had a polyp in the stomach, which was going to operate - after the administration of the ASD, he disappeared. (HLS 2010, No. 10, p. 10).

How the mother-in-law cured her son-in-law of hypertension

The man had the last hypertensive disease, the indicators on the tonometer were constantly 220/180. He drank medicines, did injections - helped for a while, and money for treatment took a lot. Mother-in-law, after watching this, decided to treat her son-in-law herself. She was an herbalist and lived up to 90 years. As a result of her treatment, the son-in-law's pressure became 130/90.

In a three-liter jar with a strong mug (55 degrees) put 0.5 cups of dry hips and hawthorn, chokeberry, cedar nuts with eggshells, irriga flowers, 4 mint leaves, a branch of St. John's wort, oregano, 3 stems of thyme. Cover the can with the lid and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain, pour into bottles. Take 1 tbsp. L. Morning and evening before eating. A week after the start of treatment with this folk remedy, the man forgot about hypertension. (HLS 2007, No. 9, page 30).

Onions with honey if the pressure rises

1 glass of onion scrolled on a meat grinder mix with 1 glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp. L. 3 times a day before meals. The man ate 2 such servings, and the pressure he has more than a year is normal. But the noise in my ears did not go away. (HLS 2008, No. 24, page 31).

Treatment of hypertension with nuts

One day a man was coming home from Georgia, and a fellow traveler on the train gave him simple advice on how to reduce high blood pressure. You need to buy 4-5 kg ​​of walnuts - this is enough for a full course. In the morning on an empty stomach to eat 4-5 nuts. The man followed this advice, he helped well. The effect lasted a long time. (Healthy Holidays 2008, No. 12, pp. 30-31).

Gymnastics and hypertension

A 64-year-old woman decided to do Bubnovsky's gymnastics. Approached this issue seriously, every day without a miss, I began to do three basic exercises: push-ups, squats and lifting of straight legs, lying on my back. I did these exercises 173 times with interruptions. The benefit was great. The weight decreased from 63 kg to 58 kg, passed the arrhythmia almost immediately, but the high pressure held for a long time and only a year later it began to decrease. Now it's 130/70 .. (HOL 2008, No. 4, page 32).

What Dr. Bubnovsky himself says about the treatment of hypertension by gymnastics. It is known that 70% of the blood is collected in the veins of the lower extremities. Help the heart to pump the blood will help the peripheral heart - as physiologists call the muscles of the legs. When switched on, the cardiac tension is relieved. Squats are the safest way to pump blood from the bottom up. There is only one contraindication - coxarthrosis. The ideal norm is 100 squats - 10 times 10 times.

Another woman wrote a letter that she managed to get rid of pressure spikes and bring him back to normal with squats. She does them only 3 times a day for 10 sit-ups. In addition, there was a tachycardia, on the fifth floor began to climb without an elevator and without stops. (HLS 2012, No. 15, page 32)

Kalmyk Yoga

This squatting with a delay in breathing and inclined parallel to the floor of the body. This kind of sit-ups is more effective in treating a variety of diseases: pressure, blood sugar levels, asthma, immunity increase.

Exercise is also done in lots of 10-50 times. The man with the help of this tool was able to lower the pressure from 190/100 to 140/90 for six months of training. (HLS 2003, No. 3, page 23).

The leaves of the apple tree, if the pressure rises and the heart hurts

Leaves should be dried a lot, for the whole year, the apple tree does not matter, leaves can be collected from May to September, the main thing is that they are not treated with pesticides. Brew 3-4 leaves per 1 liter of boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes, drink this infusion during the day.

The man had ischemic heart disease. In July, he was discharged from the hospital hardly alive, he was prescribed treatment, but it did not help. The man could not walk, eat, turned into a skeleton. In August, his wife began to drink it with infusion of apple leaves. Medications continued to take, but gradually reduced the dose. There was an appetite, stopped cold feet, in December completely refused tablets, because the pressure was normal and the heart did not hurt. The recipe he changed a little, added to the broth the fruits of rose hips and hawthorn, a glass of broth added 1 tsp. Honey (HLS 2009, No. 12, page 11).

