Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

'Secrets of intelligence development in special services'-47

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 47. The fourth lesson is AT and AKP.


It's time for the fourth lesson on AT and AKP. We decided to change the order of the mailing concerning this topic. Exercises will alternate with stories about the use of AT and AKP in a variety of situations, as well as give several applications relating to the specific improvement of some qualities, such as attention and memory.

Let us also recall that the reception to the correspondence course "Memory. Intelligence. Success ", which is the art of mnemonics (memorization), the development of memory as a mental brain function, classes in AT and AKP, progressive methods of working with information.

With the contents of the books that have already been published , you can find on the site , and in the plan there are still books-lessons "Psychic Self-Regulation and Intellect", "Forced mastery of foreign languages", "Progressive methods of working with texts". These books can be ordered outside the Course, but at the same time their price will be much higher.

But we pass to the exercise.



Now that you have learned how to warm your hands, you can cross the legs and muscles of the body. Here all the recommendations that were given to you in the previous lesson on heat in hand are relevant. Always reinforce the chosen image of the heat with real sensations every day.

If you have chosen for hands the image of immersing them in warm water, for warming your feet you can imagine how you sit on the waist in a warm bath. Be sure to do this several times this procedure, until you remember the right feelings. While practicing auto-training, when pronouncing formulas for warming feet, just remember those real feelings of warmth that you already experienced.

We came to one more important moment. You have already learned to relax all muscle groups. Perhaps, you already have your own image, which helps you relax better.

Now we need to choose an image that would be associated with complete relaxation of all muscle groups at once. And again, your own experience should come to the rescue.

Think about what feels like a relaxed muscle? What is it associated with?

For example, an image of how weaken a stretched string is good for a musician. He can even hear how the sound changes. Here the string sounds high, we begin to loosen the pegs, the sound becomes lower and lower until the string completely sags. If the house has a guitar or any other string instrument - experiment with this image.

You can use the test image. Take a piece of dough more. Remember it well. Feel how soft and warm it is. Now drop it on the table. Carefully observe how it spreads. When pronouncing the formulas for relaxation, imagine that the muscles seem to settle down, become limp as a dough.

You can imagine the image of sun-dried tar.

In general, approach creatively to this task, but do not get too carried away. As in the case of images of heat, within the next two days, select one image and train with it. Remember that the image will only work as a result of training, and not by itself. Having chosen an image, be sure to experiment with its prototype. For example, since it was described above about the image of the test.

When to use this image? With this exercise, the first formula for muscle relaxation will be " All my muscles completely relax ... ". Speaking this formula, you must represent the chosen image of relaxation.

Over time, one formula will be enough to relax all muscles: " All my muscles are completely relaxed ... ". In the meantime, we will prepare the ground for this. Therefore, continue to work with each individual muscle group, while holding the chosen image of relaxation.

I remind you that the concentration of attention must be extremely passive. It is not necessary to do strong-willed efforts.

Completely, this lesson looks like this:

I. Formulas of rest

1. I am completely ... calm ...

2. All my muscles ... are pleasantly relaxed for rest ...

3. My whole body ... completely rest ...

4. I am completely ... calm ...

II. Muscle relaxation

The main muscle groups are called in turn. Task: focus on them, feel their residual tension and relax. The two first elements are recommended to perform on inspiration, and relaxation - together with exhalation.

1. All my muscles completely relax ...

2. Forehead muscles ...

3. Muscles of the eye ...

4. Muscles of the mouth ...

5. Neck muscles ...

6. Muscles of the shoulders ...

7. Muscles forearms ...

8. Muscles of both hands ...

9. Concentrate on your breathing and adjust it to a calm (sleepy) rhythm ...

10. The muscles of the chest and back relax ...

11. Muscles of thighs ...

12. Muscles of shins ...

13. Muscles of the feet ...

14. All my muscles are completely relaxed ...

III. Heat

1. I feel the pleasant warmth in my hands ...

2. The blood vessels of my arms slightly widened ...

3. Hot blood warms my hands ...

4. Pleasant heat spreads on the hands ...

5. My hands are warm ...

6. I feel a pleasant warmth at my feet ...

7. The blood vessels of my legs slightly widened ...

8. Hot blood warms my legs ...

9. My feet are warm ...

10. Pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body ...

11. I'm completely calm.

IV. Activation formulas

1. I had a good rest ...

2. My strength was restored ...

3. Throughout the body I feel a surge of energy ...

4. The head is clear, fresh ...

5. I seem to have taken a refreshing shower ...

6. Throughout the body runs a pleasant chill ...

7. I take a deep breath ... Sharply exhale, I lift my head, open my eyes.

Stand up, stretch, make a few vigorous breaths-exhalations and light physical exercises.

V. Write down the feelings that arose during class.

In order to move on to the next lesson, you must learn to cause a noticeable sensation of warmth in the arms, legs and muscles of the trunk. At the same time, it is especially important to learn how to warm your hands and feet. Usually, this exercise requires 1-3

'Secrets of intelligence development in special services'-48

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 48. The fifth lesson of AT and AKP, the answers to letters, an interesting story about AT.


More than half the distance in the development of AT and AKP passed. Four lessons are more than half. And today we will continue the combined edition - the answers to letters, the fifth lesson and an interesting story. In this sequence, let's go. That is, we begin with the answers to the questions.


1. "In addition to a purely recreational, relaxation effect, what other benefits can the employment of AT and AKP bring? Of course, I feel a significant improvement in my state of health, but I would like something concrete. "

We have repeatedly written that as background effects, memory, concentration of attention, self-control, ability to make quick and, most importantly, correct decisions are manifested. But, nevertheless, we will expand the topic of practical applications. Moreover, at the end of the issue there will be a story that will partially answer this question.

2. Do you plan to publish any books on AT and AKP with auxiliary materials - audio recordings, for example?

Of course, the book will be accompanied by an audio application, on which the voice of the instructor will be recorded, explaining some principal points, formulas for classes are given. In addition, those wishing to be offered a device with the help of which the development of AT and AKP is much easier. About the device, by the way, we will soon tell.

3. Is not it easier to lay out the whole system of exercises on the site?

It is possible that it is simpler. But! If you lay out only exercises, without any explanatory moments, without stories with motivation, you will get just a set of instructions. It does not always work as it should. Plus, there is a moment of style of conducting newsletters, a style of presentation of material. A dull, boring statement is simply not interesting to do by yourself. Well, if it's not interesting for the authors themselves, readers will be all the more uninteresting.

In addition, the book on AT and AKP is already finished, waiting for publication.

4. How does auto-training compare with your course "Memory. Intelligence. Success"? Do not you try to "harness a horse and a quivering doe in one cart" by including auto-training in the course program?

Not at all! In the course, among other things, the memory algorithm is considered, that is, how to memorize everything for a long time and maneuver like a home address or multiplication table. In this algorithm, four components, and one of them helps to achieve the full and the most effective is AT and AKP.

While there are enough questions and answers. It's time to move on to the next lesson.



You have already mastered (if practiced, of course) the main basic skill of self-training - muscle and vascular relaxation. Further exercises will mainly focus on deepening the state of autogenous immersion and developing autosuggestion.

The next exercise that will be added to the complex is called "heat in the solar plexus".

The solar plexus is the largest neural node of the autonomic nervous system that controls the work of all the major internal organs (heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, etc.). This is a kind of command post or junction box that provides the brain with information about the work of internal organs and transmits control signals from the brain to internal organs.

As a result of the exercise "heat in the solar plexus", the regulatory abilities of the autonomic nervous system are improved, which positively affects the work of all organs and systems.

The solar plexus is located on the midline of the body, in the middle between the navel and the lower edge of the sternum. Since it occupies a rather large area, the localization of the sensation of heat in the solar plexus can differ significantly from one person to another. Usually, heat covers the lower part of the chest and the upper abdomen.

It is easiest to imagine this sensation, remembering the pleasant warmth of drunk hot tea or soup (or something stronger). You can also imagine that there is a small sun in the solar plexus area.

As in previous exercises, the mental image that accompanies the formulas for self-suggestion of heat in the solar plexus can be completely individual. And it's even good if it reflects your personal experience.

Here are a few more options:

- the electric light comes on;

- Coal (each exhale, as it inflates this coal even more);

- the vessels of the solar plexus expand, hot blood warms the solar plexus (this image is universal).

