
Orhoepididymitis is a nonspecific inflammation of the testis and its appendage. In 90% of cases, the lesion is unilateral. Often occurs with inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (including gonorrhea), prolonged catheterization of the bladder, after a transurethral prostatectomy. The hematogenous way of infection is very rare. Primary inflammation occurs in the epididymis and quickly spreads to the latter.

Symptoms, course. Within a few hours, a painful one-sided enlargement of the testis with skin hyperemia, swelling of the scrotum and a rapid rise in temperature to 40 ° C. With an elevated position of the scrotum, the pain syndrome decreases. The diagnosis is usually simple. Differential diagnosis is carried out with a testicular turn (with an elevated position of the scrotum, pain is intensified). It is necessary to exclude gonorrhea.

Treatment. Elevated position of the scrotum, warming compresses, high doses of antibiotics. When suppuration - an autopsy abscess. When forming dropsy - puncture and aspiration of fluid.

The forecast is usually favorable.