Attention! Information is for reference only!
Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
WEB SITE ONLY DIRECTORY. NOT PHARMACY! We do not sell medicines! None!

Description of the medicine: Lioxazolum (Lioxasolum)


The preparation in aerosol containers (35 ml or 65 ml bottles) containing 0.35 or 0.7 g of 2-allyloxyethanol, the required amount of 95% ethyl alcohol and propellant (Hladon-12). 2-Allyloxyethanol has the ability to prevent spasms of the arteries of the skin, improve the blood supply to the skin and accelerate the repair processes of the epithelium.

Apply for the prevention and treatment of acute local radiation damage of skin of I and II degree.

Aerosol spray a thin layer (from a distance of 10 - 15 cm) to the affected areas of the skin. When radiotherapy is used prophylactically after each irradiation session (no later than 1 hour) during the entire course of treatment. With a therapeutic purpose, the drug is applied at the appearance of the first signs of damage (edema, erythema, etc.). Aerosol is sprayed once a day for 10 to 20 days, depending on the severity of the lesion.

In case of development of skin allergic reactions, prescribe antihistamines or stop using the drug.

Product: in aerosol cans.

Storage: at temperatures up to + 35 ° C away from heating systems and direct sunlight.