It is important that, after selecting one image, then only use it. Each formula of autosuggestion should be repeated 1-3 times. Remember that concentration of attention must be passive. Do not try to force yourself to feel inspired feelings, especially since at the beginning of training you can not feel heat at all. This does not mean that the exercise does not work out, it just takes time for the training effect to manifest itself.

So, your complex now looks like this:

I. Formulas of rest - similar to lesson 4

II. Muscle relaxation - similar to lesson 4

III. Heat - similar to lesson 4

IV. Heat in the solar plexus

1. My solar plexus radiates heat ...

2. Pleasant heat fills all internal organs ...

3. The sensation of warmth in the solar plexus is growing more and more ...

4. The whole stomach is warmed by pleasant, deep heat ...

5. I am completely calm ...

V. Activation formulas - similar to lesson 4

VI. Write down the feelings that arose during the class.

You must learn to cause a noticeable sensation of heat in the solar plexus area. In fact, the localization of sensations can be different. In some, heat is more pronounced in the upper part of the abdomen, in others - in the middle or lower. This is completely normal. Ideally - "the whole stomach is warmed by pleasant, deep heat." Usually, it takes 1-3 weeks to master this exercise.

And now the promised story. Based on the specifics of the newsletter in one of the next issues, we will put Yuri's story, a case from operational work, when he applied the acquired skills to AT. But first, we write, we agree with him, nevertheless, it will really be about operational work, that is, some kind of real operation.

In general, with cases from life, I'll be more careful. I once gave some information in one of the issues, so it's still sour at heart, as I recall. I was fatherly, but very severely pointed out the inadmissibility of this ...


... One of the leading specialists in auto-training and SDP is Hans Lindeman.

Let's just say that this is now Lindeman moved into the ranks of leading experts on AT, but he began a doctor who deals with human survival in extreme situations. He worked in Liberia, a famous naval power.

In the early fifties of the 20th century, a very dangerous myth began circulating among physicians that a shipwrecked person could completely bypass seawater for a while, using it for drinking.

Lindeman decided to refute this error practically. Being a fairly experienced seafarer, in 1955 he crossed the ocean on an African dolphin boat "kru" for 65 days. Of course, he was glad that he had made this journey, but the more time passed since the triumph, the more he felt dissatisfaction.

Although the experience of survival on the high seas was supplemented by important observations, Lindeman realized that he could not cope with the mental problems associated with such a swim.

Lindeman carefully prepared for him in physical, technical, navigational plans, but not in terms of psychology, because of what he got into extremely dangerous crisis situations that could end very sadly. Moreover, he knew that most of the shipwrecked people were killed not because of physical hardships, but because of panic, fear, despair. The psychic refuses faster than the body.

Lindeman asked himself the question: "How to influence the psyche and how to make it an ally?".

The answer was Automotive training.

And Lindeman decided to take a new journey across the ocean. Only as a ship he chose the smallest vessel that he could find - a foldable kayak.

By the way, imagine yourself in a kayak among the ocean. With a certain lively imagination, the picture, as they say, captures the spirit.

Lindeman, using the experience of the previous voyage, maximally strengthened the boat, which, of course, increased his chances. Now I should take care of myself.

Six months before the start of the trip, Lindeman, familiar with Autotrening, began to inject into the depths of his psyche the first formula for self-hypnosis - "I'll manage it!".

In the morning he first concentrated on this thought. During the day before lunch, he conducted an ordinary training session (I can assure you that these were about the same exercises as we give in this manual).

But any formula of auto-suggestion is arranged so that it must be repeated constantly and between training - when walking, sitting, eating, and in general whenever possible. The formula should become the motto of life.

After three weeks with this formula, he "realized" that he could survive this swim. He constantly tried to activate the unconscious depths of the soul, so that even in a dream you can get answers to the questions: "Is my trip justified? Will I be back alive? ". The answer was a sense of "cosmic security, comprehensive self-confidence and one's own strength.

During the voyage this formula appeared in Lindemann automatically, when it was necessary to overcome crises. For example, when the kayak rolled over for the first time, it literally shocked the emergence from the darkness of the formula: "I will manage". Moreover, this formula came to the aid in the struggle against the inevitably coming hallucinations, that when they appeared, the consciousness immediately acquired full clarity.

One of the formulas was the "Course-West" formula. At the slightest deviation from the given direction, it automatically pops up in the brain. In order to wake up from visions caused by a constant lack of sleep, it was not at all necessary for the wave to sweep the boat and bring him to life. The formula worked.

For example, one day during a hallucination, he saw an African with whom he entered into an illusory conversation.

"Where are we sailing?"

"To my master."

"Where does your master live?"

"To the west," answered the black man.

The word "west" immediately aroused the traveler, he looked at the compass and corrected the course.

This example proves that self-hypnosis formulas can fight even with hallucinations. It turns out that they can exert the same strong influence as the hypnotic suggestion.

Autotraining helped to overcome chronic lack of sleep, giving the possibility of a good rest during relaxation, avoiding ulcers and other negative consequences caused by the fact that during swimming in a kayak you can just sit.

Lindeman points out that only auto-training sessions helped him safely, without the slightest damage to physical health and psyche, to make such a long way in the ocean on a small kayak.

Then there were many more attempts to overcome the ocean on this kind of boat. Only one survived.

Thanks to Autogenic Training.

Good luck!

'Secrets of intelligence development in special services'-49

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 49. What to expect from AT and AKP and the annotation of the device.


Today there will be no lessons. But there will be information that may well turn out to be interesting and useful. We have already given part of it, today we put it completely.

The effect of training can be predicted, and we will give, when and what can be expected if one condition is met, very important, but about it a little later.

What a positive effect and when you can expect from classes AT and AKP.

1) After 1-2 weeks

After doing the exercise, you get a feeling that you are well rested. It's easier to fall asleep. With regular classes, many people say that they become less tired for the day. Perhaps an improvement in mood.

2) in 3-4 weeks

Sleep is normalized (if there were problems with falling asleep earlier). Improves concentration of attention. With the help of AT it is possible to restore forces more quickly, to rest. Improves well-being. The mood is rising. The first signs of a healing effect are possible (pressure normalizes, decreases or passes headaches (if there were).

3) 1.5 - 2 months.

There is a feeling of inner strength. There is confidence. The concentration of attention increases even more. Stress, fatigue are easily removed with the help of exercises. Perhaps better performance, memory.

Noticeably improves well-being, mood. There are cases of spontaneous resolution of various personal problems and health problems (many problems are solved in the background, by improving the brain and CNS with regular AT sessions).

3) 3-4 months.

There are all the positive background effects from regular AT sessions. There is an opportunity to purposefully form various subconscious positive programs.

They can be aimed at improving, developing abilities, solving creative and professional tasks, correcting and developing the necessary personality traits, etc.

And now about this condition - in which case this all happens, as discussed above. Schultz wrote about this condition. In addition, we talked with the teacher of the department of psychology of one particular educational institution, and he answered the same thing. Here is his answer:

- Absolutely anyone can master AT and AKP.

- The only condition is the regularity of classes. It is advisable not to make large passes in performing the exercises. If you miss a few days, then start the exercise first.

- After passing the main course (actually, seven exercises - this is the main course), your achievements turn into a skill and the question of classes is not so acute because you begin to apply the skill in real life. And this is a wonderful training.

Now about the device, which we casually mentioned and promised to tell later. This "a little later" came.

In order to accelerate the process of learning the exercises, in addition to the subjective feelings that must arise in the course of their implementation, it is desirable to obtain some kind of objective assessment.

We have already indicated that the state of autogenous immersion is accompanied by a change in body temperature, skin-galvanic reaction, pulse, pressure, etc. That is, parameters that are amenable to real measurement and control.

In the United States, a device has been developed that measures skin-galvanic reaction, that is, skin resistance. The device is a little inconvenient in operation, besides, it costs decently.

We also offer a device based on monitoring the temperature of the skin surface.

For example, there is an exercise "Heat in the hands". You attach a small sensor on the outside of the brush with a sticking plaster and do it. When the temperature is changed by 0.1 degrees, the device sends a light or a quiet sound signal. Normal is considered, if during the performance of this exercise you have changed the temperature by 0,7 degrees.

The device is very small. With the external simplicity of the algorithm, its operation is rather complicated. The main thing is much cheaper than the American one. For orientation - American costs about $ 350. Of course, you can order it from us. Of course, ours, not the American one.

