9 kinds of pain that can not be tolerated

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We all suffer pain. Happens, too long. But it happens that you can not tolerate it at all! Because of the reasons for the emergence of some of them you can not even have a clue. These facts can save your life!

Scientific publication WebMD writes:

"It happens, when the pain arises in one place, but manifests itself in a completely different"

In general, read about these pains. Have you been to see them before? And what did you do?

This article shows different areas of the body in which you may have chronic or acute pain. Scroll down to see what it points to!

1. Heart

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If you have heart problems, you may feel pain in the chest area and in the heart area. However, pain in the left hand or in the upper back can also indicate heart problems.

Here's what they think about this at the University of Michigan Medical School:

"Heart pain often appears in the upper parts of the body. This is because the heart sends nerves through the nerves of the spinal cord. If you often have a left arm, this may be a sign of an impending heart attack. "

2. Light and diaphragm

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Problems with the lungs or diaphragm can cause pain in these areas. The upper part of the shoulder and neck are the "mirrors" of these internal organs. If they hurt, it's possible that your lungs are too polluted, and it's time to stop smoking. The thing is that the "information" about pain in these areas is transmitted by the diaphragmatic nerve.

Therapist Paul Ingram writes:

"Diseases of the lungs and diaphragm can cause problems with the muscles of the neck and in other upper parts of the body. Most people suffer from these and other consequences of ineffective breathing, but do not notice it "

And: any problems with the respiratory system should be considered seriously and require an immediate trip to the doctor.

3. Liver and gallbladder

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Problems with the liver or gallbladder can also hurt in the neck or upper shoulder zones, as well as on the right side of the body, just below the nipples.

The American Massage Therapy Association notes:

"The gallbladder can cause pain under the shoulder blade. It happens that the pains appear in the neck and around the diaphragm. It is there that the diaphragmatic nerve passes. So if you have regular pain in these parts of the body, consult a doctor "

4. Stomach and pancreas

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Pain in these areas in the front and back of the body indicates problems with the digestive system of the body. Writes that about 50% of patients with acute pancreatitis also feel acute pain in the back.

As a rule, in the upper part of it.

In general, this pain is extremely important. If she visits you, consult a doctor. Simple painkillers will not help.

5. Small intestine

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If you have difficulty with the small intestine, you may have pain in the navel. Those. In front of the abdomen. Writes that the pain of moderate weight in the navel area can be a signal that you have problems with the intestines or some kind of intestinal frustration. It can be very dangerous!

Agree, a very specific "problem" place. So give the doctor the exact place of pain, if this is all about you. This will help him figure it out.

6. Large intestine

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Appendicitis and problems with the colon are often reflected in these specific areas of the abdomen.

PatientPlus wrote:

"Pain in the right ileal fossa is the first sign of appendicitis"

WHO adds pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a problem with the colon.

Since both these problems are extremely dangerous and can even lead to death, immediately consult a doctor if you experience acute or chronic pain in these areas.

7. Kidneys

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Problems with the kidneys can manifest as pain, covering the widest parts of the body. Especially can strongly hurt in the lower back, abdomen and pelvis. Also, the front part of the thighs can hurt. Pain under the ribs is a similar sign.

If you experience severe discomfort in these areas, consult a doctor. Kidney problems are serious.

8. Bladder

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Problems with the bladder often manifest as pain in the lower part of the pelvis. And from the front, and from the back.

American Massage Therapy Association writes:

"Any infection in this organ can cause severe pain in the lumbar region"

There are a number of serious problems, the development of which provokes an unhealthy bladder. If the pain in the indicated area of ​​the body is accompanied by problems with urination, be sure to consult a doctor!

9. Ovaries

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Problems with the ovaries cause pain on either side of the abdomen.

Womens-Health-Advice writes:

"Ovarian cyst can cause sharp stitching pains in the abdomen. Ovarian cancer is so dangerous for life"

Therefore, any severe pain in the abdomen requires an immediate visit to the doctor. Especially if these pains are accompanied by spotting!

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