Seven Years of Human Life

Семилетние циклы жизни человека

Man is a living, reasonable social being, a subject of socio-historical activity and culture. The distinctive features of a person, determining his uniqueness on the planet Earth, are his consciousness, the ability to think and the ability to exercise free choice, to take responsibility for actions, the existence of moral judgments. Describing a person, note his biological inappropriateness, the lack of specialization of his organs for any particular simple animal existence, the ability to produce tools, fire, and use them, the gift of speech, the plasticity of behavior. It is not known any other creature that has higher emotions, traditions, the ability to think, assert, deny, count, plan, know about its mortality, love in the true sense of the word, has a sense of humor, realizes its plans, reproduces what is available and creates what It's new. A person studies and changes both the surrounding world and himself, develops culture and creates his own history. The essence of man, his origin and purpose, his place is the main issues of philosophy, religion, science and art.

Age periodization - the periodization of human development from birth to death, the definition of the age boundaries of stages in human life, the system of age stratification adopted in society. Each seven-year cycle ends with a certain crisis, a turning point, a situation that will necessarily require certain costs ...

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The human life is cyclical and it is connected with the figure seven. Each seven-year cycle ends with a certain crisis, a turning point, a situation that will necessarily require certain costs: physical, intellectual, emotional, and others. This turning point is the conductor to the next cycle. For a lifetime a person goes through a certain number of seven-year cycles, which differ in their characteristics.

0 to 7 years

Strong communication with the mother. Horizontal knowledge of the world. Creating feelings. The smell of the mother, the milk of the mother, the voice of the mother, the warmth of the mother, the kisses of the mother are the first sensations. The period, as a rule, ends with hatching out of the protective cocoon of maternal love and the discovery of a more or less cold rest of the world.

From 7 to 14 years old

Strong communication with the father. Vertical knowledge of the world. Creation of personality. The father becomes a new exclusive partner, an ally in opening the world outside the family cocoon. The father is expanding the protective family cocoon. The father becomes a guide. Mother was loved, father should be adored.

From 14 to 21 years old

Riot against society. Cognition of matter. Creation of intelligence. This is a crisis of adolescence. There is a desire to change the world and destroy existing structures. Young people attack the family cocoon, then society as a whole. The teenager seduces everything that "rebels" - loud music, romantic relations, the desire for independence, flight, communication with marginalized youth groups, anarchist values, a systematic denial of old values. The period ends with the exit from the family cocoon.

From 21 to 28 years old

Entry into society. Stabilization after the riot. Having failed with the destruction of the world, it is integrated into it, wanting at first to be better than the previous generation. Searches for more interesting work than parents. Finding a more interesting place of life than your parents. Trying to create a happier couple than your parents. Choosing a partner and creating a hotbed. Creating your own cocoon. Period usually ends in marriage.

From that moment the man fulfilled his mission and finished the first protective cocoon.

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The end of the first square 4х7 years

After the first square, which ends with the creation of its own cocoon, a person enters the second series of seven-year cycles.

28-35 years old

Creation of the hearth. After marriage, apartments, cars there are children. Values ​​are accumulated inside the cocoon. But if the first four cycles were not successfully passed, the hearth collapses. If the relationship with the mother was not lived properly, she would be vexing her daughter-in-law. If his father, too, he will begin to interfere in the affairs of a young couple. If a rebellion against the society has not survived, there is a risk of conflict at work. 35 years - the age in which a badly ripened cocoon often explodes. Then there are divorce, dismissal, depression, psychosomatic illnesses. Then the first coco should be discarded and ...

35-42 years

Everything starts from scratch. After the crisis, a person enriched by previous experience and mistakes, reconstructs the second cocoon. It is necessary to revise the relationship to the mother, family, father, maturity. This is the period when divorced men appear mistresses, and divorced women - lovers. They are trying to perceive what they expect, no longer from marriage, but from the opposite sex.

Relations with society should also be reviewed. From now on, work is not chosen from the point of view of its security, but by how interesting it is, or because of the free time it leaves. After the destruction of the first cocoon a person always feels the desire to create the second as soon as possible. A new marriage, a new job, a new relationship. If the disposal of parasitic elements has passed safely, a person should be able to restore a similar, rather than an improved cocoon. If he does not understand the past mistakes, he will restore exactly the same shell and will come to exactly the same lesions. This is what is called "running around in circles." From now on all cycles will only be a repetition of the same mistakes.

