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Description of the medicine: Barbitalum sodium (Barbitalumnatrium)

BARBITAL-SODIUM (Barbitalumnatrium). 5, 5-Diethylbarbiturate sodium.

Synonyms: Barbital Sodium, Barbitalum Natricum, Barbitone Soluble, Diemal natrium, Medinalum, Veronal sodium.

White crystalline powder odorless, bitter taste. Easily soluble in water (1: 5 in cold and 1: 2, 5 in boiling), slightly soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether. The aqueous solution has an alkaline reaction (pH 9, 0-10.0). Solutions for injection are prepared in aseptic conditions.

Sleeping and soothing remedy, due to its easy solubility somewhat faster than barbitol. Faster than the last, is excreted from the body; Less toxic.

Can be used for insomnia, nervous excitement, neuralgia, sometimes as an antiemetic and anticonvulsant. Assign adults to adults at 0.3-0.5-0.75 g; Children depending on the age of 0.025-0.25 g per reception. As a sleeping pill take for 0,5 - 1h before sleep; Wash down with warm tea.

Higher doses for adults inside, under the skin and intramuscularly: single 0.5 g, daily 1 g.

Under the skin and in the muscles, adults are injected up to 5 ml of a 10% solution (0.5 g of the drug) with the addition of novocaine (0.005 g). Assign also in the form of enemas (in 5 - 15 ml of water).

Product: powder. Previously released tablets of 0.3 g are excluded from the nomenclature of lanar means.

Storage: List B. In a well ukuporennoy container.