How to fall asleep in one minute

Как засыпать за одну минуту

Sleep (Latin somnus) is a natural physiological process of being in a state with a minimum level of cerebral activity and a reduced response to the surrounding world, inherent in mammals, birds, fish and some other animals, including insects (eg, fruit fly). In addition, the word "dream" refers to the sequence of images (formed during the so-called "fast sleep" phase) that a person can remember (see also the dream). Physiologically, ordinary sleep differs from other similar states - anabiosis (so-called "hibernation" in animals), hypnotic sleep, coma, fainting, lethargic sleep.

For many people, the process of falling asleep is a daily torture in connection with stress and anxiety. Harvard University doctor Andrew White, specializing in the techniques of relieving anxiety and stress, developed his own technique of falling asleep for a minute. His technique, which received the unusual name "4-7-8" , is based on breathing exercises that have a significant impact on the process of thinking and the psycho-physiological state of a person as a whole.

It is best to remember the method "4-7-8"

Как засыпать за одну минуту

All you need to do is:

  1. It is necessary to restrain the tongue in the upper teeth and calmly inhale through the nose for 4 seconds.
  2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  3. After that, do not hurry to exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds.

Exercise should be repeated several times. It's that simple. This breathing exercise slows our heart rate and calms down. And it happens very quickly - just a few repetitions. It's 100% working.

Dr. White does not guarantee the triggering of the technique after a single application, but the sequence of simple actions developed by him over time will help you not only easily and quickly fall asleep, but also relieve stress and resist stressful situations.

If you have an interesting dream and want to understand what it means, you can help our dream book for interpretation.