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Description of the medicine: Flunarizine (Flunarizin)

Flunarizin. Trans-1- (Cinnamoyl-4- (4,4) -difluorobenzhydryl) piperazine hydrochloride.

Synonyms: Sibelium, Amalium, Flufenal, Flugeral, Flunagen, Flunar, Flunarin, Flunarizine hydrochloride, Flurpax, Fluxarten, Nabratin, Niflucan, Nomigrane, Sibelium, Sibelyum, Vasculoflex, Vertix and others.

From cinnarizine flunarizine differs by the presence of two fluorine atoms with phenyl nuclei.

Like cinnarizine, flunarizine blocks calcium channels. The drug relaxes smooth muscles; Improves cerebral circulation and oxygen supply of the brain; Reduces vestibular disorders. Has antihistaminic activity. Has an anticonvulsant effect and reduces the frequency of seizures with epilepsy.

Especially effective in vertigo (vertigo) associated with disorders of cerebral circulation, vestibular disorders and migraine.

Well absorbed when taken orally; Has a long half-life, which allows you to take it once a day.

For the prevention of migraine, with vertigo, cerebral circulation disorders and vestibular disorders, adults are prescribed 0.01 g (10 mg) per day, children weighing up to 40 kg - 0.005 g (5 mg) per day.

In epilepsy, flunarizine is recommended mainly as an additional remedy for resistance to conventional anticonvulsants. Adults give 0.015-0.02 g (15-20 mg) per day, and children weighing up to 40 kg - 0.005-0.01 g (5-10 mg) per day.

The drug is usually well tolerated. May cause drowsiness, weight gain, extrapyramidal effects (especially in elderly patients with prolonged admission).

Due to drowsiness, flunarizine should be taken before bedtime and be cautious when prescribing it to patients whose work requires a quick physical and mental reaction.

Forms of release: tablets of 0.005 and 0.01 g (5 and 10 mg); Capsules containing 5 mg of flunarizine.

Storage: List B. In the dark place.