Obtiterating atherosclerosis

Obterial atherosclerosis is one of the main causes of peripheral blood flow disorders. Its development is promoted by diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, weight gain, nicotine intoxication, elderly and senile age. The risk factors include polycythemia, chronic infections, psychosocial stress situations, treatment with iscrogens. The lesion is usually universal and involves narrowing the lumen of the arteries of not only the limbs, but also the brain, heart, kidneys.

Classification of severity of arterial blood flow deficiency of the limb: Stage 1 is clinically asymptomatic. There is a lack of pulse on the vessels of the limb, with angiography - narrowing or blockage of the vessel; II stage - ischemic pain during physical activity in the gluteal region and calf muscles (intermittent claudication), on the arteriogram - narrowing of the femoropopliteal or aorto-ulcer segment with sufficient development of collaterals; At the stage the pain occurs when walking more than 100 m, at stage 116 - less than 100 m; 111 stage - pain in rest and at night of increasing intensity, physical load sharply increases pain; IV stage - significant pain in rest, physical exercise is almost impossible; Severe trophic disorders, necrosis on the fingers and feet, development of gangrene.

There are 3 main localizations of atherosclerotic occlusion; Pelvic, or aorto-iliac type; Femoral, or femoropopliteal type; Peripheral - defeat of the vessels of the lower leg.

Clinical manifestations depend on the level of lesion and degree of narrowing of the vessel, the severity of collateral blood flow.