But right away we will say that it is quite possible to master the AKP and AT without the device. The device simply provides assistance in the classroom.

We receive letters asking to give more detailed information about our correspondence course "Memory. Intelligence. Success". We have already provided information in the 58th issue of DEVELOPING, which can be found on the website.

But just in case, we'll give it to this mailing list tomorrow.

And in two or three days - the next lesson of AT and AKP.

Good luck to all and in everything!

'Secrets of Intelligence in Special Services'-50

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 50. Scheduled.


Everything goes according to plan, as it was reported - this issue tells about our correspondence course "Memory. Intelligence. Success". And tomorrow or the day after tomorrow - another lesson of AT and AKP.

Periodically, letters come, ask them to tell about the Course in more detail. We do this with pleasure, as this is our pride, and this can contribute to the advancement. And this, in turn, will accelerate the implementation of some very, very interesting projects. Not that very sensational, but, let's say, unexpected.

So, the Course.

The first step or part of the course consists of six books with audio applications.

Book 1. "Memory and Intellect".

This is a story about the mechanisms of the functioning of memory and intelligence, specific practical ones are given to increase the productivity of intellectual work without any exercises or exercises, simply by knowing these very mechanisms. It tells about the creation of the "intellectual atmosphere", about the methods of developing the imagination.

Book 2. "Effective memorization."

Almost all known memory systems, basic mnemotechnical techniques, their application in the work with information are given.

Book 3. "Remembering the numbers."

One of the most complex types of remembered information, at the same time and the most in demand - phone numbers, physical constants, dates, prices, schedules, tariffs and so on. There are a lot of memorizing methods in the book and you can choose the most suitable for yourself.

Book 4. "Integrated memory training".

7 effective exercises, with which you can both develop the memory, and activate the information that you think is forgotten. It is not necessary to do all seven, it is enough to dwell on one or two, which, as they say, fell on the soul.

We are proud of this book deservedly, there are no analogues of it.

Book 5. "Concentration of attention."

Very often, when a person complains about worsening memory, loss of quick-wittedness, slowing down of reaction, these problems are solved simply by increasing concentration of attention. The methods given in the book will help to do this without special problems and time. As well as developing and maintaining this is the most important quality.

Book 6. "Mnemonic. Truth and fiction. "

This book was written by the great St. Petersburg mnemonist, a very interesting man Oleg Stepanov. For many people it was Stepanova's book that served as the impetus for the beginning of perfection, it is written in such a way that one involuntarily recharges with that positive energy that accelerates development, makes one engage in oneself. The book also contains a lot of interesting information.

But the main thing is the 14th chapter, which has never been published anywhere before. This is a revolution in our ideas about memory and at the same time an exercise that allows us to develop the perception of information to unprecedented heights.

The books are supplemented by audio applications, on which tests are given, as well as material that is better perceived by ear, as well as duplicated some of the points from books to enhance the learning of information.

In perspective:

Book 7. "Psychic Self-Regulation and Intellect". The combination of the published books and this manual makes the Course simply a unique phenomenon. You are fully using the combination of mnemotechnics, methods of memory development from the first six books of the Course and Psychic Self-Regulation allows you to achieve truly fantastic results. Your ability to memorize, process information, make the right decisions in the face of a lack of information will increase dramatically. We will not talk about additional options for the time being, but, believe me, they deserve attention.

Book 8. "Forced mastery of a foreign language." Notice, not study, but mastery. The methods outlined in this book will improve the memorization of words and phrases, in three weeks develop a branded pronunciation, in a fairly short time to develop a decent literacy. Most importantly, you will not learn to translate, this, in our view, is a hopeless occupation. You just start to speak the language. Think for yourself - you are the least likely to think when communicating in Russian, where the subject, the predicate, the order of words in the sentence, what times to apply and so on. You just use the language. And if to translate, the foreign language will inevitably be perceived as secondary, and either it will simply be pushed far to the "background", or the study of the language will require such efforts ...

In general, if you need a language - this book is for you.

Book 9. "Working with texts." Well, this issue worries everyone. We will not describe in detail the contents of the book, the title is more and more understandable, let's just say that the methods of working with texts that you study will allow you to increase the amount of processed and memorized textual information several times.

The advantage of the course is that the information is submitted in an interesting way and it does not take a lot of time to master it, as everything that you study can be applied immediately in your work or study. That is, build the resulting knowledge in the degree of skills.

Do not consider it to be a boast, but we actually managed to create the best course for self-education and improvement. Probably, it was simple, that is called, it was possible, and the task was put high. Work on the course was interesting.

The question arises - when the course will be completely. Presumably by the autumn. But this can happen and much faster if the number of orders is sufficient to raise funds for the publication of the remaining. Book 7 is almost ready, books 8 and 9 are being finalized.

In order for those who order the Course to have some advantages, we promise that they will receive the first published books. In addition, they will have two prices - one in the course, the second - for free sale. We hope that this will stimulate demand to some extent.

In addition, in about two weeks, an on-line newsletter will begin to be published for the participants of the course, in which new information will be provided that is not included in the course books. This may be due to the fact that it is not practical to publish a separate book on some issues, or the information can supplement the information available in the course, and the format of regular mailings for it is not entirely appropriate.

I hope that this article has interested you.

The next issue of the mailing is the next lesson of AT and AKP.

Good luck to all and in everything!

'Secrets of Intelligence in Special Services'-51

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 51. Sixth lesson on AT and AKP and cardinal news.


Just a lot of news, the most diverse, and very, so to speak, cardinal.

Let's start with an answer to the letter, rather angry. I, as the author of the newsletter, are encouraged to stop doing nonsense, stop printing the course of AT and AKP, arguing that "there is enough such nonsense on the Internet and everyone serves it as some kind of secret knowledge."

I will answer. It may even be that there are enough publications on the topic in the network. And it may even be that someone is submitting all this as "secret knowledge". But we just want to show that there is nothing secret in the AT and the AKP, that it is quite affordable for everyone to master.

We do not try to operate with terms like "magic keys", "secret initialization" and so on. Moreover, everything that we give can be found in open sources. For example, in Levi's wonderful book, "The Art of Being", or in Kermani's "Autogenic Training". There are a lot of books and publications.

Two "buts."

But in this form, as we give, that is, the most compressed, water-deprived, embodied in the form of specific instructions, you are unlikely to find anything.

But we tried to get as close as possible to the health-improving part of the AT and the AKP, which is actually described in great detail, but to the one that Schultz embodied as the chief psychologist of the Luftwaffe and which was used by both the Abwehr and the NKVD at the time.

There arises, however, a fair question: "Kohl Schultz was such a craftsman and in general the Nazis did a lot and invented all sorts of techniques, so why did they lose?". It seems to us that if the Idea itself is vicious, then no magic techniques will save it. But this does not mean that the methods are not good. However, the reasoning on this topic is beyond the scope of the mailing.

And now go for the news. One nice, the rest are not so hot. In order.

I received a letter from one e-mail server, which significantly exceeded the limit of messages sent. And very decently. And it is indicated that, according to the rules of sending mailings for exceeding the limit, I must pay a certain amount. That is, either pay or work is not so active. And this position of the mail server can be understood.

Therefore, after simple calculations, it was decided to issue a newsletter twice a month. And when and once a month. That will lead to some change in its format in terms of information provided. The only thing I can guarantee is that it will still be interesting.

Again, an astute reader may have a question - why is the mailing done? Surely because to advertise our products?

I agree, but only partly. Yes, advertising has a place to be, moreover, I suspect that many of its presence in the newsletter does not like. I will add, however, that the number of incoming orders is not so great as to talk about superprofits and excellent profitability.

The second aspect of mailing is that you know the material only when you can more or less clearly state it. That is, the very fact of the mailing is also an excellent moment for me to develop.

By the way, this moment is very noticeable when you are teaching in private groups or when working on correspondence courses. I just feel that if I do not, I will stop in my growth as an expert. Just like in an anecdote about the teacher: "I explained everything to them several times, I finally understood it, and they did not go into any." The main thing is that he figured it out himself.

So, maintaining a mailing list includes two things - advertising your own developments and your growth as a specialist. And it is not known what is more important. Most likely, both moments are equally important.

From all the above, the conclusions:

1. Actually sharply reduces the activity of mailing. Altruism of such a degree that you do not even give free knowledge, and you pay for it, is very much like schizophrenia.

