
The information published on the website is for general guidance only.
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Neurology - a generic term pain syndromes associated with damage to a particular nerve.
Inflammation of the brain or peripheral nerves are called neuritis.
The following classification of neuritis:
1). depending on the nature of the flow - chronic and acute optic neuritis;
2). depending on the symptoms - motor, sensitive or mixed neuritis;
3). depending on the location - mononeuritis, dlyakulit (inflammation of the spinal cord nerve roots) and polyneuritis (inflammation of the peripheral nervous system in conjunction with primary segmental demyelination and degeneration of peripheral nerves).
The symptoms most often are paresthesias, sensory disturbances, vegetative trophic disorders in the corresponding innervation of the county.
In severe neuralgia especially effective neural therapy in the form of segments of a border war trunk through a combination of local anesthetics (eg, procaine), and the corresponding homeopathic remedy.
The aim of neural therapy is counter to the transmitted pulses along the nerve channels from the source to the affected organ (causation). Neural therapy is to enable the body's self-healing, but similar opportunity to use different types of therapy.
For the basic treatment in the chamber are shown:
1). Neuralgo-Rheum-Injeel - intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, into the skin, and a segment;
2). Colocynthis-Homaccord (drops, ampoules);
3). Bryaconeel (tablets).
Depending on the localization of pain following drugs can be used:
1). Spigelon (tablets, drops, ampoules) - neuralgic headaches, cervical migraine;
2). Bryonia-Injeel (+ forte) - right-sided trigeminal neuralgia;
3). Silicea-Injeel (+ forte) - left-sided trigeminal neuralgia;
4). Spigelia-Injeel (+ forte) - Rheumatic neuralgic pains, especially in the left shoulder and left hand;
5). Gelsemium-Injeel (+ forte) - occipital neuralgia;
6). Gelsemium-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - occipital neuralgia;
7). Ferrum-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - neuralgia in District shoulder and arm;
8). Ferrum metallicum-Injeel (+ forte) - neuralgia hands, especially the left;
9). Ferrum phosphoricum-Injeel (+ forte) - neuralgia hands, especially the right;
10). Cuprum metallicum-Injeel (+ forte) - neuralgia hands combined with convulsive agony;
eleven). Rhododendroneel S (drop) - neuralgia of the forearm, the deterioration in wet weather;
12). Rhododendron-Injeel (+ forte) - see above;.
13). Ranunculus-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - intercostal neuralgia;
14). Aesculus-Injeel (+ forte) - sciatica, especially in disorders of blood circulation in the county sciatic vessels;
15). Colocynthis-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) and Colocynthis-Injeel (+ forte) - the seat of neuralgia;
16). Gnaphalium polycephalum-Injeel (+ forte) - sciatica, especially in combination with severe paresthesia;
17). Rhus Tox-Injeel (+ forte) - sciatica rheumatic origin;
18). Staphisagria-Injeel (+ forte) - sciatica in the elderly;
19). Ammonium muriaticum-Injeel (+ forte) - sciatica, pain in the sacrum, especially in the sitting arrangement;
20). Dulcamara-Injeel (+ forte) - strengthening neuralgia with wet weather;
21). Mezereum-Injeel (+ forte) - all kinds of neuralgia, which are based on paresthesia;
22). Variolinum-Injeel (+ forte) and Vaccininum-Injeel (+ forte) - neuralgia following shingles (poslegerpesnye neuralgia);
23). Colocynthis-Injeel (+ forte) - neuralgia;
24). Kalmia-Injeel (+ forte) - neuralgia, combined with painful sensations in the eye of the district in bright sunlight.