Unusual macrophotography of the human eye

Необычные макрофотографии глаз человека

Human vision (visual perception) is a process of psycho-physiological processing of images of objects of the surrounding world, carried out by the visual system, and allows one to obtain an idea of ​​the magnitude, shape (perspective) and color of objects, their relative position and distance between them. According to various sources, from 80% to more than 90% of the information a person receives through vision.

The human eye is a paired sensory organ (the organ of the visual system) of a person that has the ability to perceive electromagnetic radiation in the light range of wavelengths and provides a vision function. The eyes are located in the front of the head and together with eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows, are an important part of the face. The area around the eyes actively participates in facial expressions. The eye of vertebrates is the peripheral part of the visual analyzer, in which the photoreceptor function is performed by photosensory cells ("neurocytes") of its reticular membrane. The maximum optimum of the daily sensitivity of the human eye is the maximum of the continuous spectrum of solar radiation, located in the "green" region 550 (556) nm. When moving from daylight to twilight, the maximum of light sensitivity shifts toward the short-wave part of the spectrum, and red objects (for example, poppies) appear to be black, blue (cornflower) - very light (phenomenon Purkinje).

A series of works by photographer Suren Manvelyan ( "Your Beautiful Eyes" ) shows the pupils of the human eye shot in macro mode. The level of detail inside the eye is amazing!

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes

Macro photography of human eyes