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Description drugs: Ethambutol (Ethambutolum)

Ethambutol (Ethambutolum). (+) - N, N-ethylene-bis- (2-aminobutane-1-ol), or (+) - N, N-bis [1- (hydroxymethyl) propyl] -etilendiimina dihydrochloride.

Synonyms: Diambutol, Miambutol, Afimocil, Ambutol, Anvital, Batacox , Cidanbutol, Clobutol, Dadibutol, Dexambutol, Diambutol, Ebutol, Etambin, Ethambutol, Farmabutol, Li-Butol, Miambutol, Myambutol, Mycobutol, Temibutol, Tibistal, Tubetol and others.

The white crystalline powder. Easily soluble in water.

Has expressed tuberkulostaticheskoy action has no effect on other pathogenic mikrorganizmy. Inhibits the proliferation of bacilli resistant to streptomycin, isoniazid, PAS, ethionamide, kanamycin. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; allocated mainly in the urine.

Apply in the treatment of various forms of tuberculosis in combination with other anti-TB drugs. There is evidence of the high efficiency of ethambutol in combination with rifampicin in patients with chronic destructive pulmonary tuberculosis (ethambutol 25 mg / kg per day; rifampicin 0,45 - 0,6 g 1 time per day).

Ethambutol is taken orally once after zavtraka.Optimalnaya daily adult dose of 25 mg / kg in 1 reception. This dose should be taken not to reduce, during the entire course of therapy (in recent years, ethambutol administered in higher doses - 30-40 mg / kg intermittent method - a day or 2 times a week). Children prescribed rate of 20 - 25 mg / kg per day, but no more than 1 year

The drug can take 2 - 3 times a week at a dose of 50 mg / kg (for adults).

When receiving ethambutol may worsen cough, increased amount of sputum, appear dyspeptic symptoms, paraesthesia, dizziness, depression, skin rash, impaired visual acuity (decrease central or peripheral visual field, the formation of livestock). These effects usually disappear after discontinuation of the drug (2 - 8 weeks.).

In the course of treatment requires systematic monitoring of visual acuity, refraction, color sensation and other indicators of the state of the eye.

Contraindications: optic neuritis, cataract, inflammatory eye disease, diabetic retinopathy, pregnancy.

Method of issuance: pills to 0.1; 0.2 and 0.4 grams in a package of 100 pieces.

Storage: List B.

Kombuneks (Combuneh) *. Combined preparation. Tablets containing 800 mg (0.8 g) and 300 mg ethambutol (0.3 g) of isoniazid.

Available in India.