Care for oily skin

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Oily skin glistens, often has a pale color and rough structure, in which the estuaries of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, or pores, are particularly noticeable. Shine is caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. And although during puberty oily skin is often covered with pimples and acne, it has one advantage - excess sebum prevents it from drying out.

Needs for oily skin
On the oily skin, rather than on a dry, lay down the dust and dirt. It is especially useful water, so the ideal method of cleaning - washing with soap and cleansing briquettes. Although some people with very oily skin can successfully use and ordinary soap. You can use light, non-greasy cleansing lotions.
If for oily skin and the degreasing action of soap, water and lotion is beneficial, excessively rough treatment removes too much fat from it, which leads to additional secretion of the sebaceous glands. A vicious circle is being formed. At most, what can be exposed to the skin, this is an easy, two-minute massage with your fingertips using soap or lotion and water every morning and evening. After cleaning, remove excess fat with an astringent. For very oily skin, no additional moisturizers are required, however, if you only have slightly oily skin, it needs to be moistened from time to time, especially in areas with a dry climate. On the face can be and separate dry sites of a skin, such, as labiums, a neck, cheekbones and a forehead which need to be humidified on a regular basis.

It is useful in the morning to wash with boiled water, using a special soap, for example, soap "Safeguard"; Experts consider it to be one of the important means of personal hygiene. On the shelves of shops you can find other popular brands of soaps, recommended by cosmetologists and dermatologists. For washing, you can use a terry cloth or a mitten made of soft fabric, as well as gauze. Do not use a stiff brush, as it can cause the formation of premature wrinkles.

It's good to rub your face with a piece of ice with healing additives. Refreshes the oily skin with toilet water. To do this, a moistened tampon is applied to the skin of the face with light movements, then a nourishing cream is applied along the massage lines. When choosing a cream for yourself, carefully study its description and consider the degree of its fat content (the cream can be both fatty and bold, hydrant).

After the morning procedures, you can go to make-up. The tonal cream for the skin should also be chosen with regard to its type.
During the day, oily skin can be gently blotted, powdered with a compact or friable powder. In the evening, after you take off the make-up, paints from the eyes, lips, foundation, you can wash your face with warm water and soap. Toilet soap should be chosen specifically for oily skin. It is useful for oily skin contrast washing, when warm water alternates with cold (cool). After washing, water on your face can not be wiped with a towel, and dried in air, then wipe off the decoction of herbs that contain medicinal additives, narrowing the pores. At night, do not apply the cream, as the skin of the face can wrinkle, so use cosmetic milk (almond or other) or cosmetic cream.

A steam bath, which should be done once a week, with a lack of time - once every two weeks, will help you cleanse the skin of the face from acne. Deeper cleansing - peeling - can be performed with the help of a cosmetic preparation scrub. There are on sale masks in the package, for example, lifting. These novelties of cosmetics have proved themselves well and received approval in many countries of the world. After the steam bath it is necessary to make a mask from vegetables or fruits or a mask-wrap. Sometimes for the purification (exfoliation) of the skin use ready masks (this mask resembles a masquerade) with slits for the eyes. She is "put on" on her face, well fixed and left for a while. Detailed instructions are attached to the finished mask.

The reasons for increasing the fat content of the skin
Increased skin fatness can be caused by various causes - a violation of the functions of the endocrine system, intestines and others. Of course, if the cause is established, it is necessary, first of all, to try to eliminate it, that is, to cure a disease that adversely affects the skin. Daily care for oily skin provides a particularly thorough cleansing.

It is not recommended to wash your face with hot water, as the activity of the sebaceous glands only increases from this. It is enough to use hot water 2-3 times a week. On other days for washing use cold water, which tones up the skin, improves its nutrition, narrows the pores and reduces fatness. It is useful to wipe the skin with ice from infusion taken equal to St. John's wort, marigold, mint, root of serpentine, leaves of mountain ash.

Special care
If the oily skin is peeling or after water procedures there is a feeling of tightening, dryness, use it before washing with liquid cream or make a mask of curdled milk, and after washing onto damp skin, apply a nourishing cream. With oily, porous skin, masks are useful: protein, protein-lemon, protein-camphor, fruit and vegetable, yeast, hydrogen peroxide. Care for mixed or combination skin is built taking into account the type of skin on different parts of the face: for fatty areas, funds are used to care for oily skin, for dry ones, for dry skin.