4 morning procedures, from which it is worth starting your day

4 утренние процедуры, с которых стоит начинать свой день

To health you did not disappoint, you need to monitor it regularly!

We know many different procedures, but the most effective are those that are performed in the morning after awakening

They take a couple of minutes and bring great health benefits.

Regularity is of no small importance in this matter. The result will be noticeable if you follow these recommendations every day. It is necessary only to get used to :)

For the procedures you will need: lemon, water, honey, as well as hydrogen peroxide.

1. Cleaning the tongue

4 утренние процедуры, с которых стоит начинать свой день

We all brush our teeth in the morning, but we must remember about such an important occupation as cleaning the tongue. The importance of this procedure people knew in ancient times. Incorporate cleansing of the tongue in daily oral care was strongly recommended by Avicenna. You can do this with a toothbrush, or you can use a special scraper.

Why do I need to clean my tongue?

  1. You will get rid of bacteria that can get into the stomach and cause a variety of ailments.
  2. Bacteria in the tongue are a common cause of bad breath, as well as diseases of the mouth.

2. A glass of hot water

4 утренние процедуры, с которых стоит начинать свой день

Many know how important it is to renew the drinking balance after sleep. Heat non-boiled, filtered water until hot. Look, so it does not boil. Pour a full glass and add there a slice of lemon or just squeeze a little lemon juice. Drink a small sip 20 minutes before eating.

What is useful for such a simple drink?

  1. Water normalizes the digestive system. Prepares the body for food.
  2. Improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.
  3. Clears the liver.
  4. In lemon juice contains a large number of trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron), as well as vitamins of group B and C.

3. Honey before eating

4 утренние процедуры, с которых стоит начинать свой день

Ten minutes before breakfast, eat a teaspoon of honey and drink water. Honey should be natural and fresh.

Why eat a spoonful of honey in the morning?

  1. Honey is a source of vitamins and trace elements. It contains a large amount of fructose and glucose, which give the body energy, contribute to improving brain activity and improving efficiency.
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. This product has antioxidant properties, helps the body resist aging and deterioration of the body.

4. Rinsing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution

4 утренние процедуры, с которых стоит начинать свой день

After breakfast, rinse the mouth with a solution of water with hydrogen peroxide. Mix 5-7 drops of 3% peroxide solution with 50 mg of pure unboiled water.

Why rinse your mouth with this solution?

  1. Excellent prevention of tooth decay, dental diseases and gum disease.
  2. Disappears bad breath.
  3. Easy tooth whitening.

Do these procedures every morning, and your health will improve. If you liked the advice and you do not have any allergies to these funds, we recommend starting the next day.

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Via fithacker.ru