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Description of the medicine: Fusidinum sodium (Fusidinum-natrium)

FUZIDINUM-NATRIUM (Fusidinum-natrium).

The sodium salt of fusidic acid is an antibiotic substance formed by biosynthesis by the fungus Fusidium coccineum.

Synonyms: Sodium fuzidate, Fucidine, Fusidin, Ramycin, Sodium fusidicum.

White with a yellowish tinge crystalline powder. Soluble in water and alcohol.

Chemically it is a tetracyclic compound with a cyclopentapiperhydrophenanthrene nucleus. The same nucleus underlies the structure of cardiac glycosides (see), steroid hormones (see), cholesterol.

The activity of cardiac glycosides and hormones fusidine does not show, but it is an effective antimicrobial agent. Fuzidine acts on staphylococci, meningococci, gonococci. With regard to pneumococci and streptococci is much less active. Staphylococci, resistant to penicillins, streptomycin, levomycetin, erythromycin and other antibiotics, are sensitive to fusidin. The drug is not active against E. coli, Salmonella, Proteus and other gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi and protozoa.

When fusidine is combined with other antibiotics, a significant increase in the effect on sensitive microorganisms is observed.

Fuzidine acts on the microbial cell bacteriostatically. The mechanism of action is associated with the rapid suppression of protein synthesis.

Apply Fusidine-sodium inside. The drug in the stomach is not destroyed and quickly absorbed. The maximum concentrations in the blood are observed after 2 to 3 hours and remain at the therapeutic level within 24 hours. With repeated administration, it is possible to accumulate the drug, and with prolonged use, cumulation can take place.

Fuzidin penetrates into the lungs, liver, kidneys, pleural exudate, bones, cartilaginous and connective tissue, skin, subcutaneous fat cellulose; In smaller, but sufficient for the therapeutic effect of quantities, falls into the cerebrospinal fluid (with inflammatory processes in the tissues and shells of the brain).

It is excreted from the body mainly by bile and in small amounts with urine.

Apply fusidin sodium for the treatment of diseases caused by resistant to other antibiotics staphylococci (septicemia, abscesses, phlegmon, furunculosis, pneumonia, otitis, etc.), as well as infected burns and wounds.

In connection with the ability to penetrate into bone tissue, the drug is successfully used to treat osteomyelitis (see also lincomycin hydrochloride).

Fusidine-sodium is also used in gonorrhea, if the causative agent is resistant to penicillin group drugs, or if they are poorly tolerated.

In severe disease and the need for long-term treatment, a combination of fusidine-sodium with semisynthetic penicillins or tetracyclines is recommended, which increases the effectiveness and prevents the emergence of resistant microorganisms.

Assign fusidine inside. Intramuscular injections are contraindicated because of local irritant effects (necrosis is possible!).