4 ways to correctly and quickly decide: the square of Descartes

4 способа, как правильно и быстро принять решение: квадрат Декарта

Our life is a constant succession of decision-making. They can be either minor or rather serious, which have a big impact on us, and lead to serious changes. A person constantly decides what to buy for lunch, where to go in the evening, what book to read, which university to go to, what profession to choose, how to earn a million, etc. And if the price of the issue is small, the solution is given to us easily and is adopted quickly, because the loss in case of an error will be small. But, the more serious the choice is, the more difficult it is to make it. In this case, the right decision can lead to great success or vice versa, can cause losses and failures. Therefore, it is very important to know how to make the right decision.

The light technique - the square of Descartes will help to make a decision. This is the easiest way to make decisions. Its meaning is that when considering a problem situation it is necessary to ask yourself 4 questions and analyze the answers.

4 способа, как правильно и быстро принять решение: квадрат Декарта

1 What happens if it happens?

What to me from this, what pluses ...

2 What happens if it does not happen?

Everything will be, as before, what are the advantages of not being ...

3 What will not happen if this happens?

The negative sides of getting what we want ...

4 What will not happen if this does not happen?

Negative sides he is not receiving what we want ...

It is worth paying special attention to this issue. When you ask it, the brain may want to ignore it, because the sentence is a double negation. Still answers can be identical with those that you received in the first question. We must not allow this.

Why does this technique help to make a decision?

"Descartes Square" clarifies the consequences of your decision.

Very often, when we need to make a decision, we are obsessed with one question: what happens if it happens?

"Descartes Square" will help to consider the same situation from 4 different sides.