Erosion (dysplasia of the mucous membrane) of the cervix

Erosion (dysplasia of the mucous membrane) of the cervix . The appearance of it contributes to the eversion of the mucous membrane, neck rupture during childbirth and abortion. With chronic endocervicitis, prolonged pathological excretions lead to maceration and slushing of the cervical epithelium.

Symptoms, course. Defect of the epithelium (true erosion) has a bright red color, bleeds when touching. False erosion is characterized by the replacement (heterotopia) of multilayered planar epithelium cylindrical. There are simple (smooth surface), glandular (significant development of glands with dilated cavities) erosion and papillary (papillary outgrowths on the surface). Often, erosion is combined with cystic enlargement of the cervical glands.

The diagnosis is based on examination of the cervix, colposcopy, cytology of scraping-smear from the surface of erosion. When examining the true erosion, a bright red patch is found that bleeds when touched lightly. Cytological examination reveals cells of deep layers of multilayered flat epithelium (basal, parabasal), leukocytes. With false erosion, the appearance of erosion somewhat resembles the true, but its surface is paler, sometimes velvety, papillary. Cytological examination reveals cells of the cylindrical epithelium. It is necessary to differentiate from the cancer process, leukoplakia, ectropion of the mucous membrane of the cervical rock.

Treatment. With true erosion - the use of tampons with emulsions of antibiotics on fish oil, petroleum jelly. In pseuderosion after biopsy, diathermocoagulation or diathermic excision of the cervix, laser therapy. To cauterize pseudo-erosion, you can use a vaginal tampon moistened with vagotil and applied to the cervix 1-3 minutes 2-3 times a week (5-10 times in total); The remnants of the drug are removed from the vagina with a dry swab.

The prognosis is favorable.