Takayasu disease

Takayasu disease (aorto-arteritis) is a systemic disease characterized by inflammation of the aorta and branches leaving it with the development of partial or complete obliteration; Other parts of the aorta may be affected. The etiology is unclear. In pathogenesis, the leading role belongs to immune disorders with the development of chronic immunocomplex inflammation of the wall of the affected vessels. Suffer the advantages of the young women.

Symptoms, course. Gradually, signs of circulatory disturbances in the zones of the affected vessels increase. The main symptom is the absence of a pulse on one or both arms, less often on the carotid, subclavian, temporal arteries. Patients complain of pain and paresthesia in the limbs, increasing with physical exertion, weakness in the hands, attacks of dizziness often with loss of consciousness. With ophthalmoscopy, a change in the vessels of the fundus (constriction, formation of arteriovenous anastomoses, etc.) is detected. Often, coronary arteries with the corresponding symptomatology are involved in the process. The defeat of the abdominal aorta with renal vessels is accompanied by a clinic of vasorenal hypertension. Common signs of the disease - subfebrile, asthenia. Laboratory indicators changed moderately. The disease is slowly progressing, with separate exacerbations, manifested as signs of ischemia of a particular zone. At early stages of the disease, arteriography is of great help in diagnosis.

Treatment. Apply moderate doses of glucocorticoids (prednisolone 20 - 30 mg / day) during periods of exacerbations for 1.5 - 2 months with a gradual decrease to a maintenance dose. A systematic use of aminoquinoline preparations (hingamine according to 0.25 g or plaquenyl by 0.2 g once a day) is shown. Vasodilators and disaggregants are widely used. Possible prosthetics of the affected arteries. .