Ulcer of the legs

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The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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Causes of leg ulcers are chronic venous insufficiency, post-mortem syndrome, or blockage of arteries. In any case, the cause must be clarified, but it seems to be her therapy.

From the point of view of Rekkevga's teaching on homotoxins, this disease is a reactive phase in which homotoxins are excreted from the body by means of secretions of an ulcer (serous exudate, pus, etc.).

This theory is supported by the facts that suppression of ulcers with allopathic drugs often leads to degenerative diseases and even malignant tumors.

For successful therapy, it is necessary to stop the inflow of homotoxins (preservatives, dyes in food, allopathic preparations, pork and products from it) into the body and activate the body's defense systems with biological preparations.

For the basic therapy of this disease, the preparation Cruroheel S (tablets) is shown. In venous leg congestion, Hamamelis -Homaccord (droplets) is additionally prescribed, but for activation of the detoxification functions of the liver - Hepeel (tablets). Dosage: 3 times a day for 8-10 drops or 1 tablet of each drug.

Depending on the specific symptoms in the schedule of therapy, you can additionally include:

1. Aesculus compositum (droplets) - for activation of peripheral circulation, especially with blockage of arteries;

2. Lymphomyosot (droplets) - detoxification of connective tissue;

3. Lamioflur (droplets) - when separating the caustic secretions;

4. Syzygium compositum (drops) - in the presence of diabetes.

For parenteral therapy, Hamamelis-Homaccord, Hepeel, Lymphomyosot are shown . To activate blood circulation, Placenta compositum, Circulo-Injeel is additionally prescribed, however, with inflammatory processes - Echinacea compositum S.

Additionally, the following single drugs can be prescribed:

1. Kalium bichromicum-Injeel - with ulcers;

2. Arsenicum album-Injeel - burning pains, caustic warts;

3. Calcium fluoratum-Injeel - hardened margins of ulcers;

4. Acidum nitricum -Injeel - with slightly bleeding ulcers;

5. Lachesis-Injeel - ulcers with a tendency to bring up gangrene.

These drugs can be used as if for parenteral and oral therapy (in the form of "drinking ampoules"). In this case, the contents of 1-3 ampoules are diluted in a glass of water and slowly, sips with drinks during the day. For the selected suction of the oral mucosa, it is recommended to slightly delay each sip in the mouth.

For local therapy, Traumeel S ointment (in the form of a bandage) is shown.