Insufficiency of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine.) In adults, only the endogenous form is observed when suppressing the bacterial flora of the intestine (synthesizing pyridoxine in a sufficient amount for the body) with a prolonged intake of antibiotics, sulfanilamide and anti-tuberculosis drugs, especially with a simultaneous increased demand for this vitamin (considerable physical exertion, pregnancy and Etc.) Vitamin B6 is found in sufficient quantities in many products of plant and animal origin, especially in yeast.In the body it is converted to pyridoxal-5-phosphate and is a part of enzymes involved in the deoxygenation and reamination of amino acids, the exchange of histamine, Fat metabolism.The daily need for pyridoxine for adults is 2-2.5 mg.In the deficiency of vitamin B6, there are dystrophic changes in the cells of various organs, especially the digestive and nervous systems, the skin, in children of early age there is a growth retardation.

Clinical picture. Irritability or inhibition, insomnia, polyneuritis of upper and lower extremities, paresthesia, dyspeptic disorders, anorexia, stomatitis, glossitis, seborrheic and desquamative face dermatitis, scalp, neck, hypochromic anemia.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical symptoms and biochemical data (the content of H-pyridoxic acid in daily urine is below 0.5 mg, hourly - below 30 μg, the content of pyridoxine in whole blood is below 50 μg / l). After taking 10 grams of tryptophan, the release of xanthurenic acid exceeds 50 mg. Treatment. Preparations of pyridoxine 10-50-100 mg per day for 2-3 weeks inside, with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract-parenteral; Elimination of etiological factors. Prevention. With long-term treatment with antibiotics, sulfonamides and anti-tuberculosis drugs, as well as in conditions accompanied by an increased need for pyridoxine (pregnancy, dramatically increased physical activity, etc.), the prophylactic purpose of pyridoxine.