These plants are an excellent alternative to shop air purifiers. Why pay more?

Растения как очистители воздуха

Indoor plants are not only a beautiful decoration of your home, but also effective fresheners and air purifiers that you breathe.

Picking the right plants, you will clean the air for yourself and the family from various toxins and provide it with oxygen.

Our article lists the most effective plants in the fight for air purity, which will help you in this.


Хамедорея - Растения как очистители воздуха

Hamedoraea. Removes formaldehyde from the air and acts as a natural moisturizer.


Сансевиерия - Растения как очистители воздуха

Sansevieria. This plant absorbs nitric oxide and formaldehyde.

Dyssic yellowish

Дипсис - желтоватый Растения как очистители воздуха

The dipsis is yellowish. One of the best plants for general cleaning of indoor air.


Хлорофитум - Растения как очистители воздуха

Chlorophytum. This plant absorbs carbon monoxide and other types of toxins.


Спатифиллум - Растения как очистители воздуха

Spathiphyllum. Very well absorbs mold, because it is often put in bathrooms.


Гербера - Растения как очистители воздуха

Gerbera. These magnificent flowers remove benzene from the air and significantly improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide.