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Description of the medicine: Piritamide (Piritamidum)

PYRITRAMIDE (Piritamidum). 1- (3-Cyano-3, 3-diphenylpropyl) - [1,4-bipiperidine] -4-carboxamide.

Synonyms: Dipidolor, Piridolan, Piritramid, Pyrium.

High-speed strong narcotic analgesic.

Applied with pain of various origins, especially during surgical operations and in the postoperative period.

Apply pyrithramide intramuscularly at a dose of 15 mg (2 ml of a 0.75% solution). If necessary, injected repeatedly (2 to 3 hours) in a reduced dose.

There are data on the use of the drug in combination with other neurotropic drugs - tranquilizers, diprazine (pipolphenom), etc. for "balanced analgesia" (atoralgezii), including pain in anesthesia.

Possible side effects and complications in the use of pyrithramide: nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression.

Contraindications are the same as when using other narcotic analgesics: general severe exhaustion, insufficiency of the respiratory center, old age.

Product: in ampoules of 2 ml, containing 15 mg of the drug, in a package of 5 ampoules.

Storage: List A. It is released with the same restrictions as morphine.