The information published on the site is intended only for reference.
The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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Genital herpes is an acute skin disease in the genital area caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 2. In a differential diagnosis, syphilis having similar symptoms should be excluded.
Mezereum-Homaccord is indicated for the initial treatment of this disease at its first manifestations . Dosage: 8-10 drops every 30-60 minutes.
In addition, you can place a tampon, soaked in a solution of Ranunculus-Homaccord (drops) and Engystol N (ampoules) (equally each drug) on ​​the affected skin.
For all herpes diseases, a diet that does not contain sutoxins (for example, pork and products from it) is recommended to prevent recurrence of the disease.