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Under this disease is meant excessive expansion and lengthening of the scrotum in the district. Clinically, this disease can be expressed in subsequent infertility; Pain is extremely rare.
It should be noted that the sudden onset of this disease can be caused by kidney cancer. Therefore, a thorough examination is necessary.
In the event that long-term drug therapy did not have a therapeutic effect, operative intervention is prescribed (application of the ligature to Vena testicularis).
Unfortunately, we do not have a specific experiment using Heel drugs for this disease. Nevertheless, we recommend that you prescribe medications that are indicated for venous stasis and varicose veins.
Showed drugs Hamamelis-Homaccord (3 times a day for 8-10 drops), Lymphomyosot (3 times a day for 15-20 drops). For parenteral therapy, ampoule forms of these drugs are prescribed.
Since this disease is a symptom of the general weakening of connective tissue, it is recommended to include in the therapy schedule preparations Silicea-Injeel , Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel . Dosage: 1-2 intramuscular injection of a mixture of drugs per week for 4-5 weeks. After a month's break, the course of therapy can be repeated.