2. There will be a paid mailing of the same subject, or maybe just something like an on-line course on the topic "Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services." Of course, the name will be different. As well as the format. More strict in content. Weekly. With pictures and tables. Fascinating and interesting, here I will try. With some little-known technologies. With details, which in the usual format of mailing you will not state. Not laid out on the site. With a subscription fee of approximately $ 5-15 for six months (150-450 rubles, 30-90 hryvnia, 12-32 thousand Belarusian rubles and so on).

3. Those who are engaged in the course "memory. Intelligence. Success "do not worry. The material will intersect little.

4. Nothing just happens that way. It's not for nothing that the CONTENT newsletter server sent a proposal to start this kind of newsletter just a week ago.

5. Again advertising ... What to do ...

But we must also say something nice in the release. And pleasant is this



The next exercise is called "Breath".

Many practices of self-regulation (for example, such as yoga and qigong) give a lot of attention to breathing.

We, in this exercise, do not set ourselves the goal to somehow influence our breathing. In the process of relaxation, breathing calms down in a natural way.

Repeat - We will not try to influence breathing, we will rather use it to deepen the state of rest and autogenous immersion.

In meditative techniques, breathing is very often used as an object for concentration of attention. Observation of the natural cyclicity of breathing is similar to the contemplation of fire or surf waves. Remember how easy and pleasant it is to concentrate, looking at the sea surf or the fire of a bonfire.

The formulas of auto-suggestion in this exercise are used not so much for suggestion, as for the statement, confirmation of what is happening. Their main task is to deepen the state of rest and autogenous immersion.

While uttering the self-hypnosis formulas, you can simply watch the airflow that you breathe in and out or imagine that you are lying on your back, on the surface of the water. For example, on inhalation, a tender warm sea slightly lifts you, and exhales, when exhaled. You just enjoy the process.

Having pronounced all four autosuggestion formulas 1-2 times in a few breaths, you can observe the breathing or sway on the waves. You will certainly notice what a good rest this exercise gives.

Completely this employment looks as follows.

I. Formulas of rest - similar to lesson 5

II. Muscle relaxation - similar to lesson 5

III. Heat - similar to lesson 5

IV. Heat in the solar plexus - similar to lesson 5

V. Breath.

1. I am absolutely calm ...

2. My breathing is calm ... easy ...

3. With each breath, I am more and more calming down ...

4. I am completely calm ...

VI. Activation formulas - similar to lesson 5

VII. Write down the feelings that arose during the class.

The criterion of success of mastering this exercise is that when concentration on breathing deepens the sensations of relaxation and rest. The development of the exercise also takes about 1-2 weeks.

That's right until March and there is something to do.

I want to emphasize that let you not be deceived by the external simplicity of the written. Simply that it is simple, but demands to itself the most serious relation.

Kohl began, so the course of AT and the AKP will lay out to the end, albeit with delays. Fortunately one lesson was left.

See you in March!

Good luck to all and in everything!

'Secrets of intelligence development in special services'-52

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 52. The seventh lesson of AT and AKP.


The break turned out to be quite large, but you could use it quite fruitfully - to master the exercises on the AKP.

As we said, the newsletter will now be published twice a month. That is, the next will be out in about two weeks. And then again early next month and so on. But you can more clearly plan the themes of the issues.

Today we have the seventh, final lesson on AT and AKP. And in the next issue - some aspects of the practical application of AT and AKP.

The message that we are changing the style of work a little, has caused that there was some outflow of subscribers. Although we will give our due to the readers and to ourselves. Outflow is not so significant.

The announcement that a paid version of the mailing will start coming out, also did not cause much enthusiasm. Although a number of letters came with a request to inform about its opening and readiness to subscribe. Therefore, we decided the following.

In the KGB there are a lot of interesting specialists, so to speak, non-traditional profile. And Vladimir slowly introduces me to them.

Remark. Many letters come, which indicate that my enthusiasm for the KGB is somewhat exaggerated, to put it mildly. I completely agree!

I was just lucky to have such friends in this office. I already wrote that I met them in my glorious dissident times. They called me to talk, we talked, drank beer, they understood everything perfectly, and they made reports to me that conversations with me had been conducted. Well, they parted until the next meeting.

Gradually became friends. They helped me several times to deter me and my friends from bandits from various and, so to speak, unscrupulous cops, I, in turn, somehow pretended to be a buyer of a large batch of uranium. This was not a knock-on, not a fig. By the way, but they never offered me a knock on someone. In general, the real officers.

But, alas, it is impossible to idealize the KGB too much. My friends are my friends, and there are a lot of bad things there.

For example, now we have in Belarus, presidential elections are coming. So the KGB, along with the rest of the security structures, is simply rampant, trying to neutralize the active opponents of the regime.

But, thank God, my friends have nothing to do with this. One on the orders of the authorities to engage in a denser election, said that he was submitting a report for dismissal (this action will not bring him any particular trouble in case of what, such a professional without work will not remain). We decided not to attract him to this muck.

The second in the main direction is so busy that it simply can not be torn. Elections are elections, but the case must be made.

By the way, Chekist Putin, too, somehow recently lost his halo and authority. At least in Belarus. So clearly demonstrate its international insolvency ... Fighting terrorists is yes, but jakshatsya with Hamas, which supports Chechen terrorists ... It is clear that Russian politicians received slap in the Ukraine, in Georgia, in Kyrgyzstan, so support Lukashenko, that at least we have something It did not happen - it's just self-abasement. And when the foreign minister of the great power begins to weave all over the world that everything in Belarus is oiled from the point of view of democracy and the elections are just a model of honesty and justice, this causes disgust. And the famous political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky ... Simply disgusting.

Consolation - Lukashenko is singing and singing Russian pop music. It so happened that they are the first messengers of the customer's defeat.

So finally:

1. I idealize not the KGB in general, but only my friends and honest people who meet there.

2. For all that, the secret services have developed a lot of things, which should be looked at more closely and taken into service.

Sorry for this political escapade, I just really do not want to believe that I'm such an apologist for the KGB, and secondly, in fact, we have elections soon, sore. Although the overwhelming majority of readers of the mailing it to the lantern, as according to the statistics of readers from Belarus is quite small.

So, Vladimir introduced me to a specialist in non-dictational hypnosis and I had a real chance to learn something interesting. What is remarkable about the methods I was told about is that they can be used in any situation, the surrounding people especially do not understand that there is a certain influence, and the efficiency is quite high. Not somnambulistic trance, but strong enough. And not NLP, which also causes interest.

And therefore the old version of the mailing will be released in approximately the same format, twice a month, except that on global topics like AT and AKP, it is no longer worthwhile, since twice a month - from a cannon on sparrows.

The new option, paid, will include completely free-of-charge mailing information, as well as touch upon an extensive topic of some kind that is of practical importance and of some interest. Outputs - four times a month minimum. What will be the first topic - you already guessed.

Do not think of me as a ruffian and a scoundrel, but with the funds I will be able to ensure a stable output of the mailing, in time to settle with the mailing servers.

As for, so to speak, the subscription fee, it will depend on the number of customers. The more customers - the less payment. Why does it seem that it will be something like 3-5 $ for six months.

So send your applications. By the way, if there are no applications, then there will not be any sense in the announcement of paid mailing. Also an option.

And the main theme today is the seventh, the final lesson of AT and AKP.

Seventh lesson. Cool forehead.

So you came to the development of the last basic exercise of autogenic training! You've done a really big and important job. I am sure that you have already felt the positive effect of regular training by auto-training.

The next exercise is called "Cool forehead". This exercise has two important goals.

This is the most difficult exercise and it most requires a developed skill of autosuggestion. Therefore, this exercise well develops the ability to self-hypnosis.

In addition, this exercise is of practical importance. Everyone knows the saying: "Keep your feet warm, and your head in the cold." Reducing the flow of blood to the head relieves headaches, improves mental performance and gives a good rest to the brain.

The mental images during this exercise can be quite diverse. Most often, the image of a cool breeze blowing the forehead (for example, from an open window) is used. So, the famous Canadian psychotherapist V. Lute defined the sensations of doing this exercise as a sensation of a person sitting in a warm bath under the cool breeze of a fan. You can imagine that you are breathing cool air through your forehead. In this case, to increase the sense of coolness, you can imagine that you have a minty sweet in your mouth. It is important that the image reflects the feeling of a pleasant coolness. As in the previous exercises, selecting an image, use only it. The training effect in this case will manifest much better.

