Face Masks

Маски для кожи лица

Applying cream and face masks, you need to know very well your skin type and its properties. Before the first application of the mask, a "test for sensitivity" should be made, otherwise even an innocent strawberries can cause negative phenomena in people sensitive to it.

Before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly wash your face, after removing from it the remains of powder, lipstick and dust.

It is advisable to take care that at the time when you will deal with your appearance, you are not disturbed. It is advisable if nobody looks at you and does not laugh at your face masked face, a short dream during a mask - it does not hurt.

Cleansing masks are applied to the face in a thin even layer, avoiding the area around the eyes, for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. And then a nourishing cream or so-called nutrient mask is applied. It is very important to observe the following:
Wipe face with milk or lotion, apply the nourishing cream should be light movements on the so-called massage lines, i.e. Lines of least stretching of the skin:
- on the forehead - from the center of the forehead and eyebrows to the scalp;
- around the eyes - from the inner corner of the eye in the upper eyelid to the outer;
- in the lower eyelid - from the outer to the inner corner of the eye;
- in the center of the face - from the nose and upper cheek to the temples, from the chin - to the tip of the ear.
You can not forget about the neck. Nourishing cream, the same as for the face, is applied through the day with gentle movements from top to bottom.

Apply the mask from the chin to the temples, from the upper lip to the earlobe, from the back of the nose to the temples. Around the eyes do not apply a mask, and apply a cream of skin here with a nourishing cream. The mask can be applied with a brush, a sponge, a brush, a cotton swab or a hand. All this must be immaculately clean.
Masks are especially effective after a steam bath or a hot compress. The duration of the masks is 20-30 minutes. After applying the mask, relax and keep calm. The face must be immovable. Remove the mask easily, avoiding the efforts and movements that can stretch the skin. After removing it, be sure to wipe the face with lotion and apply a cream that matches your skin.

Masks are recommended to do 1-2 times a week (course - 15-20 procedures). After 1.5-2 months, if necessary, the course can be repeated.
Folk remedies that accumulate the practical experience of mankind have always attracted the attention of scientists and doctors. Many folk methods of healing and "grandmother's" recipes, passed down from generation to generation, find application in modern medicine.

Medical and cosmetic preparations, made up of natural ingredients and worked out with centuries-old wisdom, are of great value. We offer you the most interesting ways to care for the skin, which our grandmothers used to preserve their health and beauty.

Carrot mask for dry skin
The carrot mask is used to soften and moisten the dry skin of the face. To make a mask, grate 2-3 medium sized carrots on a grater, mix with one egg yolk, then apply a thin layer on the skin of the face. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week.

Cream of currant for dry skin
Fry several large berries of black currant and add 1 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 spoon of honey. Hold the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, then remove it with a wet swab and apply a nourishing cream.

Nourishing moisturizing mask of berries juice
Take 1-2 cups of fresh strawberry juice or currant, 1 dessert spoonful of lanolin and crushed to powder oatmeal. First, dissolve the lanolin in a water bath, and then add the flakes. Whisk the mass until a homogeneous mixture forms, and, while continuing to beat, gradually add the juice.

Nourishing Cucumber Mask
With fading, tired skin, a cucumber mask is useful, which can be made from 1 tablespoon of cucumber juice, 1 tablespoon of thick cream and 20 drops of rose water. Mix and whisk until foam forms. Then apply a thick mask on your face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a warm towel and wipe the face with rose water.

Cottage cheese mask
Cottage cheese mask nourishes, moisturizes and whitens the skin. Prepare it from cottage cheese, olive oil, milk and carrot juice. Take the ingredients in equal proportions, rub well and apply a thick layer on the face. Rinse the mask with warm water, and then wipe the face and neck with a piece of ice.

Honey Nourishing and Moisturizing Mask
This mask is suitable for those who have a lot of skin on their face. Take 100 g of honey, 2 yolks, 100 g of vegetable oil. All components are well rubbed and slightly warmed. Apply the mask in several steps at intervals of 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to wash off the mask with a cotton swab soaked in lime decoction.

Egg-sour cream, tonic
1 egg yolk mash with 100 g of sour cream, and then add crushed lemon rind to powder and leave in a closed jar. After 15 minutes to the mixture, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and stir well. Then apply a thick layer on the skin and leave to dry. Rinse the mask with a watery infusion of parsley. Complete the procedure with a cold compress.

Yolk mask for peeling and fading skin
To 1 egg yolk, add 1/2 teaspoon of dark honey (for example, buckwheat), 3-4 drops of vegetable oil and 10 drops of lemon juice. Blend the mixture until foam forms, and then add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal or ground oat flakes. The mask not only cleans and nourishes the skin, but also regulates the water balance.

Chamomile Lotion for oily skin
Chamomile lotion perfectly cleanses and tones up the skin. For its preparation, pour a glass of boiling water with chamomile (1 tablespoon) and calendula (1 tablespoon) and insist 20-30 minutes, then strain, cool and add a tablespoon of camphor alcohol. The lotion can be stored in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Mask from a currant
The currant mask narrows the pores and is mainly recommended for oily skin. Squash a few white and a few red currants, mix the juice with 1 teaspoon of potato flour, pour on the face. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask with a moist tampon.

"Scented" lotion
Half a glass of a mixture of mint, chamomile, rowan fruit, taken in equal quantities, and a peel of half a lemon, brew three cups of boiling water and put on a small fire for 30 minutes. After 8 hours, filter and add 2 tablespoons of vodka and 3 tablespoons of glycerin. Store in a dry and dark place.

Banana mask
It is recommended in the autumn, when the skin is too dried by the summer sun, or in the winter, if the skin does not tolerate dry air in rooms with central heating. Half a peeled banana with a fork, then apply this fragrant cream on your face and neck as thin as possible.

Carrot and apple mask
Has a particularly valuable quality in winter, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Take in equal portions finely grated carrots and fresh apple, mix and apply on face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
We hope that these folk recipes will help to keep your skin healthy and beautiful and will make you even more attractive.