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When leukopenia is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Along with viral infections and diseases of the blood-forming organs, the cause of leukopenia may be a side effect of allopathic drugs, since the drug system has a toxic effect on the bone marrow and can cause leukopenia and agranulocytosis through allergic mechanisms. Therefore, in any case, an anamnesis of previously used allopathic drugs is necessary.
Unfortunately, we can not give an exact schedule for the therapy of leukopenia with biological agents, without knowing all the circumstances of the disease.
Experimentally we recommend to prescribe Engystol N (1-3 times a week for 1 ampoule intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously).
In this connection, we would like to point out the work of Prof. Kercher from the University of Vienna. According to him, a single intravenous injection of Engystol N patients, whose white blood cell level after radiotherapy was less than 3000 units, caused a sharp activation of the bone marrow.
In addition, Echinacea compositum S (stimulation of nonspecific immunity), Coenzyme compositum (activation of blocked enzyme functions), Medulla ossis suis-Injeel can be prescribed for this disease. Nevertheless, the exact scheme of therapy of this disease should be made taking into account all the circumstances of the development of the disease.