I remind you that concentration of attention must be passive.

Starting from this lesson, you can reduce the number of formulas to the key ones, which are highlighted in bold.

So, completely this lesson looks like this:

I. Formulas of rest

1. I am absolutely calm ...

2. All my muscles are pleasantly relaxed for rest ...

3. My whole body is completely resting ...

4. I am completely calm ...

II. Muscle relaxation

1. All my muscles completely relax ...

2. Muscles of the face ...

3. The muscles of the hands ...

4. Muscles of the trunk ...

5. Muscles of the legs ...

7. All my muscles are completely relaxed ...

III. Heat in the limbs

1. I feel the pleasant warmth in my hands ...

2. The blood vessels of my arms slightly widened ...

3. Hot blood warms my hands ...

4. Pleasant heat spreads on the hands ...

5. My hands are warm ...

6. I feel a pleasant warmth at my feet ...

7. The blood vessels of my legs slightly widened ...

8. Hot blood warms my legs ...

9. My feet are warm ...

10. Pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body ...

11. I am completely calm.

IV. Heat in the solar plexus

1. My solar plexus radiates heat ...

2. Pleasant heat fills all internal organs ...

3. The sensation of warmth in the solar plexus is growing more and more ...

4. The whole stomach is warmed by pleasant, deep heat ...

5. I am completely calm ...

V. Breath.

1. I am absolutely calm ...

2. My breathing is calm ... easy ...

3. With each breath, I am more and more calming down ...

4. I am completely calm ...

VI. Cool forehead

1. I feel a nice coolness in the forehead ...

2. My forehead is nice cool ...

3. The head is clear, fresh ...

4. The forehead is nice cool ...

5. My whole body is resting and gaining strength ...

6. I am completely calm ...

VII. Activation formulas

1. I had a good rest ...

2. My strength was restored ...

3. Throughout the body I feel a surge of energy ...

4. The head is clear, fresh ...

5. I seem to have taken a refreshing shower ...

6. Throughout the body runs a pleasant chill ...

7. I take a deep breath ... Sharply exhale, I lift my head,
I open my eyes.

Stand up, stretch, make a few vigorous breaths-exhalations and light physical exercises.

VIII. Write down the feelings that arose during the class.

The criterion for the success of mastering this exercise is a subjective sensation of pleasant coolness in the forehead area.

In the next issue in about two weeks - the final session and some practical aspects of the use of AT and AKP.

By the way, in April the presentation of the book "AT, AKP and Intellect", which opens the second stage of our course "Memory. Intelligence. Success". Which means that at the same time, those already engaged at the rate will be able to get it at the minimum price option.

Good luck to all and in everything!

'Secrets of intelligence development in special services'-53

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 53. The big release, about many things.


Today, the issue will be a bit bigger than usual. Since we are going out twice a month, we will take at least one volume. Today:

- Review of letters;

- What will happen in the free and paid versions of the mailing, that is, the announcement for the near future;

- Addition to the previously published rate of AT and AKP.

Review of letters.

Strictly speaking, the main shaft of letters was caused by the appearance in the previous issue of certain political moments, in particular, the evaluation of the people's favorite people Lukashenka. I am a competent person, but in this case I deliberately wrote the surname from a small letter, since I wanted to emphasize that this is not a person, but a phenomenon.

I solemnly promise not to go into politics anymore. Moreover, the elections have passed. Alas…

So what about her, this policy. Dirty business.

What will be in the paid version of the mailing.

- A special program has been purchased, which will make the releases more sensible in terms of design, including the normal inserting of illustrations, which is important.

- There will be a minimum of four times a month.

- The cost has been determined so far - $ 10-15 per year. The figures will be two - for any consumer and for the one who ordered or orders our course "Memory. Intelligence. Success".

- Will start to leave in April. When we prepare several issues, then we will once again announce the receipt of orders. By the way, thanks to those who have already done it. This showed that, in general, readers took the idea with understanding.

But we will talk about the topics separately.

First, this is a special non-directive hypnosis . I have already received reproaches that I will simply rewrite Gorin and trade this. At once I will say that I will not rewrite Gorin. There are many other things that have not been especially published, and hypnosis in the literal sense will be difficult to name. Rather, the toolkit of influence. Maybe someone will find the topic uninteresting, but still letters with requests for this topic were published.

Secondly, self-hypnosis . And in the form, as my friends Volodya and Yura do. Self-control and their excellent, which characterizes the fact that one of them recently received a reward from Putin, it is natural that the celebration lasted a week, but the hero held himself decently and firmly, and did not confess what he was awarded for. It remains to console ourselves with the thought that this is not a policy, it simply hates it.

Thirdly, the long-promised topic of processing and retrieval of information . By the way, I accept claims that I promised to put books on this topic on the site. Wrong, wrong. But the fact is that, firstly, they are written in such language ... Secondly, to put them on the site, they need to be prepared. Scan, check errors, format. Hands did not reach.

And then I'll start these books into one, I'll write, as it seems to me, a little better, and at the same time I'll post the originals on the site. It seems to me that it is interesting to write and, most importantly, useful, I will succeed.

Fourth, the art of concentration . Well, everything is clear here, the topic is very important. I've written a lot on this topic, but all the time there are some new facets and possibilities.

Fifthly ... And the fifth "about fifth" came the thought after visiting book collapse. Among other things, I saw there a lot of books like "Occult secrets of the Third Reich", "Hitler and mysticism" and so on. It's a shame! NKVD worse? Therefore, the topic is approximately such "NKVD and mysticism" Or something in this spirit. Immediately make a reservation that the educational meaning in this material will not be the slightest, especially since many secret knowledge without personal contact with the Teacher will not get. But it will be interesting to read, and if so, this will serve as a kind of stimulus for development. How many people came to physics, having read fiction!

What will happen in the mailing list that you are currently receiving.

- Required useful techniques and techniques for the development of memory and attention;

- Some applied methods of remembering;

- Strategies for behavior in difficult situations and psychological preparation for them.

- And something is always just interesting.

Seven lessons AT and AKP passed. What next?

Even if you have completed all seven lessons, this does not mean that you have to stop classes.

By the way, we received rave reviews about the NEUROTRENER-TM1 device, which was told about in one of the issues. We would like to remind that this is a biofeedback device, which allows us to obtain an objective assessment of the success of the development of the AT and AKP course. I will not say that this is a large number of people, while only 9 people, but all of them note that mastering the course has gone more confidently and faster much.

Keep practicing every day. This should become for you the same habit as brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Personal external hygiene should be complemented by internal hygiene, which can be called psycho-hygiene. Only in this case you will get a long-term result.

However, we think that Autotraining and Psychic Self-Regulation have harmoniously blended into your life and become a habit, a need, and you do not need to convince yourself that you need to study. And you do not need to follow a schedule for this. Just every day there are free minutes, which you can gladly fill with classes. When you feel tired, and still have work - 5-10 minutes of rest in autogenous state or self-induced sleep give the necessary rest and burst of energy.

How to continue self-study.

Keep practicing by doing all the exercises. Gradually, the necessary sensation will be called up more and faster and the formulas of auto-suggestion can be folded literally up to this kind:

Peace ...



Solar plexus…


A heart…

The forehead is nice cool ...

...... (target formulas)

Mobilization! Exit!

Now that you have a good enough self-hypnosis and are able to immerse yourself in an autogenous state, you can use target self-hypnosis formulas that can be aimed at achieving a variety of important results for you .

Target formulas can be inserted after the basic formulas, before going out. Remember one important point. To achieve the result, one must really want and show patience. As a rule, the effect of the target formulas is noticeably manifested not earlier than in 2-3 weeks of their regular use.

General principles of practical application of the methods of Mental Self-Regulation

In its most general form, it can be said that the AKP methods can be applied to:

· Solutions to problems (this is what you already have, but you do not need it)

· Achievement of goals (this is what you do not have, but you want it)

In any case, first of all it is important to understand what exactly you want. The more accurately and in detail you realize your goal, the faster and easier it will be to achieve the result.

Let's start by solving the problems.

The solution to the problem can be represented as a simplistic transition from the state "A", in which the problem occurs, to the state "B", where this problem does not exist. This transition requires certain resources and some work needs to be done.