42-49 years

The conquest of society. As soon as the second, improved cocoon is restored, a person can learn the fullness of life in marriage, family, work, own development. This victory leads to two new types of behavior.

If a person is important signs of material prosperity: more money, more comfort, more children, more lovers or lovers, more power, he continually increases and enriches his new improved cocoon.

If a person goes to conquer new territories, namely spiritual ones, the true creation of his personality begins. Logically, this period must end with a crisis of self-awareness, an existential question. Why am I here, why am I living, what should I do to make life acquire meaning other than material wealth?

49-56 years

Spiritual revolution. If a person managed to create or recreate his cocoon and be realized in the family and work, he, naturally, feels a desire to acquire wisdom. Henceforth, the last adventure begins, the spiritual revolution. The search for spirituality, if they are conducted honestly, without falling into the ease of grouping or ready-made ideas, will never be finished. They will take the rest of their lives.

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The end of the second square 4х7 years

NB 1: Further development continues along a spiral. Every seven years a person goes up one turn and again goes through the same issues: relations with his mother and father, attitude towards rebellion against society and the family.

NB 2: Sometimes some people purposely crash in family relationships or at work to be forced to start all the cycles anew. In this way, they try to avoid or postpone the moment when they have to go to the spiritual phase, because they are afraid to face themselves face to face.

We will analyze each year in a seven-year cycle

Every year in the seven-year cycle passes under the sign of a certain heavenly body, which has its unique influence on human life. Calendar year, in this situation, the concept of relative, for each individual person a year may be a little longer or slightly shorter, but you still have the ability to track what cycle you are now. After a lapse of seven years, the cycle begins again.

The first year of the cycle is influenced by Mars

Mars brings physical endurance, strength for physical development. Also, Mars strengthens health, gives a chance to cure illnesses. But in every way contributing to the physical, Mars can dull the intellectual. Also in this year, aggressiveness, fighting qualities may increase, which will lead to rash actions, lead to the impossibility of making compromises.

The second year of the seven-year cycle is influenced by Saturn

A person, as it were, cools, becomes less aggressive. It's time to accumulate experience, but it does not pass painlessly, because we still more often get experience from our mistakes. These errors are not so terrible, and do not lead to an extraordinary state of affairs, since Saturn not only gives the opportunity to gain experience, but it gives strength for analysis and reflection.

The third year from the cycle is influenced by Mercury

In this year, the dominant position is occupied by intellect. Having the experience of the past, a person successfully learns to use it. Training is fruitful and active, giving the opportunity to develop not only intellectually, but also to increase entrepreneurship, communication skills. But, unfortunately, it happens that communication with people is of a mercantile nature, thus leading to the damage of friendly and family relations.

The fourth year of the cycle is influenced by the Sun

This time for rethinking, the formation of the individuality, which will remain with the person until the end of this seven-year period. There is a change in attitude to business, to people, there comes an understanding of what mistakes were made in the past. A person begins to realize that it is really valuable for him, what people are important in his environment. There are attempts to realize their place in the world.

The fifth year of the cycle is influenced by Jupiter

This is the period when a person grows psychologically, even rather does not grow, but grows up. The need for physical activity is reduced, but the mental remains on top. Of the dangers of the year under the sign of Jupiter is worth noting the fact that man is subject to errors of a philosophical nature, capable of unexpected, but sometimes false conclusions.

The sixth year passes under the influence of the Moon

Feeling a certain weight of intellectual experience of past years, a person strives to go into the realm of sensory perception of the world. The person answers questions not only, and not so much with the help of the intellect, but increasingly with the help of intuition, feels the birth of a previously unknown extrasensory beginning.

The seventh year passes under the influence of Venus

Increasing the emotional background leads to increased creative potential. This is a good time to realize yourself in the art world, as well as to search for the second half. But increasing emotionality can also lead to frustration in oneself, in a relationship.

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From the book by Bernard Verber "The Empire of the Angels" & & wiki