The smell of rosemary increases the memory capacity by 75%

Запах розмарина увеличивает объем памяти на 75%

Rosemary (Latin Rosmarinus) is a genus of perennial evergreen shrubs of the family Lumiaceae. Representatives of the genus are common in the Mediterranean and Europe.

According to B. Shishkin, the origin of the name Rosmarinus is not clear. According to one author, comes from two Greek words: rhops - low shrub and myrinos - balsamic. In another, less likely interpretation, from the Latin words ros - dew and marinus - seaside.

Rosemary is widely used in folk medicine for several centuries. Even in ancient Greece, students wore his twig in the hair on the eve of the exams.

Botanical description

The smell of rosemary increases the memory capacity by 75%

Kingdom: Plants, Department: Angiosperms, Class: Dicotyledons, Order: Color-clear, Family: Clear, Rod: Rosemary

Calyx ovate-campanulate, two-horned, bifid; Upper lip with three short prongs; Lower bidentate, trilobate, with a large middle lobe. Two stamens, anthers are single-nosed. Leaves opposite, narrowed, linear.

Rosemary is an evergreen Mediterranean shrub. Its name dates back to the Latin ros marinus (sea dew) and was given to him not accidentally: rosemary grows on the seashore, in spray of sea foam. That is why the ancient Greeks and Romans dedicated it to the birthless Aphrodite (Venus) and believed that a wonderful plant can make a person happy, save from evil dreams and keep youth.

They believed that it improves memory.

The reference to rosemary is also in Shakespeare's Hamlet, when Ophelia states:

"Here is the rosemary, for the memory; I ask you, love and remember. "

Studies show that this plant contains ursolic acid - a substance that fights free radicals that damage the brain with age. There are also other acids in it that prevent the DNA molecules from damaging the radicals.

And rosemary prevents the disintegration of acetylcholine, a chemical that serves as fuel for brain cells responsible for memory and communication.

Several serious scientific experiments have shown that rosemary essential oil increases the chance of memorizing complex new information by 60-75%. In any case, it was precisely so that the ratings in the memory tests and attentiveness were higher for those who were given them to breathe before the exam.

Why is this happening?

A cool magazine for experts in psychopharmacology The Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology suggests that the cause is in the compound 1,8-cineole. It is found in rosemary, and there is evidence that it improves memory performance.

Scientists advise to inhale rosemary extract before performing important tasks. If you do this, then the time of important meetings, negotiations and interviews will begin to experience less stress, and the speed and accuracy of thinking will grow at least a half times. The mood will also improve.

The higher the concentration of 1,8-cineole in the blood, the better the results!

Modern phytotherapy uses rosemary as a mild anesthetic, which relieves migraine and abdominal pain.

Maybe it's time to buy it?