If you ever climbed a mountain, then you should be well acquainted with that feeling of enthusiasm and a surge of energy when the top is already close and well visible. At the same time, you also know a different feeling. Feeling of apathy and powerlessness, when you have to move towards a goal that is not visible and it is completely unclear how many more to go - hour, day, year ...

To quickly and confidently go to the goal you need to know where you are at each particular moment of time and where you need to go .

So, your first step is to determine as precisely as possible what your problem is. What exactly prevents you. What exactly disturbs or disturbs. This will allow us to take the next step - to translate the problem into a task. Ie, you already know where you are and now you need to decide where to go. Without a clear understanding of where you want to go, you'll be circling around and all the way back to the problem point "A" (Is not that how it usually happened?).

As you probably already knew, if the task is not to solve the problem, but to achieve some goal, then you start right away from the second step (try to determine this goal as precisely as possible).

It is very important that the "B" point be as detailed as possible. You need to know exactly where you want to go. To do this, you should ask yourself as many questions of this type as possible:

- What do I really want?

- What happens if I get rid of this problem (or will I achieve this goal)?

- How will it look like?

- By what signs do I know that the problem no longer exists?

- By what signs do I know that I have achieved the goal?

- How will I feel at the same time?

"How will I look?"

- How will people feel about me?

- How to change my behavior?

The more questions - the better.

As a result, you should get a clear picture of what you are aiming for. Perfect image. This ideal image will later be used for autosuggestion, just as you used, for example, the image of immersing your hands in hot water to induce vasodilation. The more accurate and brighter the image - the better the result!

Choose a short and positive formula describing this ideal image. There is no need for detailed descriptions. You already know what's at stake! The formula should inspire, call. Let for the rest she even seem an abracadabra. It does not matter.

The next step . To achieve this goal, some resources will be required. For example, confidence, perseverance, tolerance, determination, creativity, etc. By analogy with the previous step, you need to create an ideal image of yourself that has the necessary qualities and choose the appropriate formula for auto-suggestion.

So, you have clearly defined the purpose and means. You have formulas and images of an ideal goal. You also have formulas and images for those qualities that you need. You can start work.

A few words about the formulas. Try to do them in a positive way. Better instead of "I do not want to smoke" - "Smoking does not matter to me." Although it is not worth it to go too far. If you feel that you have found the best version of the formula - use it, regardless of the canons.

Do not hurry. First, take one problem. Do not try to solve everything at once. Concentrate your efforts on one goal. Try to engage AT and AKP at least 2-3 times a day and each time insert formulas - goals. Be sure to use the appropriate images. You can repeat the formulas and in the usual state throughout the day as many times as you want. Another important practice can be "living" in the image of a person with the necessary qualities.

Be patient!

Everything in this world lives in its rhythm. Periods of enthusiasm can be replaced by periods of some apathy. This is normal. Do not get angry and do not scold yourself. Give yourself enough time to achieve results.

The most important thing is that you do not forget about this. As with Auto-training, it is important to maintain passive concentration. And in general, as neutral as possible in relation to the result.

There is nothing that prevents Autotrening more than volitional efforts and a passionate desire to achieve results. That's what you and AT and AKP did in order to master this principle. This is the greatest trick. On a conscious level, keep some indifference to the result.

Let's summarize the results of working with problems.

An approximate plan of action:

1. Understand the problem.

2. To reformulate the problem into a task.

3. Form a bright image of the goal (an ideal image).

4. Choose a formula for auto-suggestion for a goal.

5. Identify the necessary resources.

6. Create a vivid image of yourself, who has the necessary resources.

7. Choose the appropriate formula for auto-suggestion.

8. Use formulas and images regularly in class.

I must say that it is not always necessary to create images and formulas separately for the purpose and resources. Sometimes, the resources themselves can be the goal.

For example, your goal may be to have such qualities as calmness and confidence, because It is their lack and creates a problem. Then you can use one formula. Maybe this: "I'm calm and confident." But this is a rather impersonal formula.

Perhaps you will want to specify in which circumstances you need to possess these qualities. You can more creatively approach this task. Using an analogy from the animal world, you can imagine yourself a lion, the king of beasts. Remember what royal calm and confidence radiates this animal. In general, more creativity and imagination!

And the last. It is not necessary to dig out the grain all the time and check how it grows. Using the goal formulas for 2-3 weeks, then take a break for several weeks. Try to forget about this time (to the extent possible) about this problem. Most likely, it is at this time that the most important positive developments can occur. This is the same as when you solve an important task and can not find a solution, and then it comes to you, for example, in a dream. After the break, repeat the cycle if necessary.

But nothing prevents to start working on something right now.

And for an example in the next issue, we will give practical recommendations on the development of foreign languages. And what you read, do not learn in any language courses. Moreover, now I finish the next book of the Course "Memory. Intelligence. Success ", which is called" Forced mastery of foreign languages ​​". So, one of the conditions for the successful application of the established methods, as well as the methodology that will be given in the next issue - no language courses.

In my opinion, I'm already a little tired.

Good luck!

'Secrets of intelligence development in special services'-56

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 56. Simple psychological defense.


As already mentioned, in the newsletter now we will consider some topics that do not require a large number of issues, but fit into one, at most two issues. Global themes will be left for the paid version of the mailing, the benefit of the mailing program has started to function and the business is getting better. Recall, in the paid version, we begin two topics - "Deconcentration and concentration of attention", devoted to the development of such an important parameter as the distribution of attention between several objects, and "NKVD, SS and occultism", which gives simply interesting information that, Less, quite definitely, it can act as a stimulus in development. You know, as it happens - you will read something interesting and from somewhere there is an interest in studying an object that, to put it mildly, previously caused no interest. So you can subscribe. The price is small, covering only the necessary costs and regulating our relationship with the mailing servers.

So, today the topic is a complex communication . To begin with, why and why should we consider this topic? All the arguments prepared by your intellect, at some critical moment, due to a certain psychological discomfort or overt pressure, may simply not work or in time they will not be able to be extracted from memory and applied.

For example, you defend your point of view in front of the person who suppresses you. Or you just got a check. Or you were detained by the police on the street. Or just a conversation that does not work out, but it's necessary to establish its current.

In general, there are a lot of situations in which the most important help can be rendered by a speech strategy called MIR . It is clear that you already guessed that this is an abbreviation, an abbreviation. We will decipher it, and then we will show the use of MPSU in some situations.

О - description of the opponent's behavior.

"You are so conversant that ..."

B - express your feelings and thoughts.

"... I just can not get together and say something sensible ..."

U - clarify the changes that suit you.

"... but if you reduce the pathos of your speeches by a half-ton ..."

P - consequences.

"... then to our mutual pleasure we will find a solution that will suit both of us!".

For example, you ran into the police. They, of course, behave aggressively. And the next phrase, as practice showed, has a truly magical effect.

"Look, you are somehow too zealous to carry out your duties, that I am even a little confused, but if we begin to talk more calmly and respectfully to each other, then you will find in my face the most sincere help and be able to perform your Hard work ".

By the way, only to pronounce the phrase you need without the slightest hint of irony or banter, and then the effect of its application can turn out somewhat different.

Suppose you went to a venerable bureaucrat, who in every way does not want to solve your problem, and even talks so that he just freaks you out. Of course, it's easier to yell at him, threatening with newspapers and an accidental meeting in a dark alley. And thus to give him a certain pleasure, but not a jot to approach the positive result. And you can say something like, "You are so expert in the conversation that it is difficult for me, an inexperienced person, to object to something or somehow clarify the situation, but if we try to translate the conversation into a concrete and constructive channel, then you can help me too , And show yourself as a true statesman. "

You know, I was taught this technology by my friends from the KGB, when I had a certain relationship with the so-called OBEP. "Relations" have arisen from scratch, but once emerged, the oblepniki decided to squeeze at least something of their situation and let them fine and somehow unleash me. Usually they like to fly like crows, to press psychologically, to take advantage of the confusion of a person and the fact that he does not know all the laws and on their basis violate them, proceeding from the immortal "winners do not judge".

It is clear that at one time the most beautiful phrase, compiled according to the MIA method, did not work. But after the third phrase the situation still changed radically. Hence the conclusion -

Apply the method as long as the method does not work. And sooner or later it will necessarily work .

And as a supplement, one very beautiful phrase, I use it often, I am sure that you will also need it. Agree, how often you need to be able to say "no", but something stops to say it right away. And sometimes even there is no firm confidence in the finality of the answer. In general, it happens differently. And the phrase comes to the rescue:

"Now I will answer you" no ", but if you give me a little time to think, my answer may be different."