The woman was ill with hypertension for 25 years, no pills helped her any more. The pressure was 240/140, my heart ached, the "fast" came all the time. In the HLS, I read about the folk remedy for hypertension - apple leaves. Began in June to drink infusion of leaves. At the end of December, the lower pressure returned to normal, the upper pressure dropped to 150-170. In March, the pressure became 130/70. (HLS 2010, No. 8, page 25).

Kvass from pine paws

The woman often raised the pressure to 220. On the advice of the HLS, she began to prepare a balm of pine twigs: a handful of cut pine nibs put in a three-liter jar, add 0.5 cups of sugar, pour boiling water. As a little cool, add 20 g of yeast. On the second day kvass is ready. Drink 100 before going to bed, store in the refrigerator. This folk remedy well helped to cure hypertension, the pressure was reduced to 140/90 .. (HOL 2010, No. 1, page 8,).

Treatment of hypertension by the Indian folk remedy

Wrap the match with cotton wool, dipped in iodine and before going to bed, draw a strip around the base of the left hand. Do this for 10 consecutive days. Then take a break for 10 days and conduct another course of treatment for hypertension. The author of this letter helped to reduce the pressure by 30 units. (HLS 2011, No. 3, page 30, 2004, No. 4, page 27).

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by another reader who applied it. The indicators were 145/90, steel 120/80. (HOLL 2011, No. 15, page 36).

Spicy carnation in the treatment of hypertension folk remedies

20 pcs. Cloves pour in the evening 1 cup of boiling water. Insist night. Drink the infusion for another day in three meals 30 minutes before meals. It is necessary to treat hypertension with this remedy for a long, several months, but the pressure will necessarily come back to normal. (HLS 2012, No. 20, page 40)

Here's a similar recipe, but another dosage and intake scheme. 20 pcs cloves poured 0.5 liters of water, boiled for 5 minutes, insisted. Drink 1 tbsp. L. 3 times a day. Until the broth is over - this is a course of treatment (HLS 11, pp. 23, 2004).

Roses from hypertension

Lowering the pressure helps the following remedy: a woman collects rose petals all summer long, dries them, then makes small pads or simply tissue pouches and puts them under the pillow for the night. At night, breathes in a wonderful fragrance, feeling better quickly. (Healthy Holidays 2000, No. 19, page 19)

Apple cider vinegar from hypertension

1 tsp. Apple cider vinegar to dissolve in 1 glass of water, drink 2-3 times a day, when you want to drink. Apple cider vinegar is good for lowering blood pressure. (HLS 2000, No. 21, page 21).

Exercise "Golden Ring" and Frolov's simulator against hypertension

It is necessary to close the same fingers and toes, sit in this position for 5 minutes, listening to the energy flows inside. This posture closes all the channels through which energy flows to all organs of the body. If the body has a sick organ or a blockage of blood vessels, you can feel cold, bursting or tingling at this place. Even if there is no sensation, the brain has already received a signal of self-healing. Now you can start breathing on Frolov's simulator. Breathing should focus on healing, if, for example, to breathe and watch TV, then the sense from this will be much less, especially at the first stages of mastering the simulator. (HLS 2000, No. 24, page 2)

What to do if pressure leaps - folk remedies

Reduce pressure at home and keep it within the norm 70-year-old reader of the newspaper is helped by simple folk remedies:

  • 1. Before eating, eat 1 tsp. Fennel seeds and drink with water.
  • 2. 1 st. L. Dry leaves of geranium pour a glass of boiling water. Drink infusion of 1 tbsp. L. 4-5 times a day.
  • 3. 3st. L. Swastika marsh water pour a glass of boiling water. Drink infusion of 1 tbsp. L. 4-5 times a day. Alternate infusion of cudweed and geranium, so that there is no addiction. The grass of the cudweed dilates the blood vessels and reduces pressure.
  • 4. In the afternoon, drink a tincture of motherwort - 20-30 drops. (Newspaper HLS 2002, No. 2, page 19).