Note, "maybe", which does not mean "necessarily".

I hope that what you have said will come in handy. The main thing is just to try everything in real life. And the first successes will give impetus to the study of some more sophisticated techniques. And we will try to give you something very useful and practical.

But for now, that's all. We remind you that the admission to the correspondence course "MEMORY. INTELLIGENCE. SUCCESS". In his framework, by the way, a book and a disk "Autotraining. Mental Self-Regulation. Revolution of the intellect. Start…". Once the beginning, then there will be continuation. Well, and the book "Forced mastery of languages" is forcedly added and will soon be released too. But within the course of the course it will cost much less. It's a hint.

Good luck to all in everything!

'Secrets of Intelligence in Special Services'-57

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 57. News and the beginning of very useful and effective psychotechnics.


I suspect that many are subscribed to my other newsletters, so I will give news information concisely. Basically it concerns the reasons for the delay in the delivery of the mailing.

1. Conducted an exit course, 4 days, the result is beautiful. The listeners are satisfied, I am pleased, and two of them noted that they attended a variety of courses and came to the conclusion that my - so far the best. Extremely pleasant.

2. I tried in Minsk to hold a full-time seminar on Autotraining and Mental Self-Regulation. The course fell through with a decent bang. Not in terms of methodology and material, but in terms of attendance. But the conclusions I have made are very important and instructive.

- On the two-day course, the first three lessons were mastered. You can get acquainted with them in previous issues. Let me remind you that these are preparatory exercises, quick relaxation and warmth in the hands. I will add that you can learn these lessons without a teacher. So almost all these brave heroes who dared to attend the seminar, a day or two later called back and were surprised to share the fact that they had a variety of pains and sores (for example, one student noted that the simple doing of these exercises led to the fact that she refused From the services of a massage therapist about back pain, they passed), they began to sleep better and get enough sleep, and generally a lot of pleasant things.

- It is clear that the majority of those who attended the seminar, my students, who had already completed full-time and correspondence courses in the course "Memory. Intelligence. Success". They were convinced that adding autotraining and psychic self-regulation gave them the opportunity to improve their results so much that they do not understand where they came from. The most interesting thing is that one of them, who began to study the book, received an impressive effect by doing only the first exercise.

- The book on AT and AKP came out and I already started sending it to those students who ordered it. Of course, I included it in the course. You can order it and in addition to the course, but then its cost is slightly higher. The book is completed with two disks.

- The biggest harm to the spread of AT and AKP is caused by three-page publications in magazines like "Health", numerous publications on the Internet. Incidentally, during the publication of a series of lessons on AT and the AKP, I received letters in which I was dismissed with indulgence, indulgence and with some degree of disdain that "there is nothing to build a guru, write about supposedly" secret knowledge, "this good Everywhere in bulk. " You know, I do not even know what to say in this case. Purely everything looks like. But only externally. What we give is simple. What is often published is primitive. Distinguish the difference? And in many publications on this topic, the authors add something of a kind, esoteric, mystical, connection with the Cosmos, the astral and everything else, which further confuses the matter. We do not claim exclusivity and Gurianism, but after viewing the mass of publications we came to the conclusion that ours is very good.

In addition, one very interesting technique was demonstrated on the course, to which I will devote the next two issues. The first one will be very short. This is an introductory exercise. I'll just describe it, you do it. And in the next issue I will comment on it and say what to do with it all. Giving something more now - knocking you off with pantaliku. I do not even say the purpose of this exercise. Just trust and follow it.

Exercise takes 1 minute. If possible, do it with someone else in pairs. If not, write down the following on the tape recorder or tape recorder: "Start - 10 seconds - 20 seconds - ... - 1 minute". That is a simple timekeeping. Do and watch the stopwatch can not, you can not concentrate. It goes without saying that the second participant of the experiment will just do the same, timekeeping.

And during this minute you just slowly squeeze your fingers into a fist. Not abruptly, but so slowly. The time marks every 10 seconds will allow you to navigate. That's the whole exercise.

By the way, you can describe the sensations. Again, I will not suggest anything.

I want to say that this exercise - the tip of a huge iceberg, which is hidden "under water" - will be considered in the next issue in a couple of days, when most still compress their fingers.

I want to apologize to those who signed for paid mailing, in May I will catch up with all the issues. One consolation is that the issues turn out to be interesting. But I can release them for the time being only with the administrator, and he is away. One of these days it will appear and everything will go down in a rut.

We remind you that we continue to accept applications for the course "Memory. Intelligence. Success ", in which there are already seven books and nine audio applications. In a month I will finish "Forced mastery of foreign languages".

Good luck to all in everything!

'Secrets of Intelligence in Special Services'-58

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 58. So why did they clench the fist?


To admit, the previous issue and the reaction to it gave rise to certain doubts about the topic. After all, such experiments are conducted only on some kind of full-time employment, under the guidance of an experienced specialist. Because with all external simplicity, this is an extremely effective technique. "What is the technique of?", You ask. A little patience, soon everything will clear up. And I will be very pleased if you use this technique.

But first about the reader's reaction to the proposal in the last release to squeeze the fingers of a fist in one minute. By the way, I wonder, but how many people did this trick?

Here are some letters of reaction.

1. At some point there was a feeling that at first some, and then all fingers, as it were, "by themselves".

2. At some point, there was a sense of discreteness of movements.

3. After the end of the run time, it was difficult to unclench fingers. Here, however, a special topic, because it was impossible to exert excessive effort. Small - yes, but do not twist your fingers. Another explanation will be later.

Now answer this question - what did you think about during the exercise? Most likely, nothing, or rather, only about the exercise, that is, about how you squeeze your fingers. All extraneous thoughts are gone, all the deeds and worries were left somewhere ...

In general, I will not say anything special, but this exercise is one of the best means of self-hypnosis, independent entry into a trance. It is in this, among other things, the explanation that some people could not immediately after the passage of a minute to unclench their fingers.

And how to use it? And for what? To enable resources.

Now more. Consider the options for different situations, especially as some have specific requests for a solution. I will describe the situation from the pronoun "You", without offense, it's just that simple.

1. You are terribly lost before talking with your boss or contacting official bodies like the police, taxation, etc. You are not guilty of anything, there is nothing for you, but still you feel uneasy. And you lose confidence in yourself.

2. You all know the subject matter, but the eerie excitement in the exam literally paralyzes you.

3. You show good results in training, but the results for some reason are worse in competitions ...

4. You argued about something, the dispute did not end in your favor, the conversation was over, and, as luck would have it, strong and convincing arguments began to come, but "the train has already left" ...

5. You, in the end, just not true to yourself. Generally or in some situations.

There are a lot of such situations. You can think a little and find some specific problem of your own.

But in fact you have a huge potential. Remember the situation of lifting your abilities, your skills, your strength. Remember the moments when you succeeded, everything worked out for you. Joyful feeling of success and good luck. It happened like that too, is not it? And failure, uncertainty, luck, and confidence - all this was with the same person - with you.

You just need to be able to "turn on" the right state.

In NLP, this is called "anchoring". At its core, what I propose is also "anchoring". Unless this method, associated with the compression of the fist, is much more effective. It is not so widely distributed, I was once taught to him by one specialist from another school. Since then I use what I offer you.

That is, put the "anchor" on the inclusion, a kind of trigger. We will write down all of the items.

1. Analyze what has been said, and remember the situation when you were, as they say, "on horseback." Visualize it. Be sure to evoke and experience the sensations of success, luck, the necessary state. The key word is "survive".

2. It's not always that it turns out, it's somehow remembered vaguely, there is a feeling that it's impossible to survive again with the same level of sensations ... Not all of this is observed, but still a fairly large number of people. I'm including. And here the magic power of art comes to the rescue. You can try to "get accustomed" to any image that, in your opinion, fully corresponds to the stereotype of behavior you need in any situation. Again, from personal experience - I have the greatest annoyance and negative emotions arise when dealing with all sorts of boors and insolent officials. And then I remembered the scene from The Dog's Heart, the arrival of the house committee headed by Shvonder to Professor Preobrazhensky. That's what I was able to "survive" to the maximum extent. The roots of the fact that we often very well get to "get used" in "someone else's skin" is, evidently, in a deep childhood. Remember how often we imagined ourselves as different heroes ...

3. When the situation model, the necessary sensations are "ripe", it's time to put the "key".

4. You do it in a calm environment, try to relax and calm down. Visualize the situation, trigger the sensations and begin to clench the fist. At the same time, you can even say some setting formulas like "when my fist clenches, I ...", and instead of dots something concrete like "I will remember everything that is necessary to pass the exam" or "I will be extremely calm and collected." If there are specific requests, then in the next issue I will give some more formulas.

5. It is highly desirable as a visualization (includes the right hemisphere), and a verbal designation (the left hemisphere turns on).

6. Compression of the fist will allow you to enter a state of self-hypnosis, sufficient to ensure that the installation of the "key" was successful. This technique is somewhat different from traditional NLP techniques in that it is available to almost any person and without any preliminary preparation.

7. Now, as necessary, you can start the "key" by starting to clench the fist. Mechanisms that will trigger the desired state are included. Look like that's it.

Again, if there are requests, then in the next issue I will give a few more options for stating "keys". Because if you put a "key" on a particular situation, then something else you can not hang on to this "key". We need another mechanism.

I successfully use the key "Professor Preobrazhensky" put in, I was convinced of its effectiveness many times. And here's another observation. Over time, my overall "moral" tone improved, as I began to get used to the called state. And now often in some situations I start to deal with problems without a key.

The same and you I wish, put "keys" and use.

It may happen that one time it does not work out, then try again. But actually the technique is so effective that it starts to work right away. Therefore it is desirable after the first installation of the "key" to make an attempt to verify the effectiveness of its operation. Which, however, does not mean that you need to start looking for adventure. You just turn on the "key" and make sure that you are in the right state.

I hope that you said it was necessary. I want to say that in our course "Memory. Intelligence. Success "(yes, yes, it's advertising) a lot of simple, interesting and effective techniques. So order, especially since a few more class books such as "Forced language acquisition" are being prepared for publication. And this, as you understand, will lead to an increase in the price (there will simply be more books) and it will be more difficult to acquire it for their financial considerations. In addition, the circulation of the following books will be much less, and be adjusted to the number of customers of the Course.

More or less the output of the paid version of the mailing was adjusted. The expectations of the signatories will not be deceived, because now the material is already relatively interesting, and in a couple of months the exclusive, the results of one of our joint work with one of the best psychologists of Belarus will go. The nature of the work will not imply broad publication. So subscribe!

Good luck to all and in everything!

'Secrets of intelligence development in special services'-59

Newsletters Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services

Issue. 59. Once again about the keys and start to develop the power of the look.


Let's start right away with an answer to the letters, which contain a fair reproach that the author "intentionally hides part of the issue, forcing thereby to subscribe to a paid issue." That is, the issue can not be read in some places. To her, unintentionally! Newsletters are published on three servers, and some of them actually lose part of the text. There is a suspicion that on In this case, the most reliable is to visit our site on the ARCHIVES page and download the release from there. In addition, all the latest issues of all newsletters appear on the homepage of the site.

I apologize, but there is no intention in this.

Now about the last two issues, which dealt with the installation of keys or, as they are also called, anchors. This is a very effective thing. It is in this or similar performance. I will explain what I mean.

Several letters came, indicating that there was nothing special about this, the usual NLP reception. In general, yes, but ... The fact is that the proposed variant is the strongest version of self-hypnosis, which can be conducted by any person without any training or preliminary preparation.

Usually on the courses of NLP, which are now divorced a great many anchors are advised to put it as if in passing, catch the moment and so on. I'm not sure that this always works reliably.

... Somehow I had to give a lecture in one room, I came early, the hall was still busy. In it, the training "Russian model of effective seduction" was held. Leaders I liked. I have always been sympathetic to cheerful scams and crooks. But as for receptions ...

It is clear that in some cases they can bring success. Especially if the object of seduction does not mind. Then all these techniques can even amuse this very object.

The contingent of training doubts did not leave in that they have to work on something else to work first, and not about seduction to think.

But the cost of the training aroused respect. Too psychologically true - a good thing should cost dearly.

So you should not think that a variety of psychological techniques are given easily. And techniques that anyone can master, are valued for the weight of gold. With all the external simplicity, they are extremely effective. And I note that it's about simplicity, not primitive. One of my favorite phrases is "Simplicity, not past the stage of complexity, is a primitive." We are writing about simple things.

So, once again about this reception - the slow compression of the fist, the benefit of another explanation is asked by many readers to give. The points.

1. Record to a tape recorder or simply ask someone to say the timestamps every 10 seconds.

2. To recall and relive the situation in which you were absolutely confident in yourself, experienced the moment of recovery, kept the bird-luck at the tail. It is quite possible to identify yourself with some literary or film image. And the main thing is that this experience should be maximum in intensity. In general, completely immerse yourself in the situation.

3. During this experience, you clench your fist. Slow. Without effort and excessive stress. This compression will allow you not to be distracted by something else.

4. Return the fingers to their original position.

5. Now that you need it, you will begin to slowly clench your fist and with a high degree of probability turn on your resources, as it was in the situation you were experiencing. The reliability of such a key is very high.

And now start a new topic.

... Just now I had to meet with Vladimir, and it so happened that he was at that time talking with one person. I do not know what he did or was about to do, that's not the point. I noticed his eyes. Under such a look, lying and wriggling was simply unrealistic.

Then I remembered another episode. We somehow later walked with Volodya in the park near his house. There was a flock of small "kings of the district" with some kind of traditional request like "let me smoke" or "give money, a little is not enough." And behaved quite brazenly. Moreover, several people became behind.

Volodya did not show a certificate or demonstrate the techniques of combat sambo. He just looked at the defective. They quickly faded away and retired with a sporting step.

In general, I asked him:

- Are you being taught or taught by nature and are selected for this parameter?

Volodya said that mysticism or something of such a power in the eye there, just need to be able to "include" it. And often it happens that some people do it as if it's a malfunction.

Unlike the technique associated with the compression of the fist, here, nevertheless, training is needed. And the main thing is the ability to concentrate.

For those who have passed or passed our course on Mental Self-Regulation, the development of the power of view will be given without effort, as some applied moment. But you can just do the training with the power of a look.

The technique of turning on the power of the look is as follows. You need to focus on your eyes, breathe deeply, transfer the respiratory tension into your eyes, then clearly look into the pupils of the person, how to penetrate into the center of the brain and imagine not some verbal order, and it is the action that a person must perform. How to mentally give him an order or an assignment.

It is interesting that such a technique was used by the famous trainer Durov, who made the animal look at something. True, Durov always took into account the possibilities of the animal and did not ask, say, a dog, to extract the square root of 16.

I, by the way, tried it on my Barsik. It does not always work, but still Barsik orders more often. And this despite the fact that cats - animals are wayward and walk by themselves. The order should not contradict the cat's attitude and make the cat an obedient servant. But ordering to drink water from one of the three pots - this is quite.

It does not always work, because I just started to train myself. Volodya chuckles, but he follows the trainings. Then he promised to give more technology to reflect such views.

The very essence of training I will publish in the next issue, three days later. While it is necessary to prepare. I note that training takes no more than 10 minutes a day.

And now our news.

1. We are going to spend a group on deprivation of sleep under Minsk. Together with Igor Zheldak, a well-known expert on this issue, we will conduct a one-week training, during which a person will develop a sleep regime 4-5 hours a day with excellent rash and well-being. The system for developing such a regime is simple, but it is unrealistic to fulfill it in everyday conditions. By the way, the system, which we will give, is somewhat reminiscent of the Burmese sattipathanu. I once read a book about her. Also everything is simple, but go do it without removing it from the bustle and help of the instructor.

2. As part of the correspondence course, the book "Autotraining. Mental Self-Regulation. Revolution of the intellect. Start…". If there is a beginning, then there will be a continuation. The continuation will concern the attention, memory, and especially the inclusion of the resources and reserves that each of us has.

3. The book "Forced mastery of foreign languages" is being finalized. At the time of its completion, the printing house will order exactly as many copies as there are customers at the same time. For new customers, we will print it on the printer and bind it by hand, which at a price is understandable as it will affect. In addition, the more books will be in the course, the higher the price. Rationally order now, when it has not yet reached the full price of the course. And then order the rest as you go out.

4. More or less the issue of paid mailing has been improved.

So order and sign!

Good luck!

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

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